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Everything posted by LINK

  1. My wife drives a 2003 Elantra GT, bought new, it has over 160,000 miles on it now. It had a bad tie rod end, fixed under warranty, other than the typical maintenance and/or upkeep, that is the only issue we have had so far. I was completely against her getting this car because of it being a Hyundai, she insisted this is the car she wanted, and I was proven wrong about my thoughts on a Hyundai. The Sonata should be a great reliable car for you in my opinion. I have tried to get my wife to consider one, but she wants something with 4 wheel drive or all wheel drive instead.
  2. Not sure of your financial situation, but there are many great deals on V-twin sport bikes out there. I too am considering one to replace my 1125R. As others have mentioned there are a few red flags to consider on this TLS, in my opinion, I would walk away from this deal. Best of luck on your search!
  3. Rode 715 and 206 a week ago, and was not impressed with the road surface conditions at all, we took them pretty slow.
  4. Welcome to the site! Riding a big wheel or a tricycle around your yard would be a great place to ride drunk....make sure you get pics and video to post up....
  5. Welcome, West Marion County here...
  6. Stopped at a stop light on my 1125R, two city cops had a car pulled over on the right side of the road, a car wrecker flew by me through the red light, if I even flinched I would have been mush, no brakes just throttle could be heard after the near miss. I would have never known what hit me, I assume he was gawking at the car pulled over, and never seen the red light? I can not really explain how close he was to ass packing me, he had to only miss me by less than an inch, seriously if I would have moved the slightest bit my arm or something on the left side would have been removed. A semi pulled out in front of me on my Night Train, I finally got it stopped in time and then his rear tandems were coming right at me, I dismounted and leaned the bike over as far as I could without dropping it, and the rear tandems clipped my left foot peg. Tried to do the right thing and contacted the OHSP instead of confronting him, and they said there was nothing they could do. I wonder why road rage exists, I wish I handled it with my initial thought, but instead I tried to do it the right way instead, and nothing was done... Just a couple of my experiences, but there has been many others, my fault and others...
  7. LINK

    Saturday Ride

    Yep three of us too, great ride!
  8. That is awesome! Riding around Asheville, NC is great, next time I am down there maybe you can show me some of your favorite routes? I really like 694, not many people seem to know about that road, or they just don't use that route much. The last section just before it turns into a gravel road, I think at Dodd RD., on 197 is just amazing! There are many routes that I think are great, but I am sure there are several I have not found yet, or have not found time to check out. Best of luck on your next 100K!
  9. LINK

    SE Ohio this weekend

    I will be Northeast of you guys, 148, 556, 536 etc., and some others on the way home, probably Coshocton and Danville area.
  10. LINK

    Howdy folks

    Welcome to the site!
  11. STT-Brian, Good post, I get all of that. The point I was trying to make is I never thought the Japanese Motorcycle's would ever see Harley Davidson prices across the board, regardless of their much more advanced technology, or for any reason, not that they are not worth more than, or equal to an HD product. Just hard for me to accept, I guess I have just been spoiled throughout the years, that is all!
  12. It makes one wonder how or why motorcycle sales are down with prices like that. These prices are in Harley Davidson territory. I know completely different style of bike, but still the price of HD's has been a joke to some for years, now a 600 is breaching that price range? What really amazes me is some people will pay that price for one.
  13. Possibly riding Saturday and Sunday. Tpoppa, They brought the 1125R to my house, after looking it over more closely it is in fact a 2010 engine not a 2009, as I previously thought and stated. The oil site glass was covered by some lines and a drain tube, apparently with the rest going on I missed that....oops! Regardless the Lemon Law Case will continue, which really sucks cause the bike is loads of fun when it runs, just can't accept the problems anymore. I am sure the next owner will have better luck than me, that is how it usually turns out for me....LOL!
  14. LINK

    year miles?

    12K between the two bikes so far this year.
  15. Trust me all options are being considered, unless I come across an incredible deal, it will be a while until I get one, mid-winter or early spring.
  16. I have some time, so I am just starting to look at all my options. The new Tuono rumor is, they are getting the same engine as the RSV, and some new and improved updates, waiting to see if this is true. I have been looking hard at the Monster 1100, plenty of used smaller Monsters for sale, not so much for the 1100.
  17. Not real sure, I have not owned a smaller displacement motorcycle in a very long time, 20 years plus. A smaller displacement would suit me fine with my riding, but it seems I always go to the bigger bikes for some reason.
  18. Thats funny, a V is alot of fun, in my opinion!
  19. Thanks for the ideas, a Triumph Speed Triple has already been considered, even before I got the Z, not really considered the Street Triple much though.
  20. Not exactly sure on the details, I just knew of it and thought some might be interested in some year end racing. Yeah I could not pull it up either, something must be wrong with their site.
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