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Everything posted by wantahertzdonut

  1. There's every reason to still go, just allow for more time than you'd normally expect. Yellowstone is enormous and you just can't cover ground quickly. Take in the scenery when you're able. Lol, I've spotted a few guys out here with it too. I hope you have better luck than we did. Sent from the shitter using Tapatalk 2
  2. One more thing, don't expect to cover ground in anything that can be remotely considered good time in Yellowstone. After 2 days you'll be sick of seeing bison, but even more sick of people stopping in the middle of the road to look at one a mile away (something they tell you explicitly not to do). Also be careful of the brake checkers, and don't think you'll ever make it up to that 45mph speed limit. Someone from Utah is destined to be in front of you at some point and they can't get above 35, and the slow down for the most minute of turns.
  3. Rode the Beartooth Highway on 9/1/13. In a word, I'm disappointed. I first drove this road in 2002 in a Camry and had a great time. Great views, great turns, great memories. I swore I'd return in a better performing vehicle one day. I took my SV and we rode 2-up from Bozeman to Yellowstone NP's North Entrance, headed east toward Tower Roosevelt, and out toward the Northeast Entrance. We made a quick stop in Silver Gate for photos and water, and continued eastward. The road surface was decent but had a hard time taking in the scenery due to the massive crowding on the road. Not once were we even able to reach the speed limit and usually found ourselves stuck behind a minivan or SUV panic-braking every turn or dip. A stop at Top Of The World is a must, I think they have some claim to fame as one of the highest gas stations in the US or something to that effect. We rest and decide how to proceed. We're a long way out and it's already 4pm but find we're only 8 miles from the pass (our planned turn-around point) we decide to continue. However a few miles past we run into a major construction project where a bridge is being replaced. It's down to one lane for about a half mile through dirt and soft gravel with a generously timed traffic light regulating east-west traffic. It sets us back at least 20 minutes. We debate turning around again but at this point we're so far along, we're compelled to continue. After the one way traffic we are stuck behind a large group of traffic (including several trucks with boat trailers) lead by 5 cruisers that refuse to go any faster than 20 mph, creating that awful accordioning effect on the traffic behind. As we get into the switchbacks approaching the pass they only get slower and traffic stops several times. When the group pulls off it becomes obvious that some of the riders are having trouble with the altitude which explains the slow movement. The pass is almost 11,000' so this is a noteworthy issue. I notice it a little myself further on. The views at the top are great by any measure. At 10,947' they have to be!. I also get to answer an 11 year old question about the ski lift that comes up next to the road just past the pass. Turns out they have a summertime ski area that opens when the road opens in May and closes when the snow melts. Pretty cool, I'll go there one day with my board to check it out. Because of the excessive traffic, I can't say this road lives up to the hype of being "#1 motorcycle road in the US". I realize Labor Day Weekend had much to do with it, but we've been encountering heavy traffic everywhere out here. To sum it up, do it if you're out this way. Plan on devoting an entire day to just the highway, especially if you're going out and back. Stop and take pictures. Expect to get a long time to gaze at the back of the slow moving Chrysler 200 with Utah plates in front of you. Be careful of oncoming traffic especially near the pass. They may not be watching the road or may be experiencing poor judgement due to the altitude. Top Of The World for snacks and water Looking east Us shot Some parts are pretty desolate The top of Beartooth Basin Ski Area
  4. I wonder if some of the rider's friends and family will be visiting two rooms in said hospital...
  5. Two new updates to the blog. Still behind but catching up slowly but surely http://jimandangelatravel.wordpress.com/
  6. Big update to the blog, although still behind. At least I got all the ones that have been waiting since Michigan thanks to lousy or nonexistent internet. http://jimandangelatravel.wordpress.com/ Currently in SD and loving it. Found one of the best driving roads I've ever been on and there's more to check out. Will have more to post in the next day or two.
  7. Been behind on updates as usual but trying to catch up. There are a few updates to the blog with more ready to go once Angela finishes a entry. Weather in MI sucked so we moved on. Now we're in North Dakota. Heading toward South Dakota tomorrow. Lots of good riding out that way, I hear.
  8. Glad your wife and kid are ok. But you're right, texting while driving is an epidemic. I see it everywhere and it's terrifying. Usually it's the guy driving 5 under and getting slower the further he gets from a light, sometimes it's the guy weaving between lanes. But sometimes it's the guy that blows the light at the intersection. When I was driving to work, I'd lose count of people who are looking at their phones and not at the road. It's so bad that it's distracting me because I'm glaring at everyone who is texting and not focusing myself!
  9. The accident sucks and a nurse friend that lives in FL says it happens all the time. Too many elderlies driving around and not seeing what they need to. She says many riders don't survive, let alone walk away like this guy did. It's a lesson learned for everyone. I'm glad to see he's alright.
  10. I've had this in my head for a couple weeks but forgot the bike won't be available here for a while. And I have a friend knocking on my door that wants to buy my Tuono. Debating selling it for one of these but would really like an R model with upgraded suspension, brakes, and lightweight wheels. Hmmmm...
  11. Have you made it there yet? I'm going there in a couple weeks, I'm curious as to how it is weather-wise.
  12. Max- Yes, it's heavy. Thanks for following! Madcat- That sucks about the blowout. Glad it didn't turn into an incident. I do have a spare for the trailer. I also got a bottle jack to lift the axle. I didn't get that till we got into New Hampshire and I was terrified at the thought of flatting out and not being able to change it. Per your advice I will look into getting a second spare. Just uploaded another update. I have more to type up which I will do my best to get done tonight. I have some work to do to the truck this morning, and that'll be an update in itself.
  13. Yeah mine is 7300 empty! Sent from the shitter using Tapatalk 2
  14. I'm getting 10.8 in most conditions. However I have the trailer in for brake and axle service (more about that will be in the blog shortly) and I'm addressing some issues with the truck that will hopefully bump that up a little. Sent from the shitter using Tapatalk 2
  15. Is this update also responsible for removing the Local ap? Sent from the shitter using Tapatalk 2
  16. Thanks all! More to come on the blog. Just didn't want to make 3 posts in one night.
  17. 2 new posts in the blog with more to come hopefully tonight after dinner. http://jimandangelatravel.wordpress.com/
  18. I'd buy one in a flash if I had room to store it. I always thought they were cool and I did see a few running around Cleveland when I was there. None so far in New England which has been a surprise. Sent from the shitter using Tapatalk 2
  19. Two new updates to the blog. http://jimandangelatravel.wordpress.com/ We're a bit behind on these but catching up.
  20. Late update today, http://jimandangelatravel.wordpress.com/ Now in New Hampshire. Will have photos and more to write tomorrow. I think we have a reliable internet connection for once.
  21. Yes we are. More towards fall. I'll keep you posted Sent from the shitter using Tapatalk 2
  22. How about indefinitely like every other forum I'm on.
  23. We're touring Acadia NP right now, but it's cold and wet at the park. I'll have a blog update in the next day or two, I'm waiting for something good to happen so it doesn't sound like I'm whining all the time. Right now it's too foggy to see anything. Riding was great, roads are nice, but with no visibility it's like riding through the Cleveland Metroparks.
  24. I laugh when I hear people say they outgrew their middleweight bike. You need to find better riding situations if you think that's the case. I have not one but two SVs and I certainly haven't outgrown them in 4 years and nearly 30k miles between them. I have a literbike too and I can tell you I have way more fun on the SVs. And my Tuono is much more comfy than an R1. Put your money towards track days instead. You have the best track day bike already. Sent from my DROID RAZR HD while sitting in the woods of Maine.
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