HD did make some concept 4cyl sportbikes back in the AMF era, and I think they were put on display during the 100 or 105 anniversary. I think they were called HD Alphas or something along those lines. The designs were rejected and the bikes hidden away in storage. Riding really is all about what makes you feel good. I only mock HD's when I get the stereotypical attitude which is rare since you don't see many on the track on winding roads. The few that I do see have very enthusiastic owners who are usually quite cool. I do smile when I see a bagger coming around a turn followed by sparks. It means they're trying! While I haven't owned any HD models, I've rented a few over the years because I have a phenomenal experience with the dealer rental staff. It's not cheap but I think the customer service is second to none. So usually if I'm renting a bike on vacation, I head to the HD dealer. With that said, I don't think I'd buy one because I'd spend the whole time trying to make it into a sportbike. Plus that whole 600lb+ weight is a stopping point. I know there was the FXDX that at least looked appealing, and an XR1200 seems like it would be fun to ride, but they're still so heavy that it's a turnoff. I would consider an old Sportster 1000 only because that guy who shows up to some Motoseries events has a highly modded one and I know he's having a blast. I certainly wouldn't kick his bike out of my garage. But again I'd look into making it lighter and getting a modern fork on there. And then I'd only be too tempted to put a Rotax twin in it...