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Everything posted by what

  1. Can't make it. Have fun all and be safe. Might be able to go Tuesday...
  2. back protector makes things a little tighter but you get used to it, and start to feel naked when you don't wear it while riding.
  3. little or big, it's all down to perspective.
  4. I was racing that weekend.
  5. Oh yeah. I had to bring Dan his tire and had to trailer. I don't remember you being there. Sounds like lies a ghost would tell.
  6. I've been on a ride with him. Never with the esteemed admin.
  7. Clean bike, I can vouch for it as can most people that actually ride on these forums (so everyone except casper).
  8. VMD staging is starting today along with race prep/practice I believe. VMD starts tomorrow so there will definitely be people then...
  9. 90% in. Can confirm by 5pm tomorrow.
  10. real men only date women with facial hair that drink diesel fuel.
  11. I'll be there all day Saturday. I'll be putting around on my race bike, #802. (as a pit bike)
  12. until shit starts going wrong because old truck. then you're in it for much more than a 4x7 trailer. also insurance + yearly registration costs.
  13. what

    How much?

    If I were a billionaire I'd buy it just for the laughs. Because I would be dead inside, and bored with buying people to murder.
  14. applies to gatlinburg. NSFW language
  15. /shrug I just prefer to not ride in the rain. No traction = no fun.
  16. hope what just hit here is avoiding you guys up north, good grief.
  17. You may be on to something. Everywhere I went down there it rained. It was nice out when I got down to GA until I got on the bike and started heading towards blood mountain, then it started pouring. I'm cursed.
  18. we never got rained on in early june. this year was a slip & slide. i vote early june.
  19. There's talk. If I'm not stuck looking at models wearing next to nothing I'll probably head up for one of those 2 days.
  20. Loaded up the bike just in case. Will double check the weather at 4:45 tomorrow morning. If it looks good I'll head up, if it still says rain I'll see ya'll some other time.
  21. here's weather.com **both of these forecasts are for Lexington, which is like a mile away from Mid-O.
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