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Everything posted by what

  1. Eat light, drink lots of water. Bring bananas and electrolytes. You'll probably get leg cramps.
  2. Air in the line would make the brake spongey and not very functional. It shouldn't make it drag unless theres some weird ABS shenanigans at work.
  3. Real south east asian muscle
  4. @jacobhawkins and I are tossing around the idea of running PIRC on 6/2.
  5. what

    Pitt Race

    Is evolve running the same $99 deal for June 2/3 at PIRC?
  6. Down another 2lbs while adding more muscle. Curious where I'll be in a month for the Gap Trip at this rate. Hopefully I don't need to buy a new set of leathers this summer
  7. That turbo whistle... mmmmmmmmm
  8. there's river tubing across the street from the hotel I think. grab a beer and go float for a few hours.
  9. what

    Oh the irony.

    They are just scared of the looming nuclear apocalypse hanging over iran and israel, and by extension, the rest of us. If there's one thing I always felt like I missed out on by being born toward the end of the cold war, it was the ever-present threat of everything flashing itself out of existence in the blink of an eye at the whim of people I will never meet. I'm glad they brought it back.
  10. what

    Oh the irony.

    So we'll be pulling all of our military and hardware out of Europe then?
  11. You're probably losing muscle but your metabolism is still high enough that you haven't started gaining fat yet to replace it. Don't fall into the same trap I did last year Muscle is more dense than fat is what he means.
  12. what


    That you were. New bike in a new class though. Lorenzo used to be untouchable before he swapped to Ducati. Everything seems to have worked out this year and hopefully some sponsors see that and want some nice big sticker space on a potential championship bike and rider
  13. Down about 8lbs this past week because of work. I walked 40 miles and hardly ate anything. Glamorous production life.
  14. I'm bringing lots of fun with me this year. The Triumph and the CBR1k.
  15. Light bikes you can wring out in 2nd/3rd gear are a lot of fun in the tight stuff. I really want to ride a grom there...
  16. what


    Hell yeah. The biggest thing about the weekend was showing that Gavin can win. He'll have to push, if the KTMs remain unchanged, but he can win. Hopefully you guys can pick up some more cash sponsors now that you're standing on the podium.
  17. You'll be missed Steve. Thanks for taking all our money.
  18. My stepdad has really liked the Boxters he has had over the years. He took it to track days until he bought an old 935 for that exact purpose.
  19. I'll buy a new RST suit from you next spring. Need one to match the neon gloves...
  20. what


    Great race 2. Curious about the last 3 laps though.
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