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Everything posted by mojocho

  1. Bought one. Lost a friend on the dragon. The rescue team had just left their post at the top for the day. Had they been there, he may still be with us.
  2. Interesting, but then why don't the brits use the middle finger as an explicitive? They actually use the middle and the first finger up while facing the back of the hand toward the intended person, kinda like a backward peace sign?
  3. I've had positive results, but not overwhelming. I use water wetter now. Did you "burp"the system?
  4. I'm still in Jackson Township. Near Fulton and Amherst. Def should ride.
  5. Hey Sam, I'm a solid maybe on joining this sausage fest. I moved to Massillon so it'd be a shame not to come over.
  6. I'm in for this meet-up! Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
  7. I'm in. Mark me down for med-fast group. Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
  8. Oh man....I really don't need a fourth Bell, but that race day looks sharp.. Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
  9. Do you know if you can take out? Daughter has gymnastics and son has swimming so I won't be able to make it. But maybe take out if the donation is valid.
  10. Fvck! Sorry to hear about this. I know what you are going through, so my deepest condolences.
  11. Same here. I have never used water or a hose. Pressure washer is a no-no.
  12. Another vote for the transition lens. I've got it on my Bell. It's not as dark as the dark smoke Shields but I agree with Sam, is plenty dark enough. I use it when I don't know if I may get stuck out at night. If it's sunny and I know I'll be back then I rock the mirrored shield or the dark smoke, depending on which helmet I'm wearing or if it's at the track.
  13. Great commentary. I understand the concept of proper lines and corner speed warnings. But I guess I can't trust that there won't be a deer, parked truck, or gravel; which we saw all of on the ride. Also coming up to a hill, you never know which way it will drop. I had a few oh shit moments when it went one way other than what I thought. I read the roads when you see one side rising and can guess that it'll go the opposite way, but it's not always consistent. There were a few spots with better visibility through the turns that i could keep you guys in my sights, but once it turned blind I'd throttle back. Then once you guys were out of sight I'd slow even more since i didn't have you guys as a reference. Guess I just have to ride the roads more. I wouldn't mind picking your brains more next time out. Regardless it was a great day of riding. I appreciate it.
  14. Good times gents. Thanks for letting me play. You guys are fast. I just can't get comfortable with the blond crests and turns. There were a few spots with better visibility where I wasn't falling as far behind, but man you guys just throw in with a lot of faith. Anyways. Good time. When the trooper up behind me, you guys were waiting past the intersection since I was at the light. I could feel him running my plates. Looked like you guys were taking off, which I don't blame you, so I pulled into the gas station to see if he was going to follow me. Looks like he decided to follow tpoppa instead. Catch you guys on the next ride.
  15. Check-in. Sun is up and fog is Rollin in
  16. Alright, I'm in. I'll see you guys at the Stop n Go in Wooster in the morning.
  17. Like I said, put it in storage. I pay $30/ month. I'd prefer the Transit Connect over the dodgy Dodge.
  18. OK, I'll confirm tomorrow. The 13th is the day for my annual memorial ride for a best friend we lost at the Gap. I might like the company this year.
  19. Yeah, all guys aren't turds. I've been married for 14 years so I'm pretty much 99% emasculated. She leaves me that 1% as "hope".
  20. Oh man...if I can find some one to take my kids to swim practice I'd like to join. Haven't had an all day ride yet this season. Which gas station is the meet up. Subscribed.
  21. mojocho

    Ear Plugs

    I get the Heros brand from Walmart. Comes with a handy plastic tube to store them in your jacket. Any ride over 20 minutes I always use plugs. After 20 minutes any hearing loss becomes permanent.
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