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Everything posted by wantahertzdonut

  1. I'm assuming it didn't but I don't want to plunk down a lot of money for something that won't pass. I'll try a dealer tomorrow. Kiss my ass!
  2. I'm looking at a 1997 F350 with a diesel. It has an aftermarket exhaust and no catalytic convertor. I'm not sure if that will pass the visual inspection at the E-Check station however. I'm trying to determine if the truck was originally equipped with one but have been having a hard time confirming. The engine has a sticker that states the emissions control system includes "ECM, TC, DI, OC". I think "OC" means "oxygen catalyst" but not positive. If so, does that mean this truck was equipped with a catalytic convertor and I would need to install one if I buy the truck to pass E-Check? Would a Ford dealer be able to confirm this?
  3. We had a great time Saturday, brought a newbie along and got him going alright. Nice meeting a few of you in person, sorry I missed Kevin and Steve. So it sounds like they got the track patched? I guess we can start taking bets on where the next pothole will open up. See you all at the end of the month. I'll be celebrating my layoff at the track.
  4. Mine is a Trugel too. I was able to get a Shorai from OH MC, and I have a friend picking it up for me this afternoon. If there's any hicups with this one I'll just bring my Tuono.
  5. Ok, got a problem. Does anyone have a spare battery they could loan me that will fit a first gen SV650? My piece of shit Bikemaster battery I bought at the beginning of last season has shit the bed and I don't think I'll be able to get a Li-Ion battery delivered in time, unless a local shop carries them. I'll try to get a battery from one of my other bikes to fit but I think they're too tall to get the seat on.
  6. I have gone once and they weren't there. It was a sad, sad say! I'll have to come find you and meet up in person. I'll have a faded green ez up and open trailer, black 4Runner with bumper stickers on the windows. A friend of mine is potentially coming now so I may have my yellow SV and a silver F4i.
  7. Anyone know if the Bistro will be open Saturday? And will there be a lunchtime lapping session?
  8. I have a couple for Suzukis. I'm not sure if they'll work on all bikes but you're welcome to try.
  9. Finally got signed up, but can't do the race school or Angela will be lonely all day. June. Count on it.
  10. Nelson's facilities aren't bad. According to my girlfriend, they're waaay less terrifying than Grattan's. Sorry.
  11. I've seen a handful over the years. My first day at MO in 2008 had at least 3 in the Novice group.
  12. wantahertzdonut


    That looks like Prefumo Canyon Rd. outside of San Luis Obispo, CA
  13. I'm not a huge fan of such a thing, but if it gets more people on 2 wheels then I'm all for it. Remember, neither you nor I have to ride it!
  14. Where are those places? I've never heard of the castles or the Cox Arboretum.
  15. The 916. I just don't get it. The front just looks like some folded paper-halfass-afterthought.
  16. I got it too. Is CBS Sports a cable channel or a Sunday segment? (I don't have cable so I'm unaware of these things)
  17. Do you have the MotoGP videopass? I think they have archives going back 10-12 years or something like that.
  18. I was going to suggest the same thing since she's from the area. It's where I learned to ride, coincidentally on a 96 Bandit 600. Welcome to the site.
  19. HD did make some concept 4cyl sportbikes back in the AMF era, and I think they were put on display during the 100 or 105 anniversary. I think they were called HD Alphas or something along those lines. The designs were rejected and the bikes hidden away in storage. Riding really is all about what makes you feel good. I only mock HD's when I get the stereotypical attitude which is rare since you don't see many on the track on winding roads. The few that I do see have very enthusiastic owners who are usually quite cool. I do smile when I see a bagger coming around a turn followed by sparks. It means they're trying! While I haven't owned any HD models, I've rented a few over the years because I have a phenomenal experience with the dealer rental staff. It's not cheap but I think the customer service is second to none. So usually if I'm renting a bike on vacation, I head to the HD dealer. With that said, I don't think I'd buy one because I'd spend the whole time trying to make it into a sportbike. Plus that whole 600lb+ weight is a stopping point. I know there was the FXDX that at least looked appealing, and an XR1200 seems like it would be fun to ride, but they're still so heavy that it's a turnoff. I would consider an old Sportster 1000 only because that guy who shows up to some Motoseries events has a highly modded one and I know he's having a blast. I certainly wouldn't kick his bike out of my garage. But again I'd look into making it lighter and getting a modern fork on there. And then I'd only be too tempted to put a Rotax twin in it...
  20. If I'm laid off by then I'll consider going.
  21. I just usually prowl SVrider in the parts section. I haven't used it, but there is that underwater/gas proof epoxy stuff. It would be cheap and quick in the short term. If you weld it, be sure to flush the tank with water beforehand. Unless you want a big firey leak instead of the slow current one.
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