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Everything posted by what

  1. That would be assault.
  2. Congrats to the new owner.
  3. yes you have to take off your white cloth glove and throw it on the ground in front of you
  4. 3 or 4 hot sweaty rides and it will start to loosen up a bit
  5. just checked Pitt's posted rules, nowhere does it say that they charge extra for pit bikes or scooters, it just says don't be a dumbass when using them for transport around the grounds and that they are permitted.
  6. it's $100 per "unlicensed vehicle" at mid ohio for anything other than vintage days and track days. pretty bullshit if tracks charge extra for pit bikes. I'm bringing the XR. If they decide to charge me at the gate for it then whatever but I'm not paying extra for it when I buy my tickets.
  7. Dang Derek, you cold. And yeah 95% I'll be there. Submitted PTO request yesterday, will hear back sometime but it's been on my work calendar for 7+ months at this point. Bring your P125
  8. Not trying to get into what track has a bigger dick fight, I don't really care. I like to go fast, work on lap times and pay as little as I can to do so. Don't need to ride on the same track as current pro circuit to feel validated. That said, I'll eventually get to pitt, summit, nelsons, grattan, vir, road atlanta, road america, jennings, barber and wherever else when I can. Hopefully at least one of them this year. A track is a track though.
  9. I just picked up a $100 day at mid-o. Can't go to nelsons, summit or pitt for that. 🤷‍♂️
  10. what

    Ride 6-7

    @Tonik is completely against the use of hearing protection while riding. You should PM him the benefits.
  11. Ah ok. Yeah I've had days where I go out the first session and just about lose the front or rear going 30 mph around keyhole and days like yesterday where it's knee down no problemo in session one lap 2. I'm not brave enough to push on lap one really in any session though
  12. It's day-by-day there. Monday was not great grip wise session 1 (from what I hear), Tuesday was fine during session 1. Though to be fair, more often than not grip is not great there the first session.
  13. Tuesday morning it had grip. Dunno about Monday. Tuesday was good. It started to get a little slick around 2pm when the clouds started rolling in, spun up the rear in keyhole getting on it the same way I had been the rest of the day. Ended up being perfect timing with the weather, the monsoon hit just as we were pulling out onto the road to leave... though we didn't run the last session, I think Novice's final session may have gotten rained out. Not sure what lap times I was running, though I know I wasn't running fast. Probably somewhere in the 50's. May try going down a tooth on the front sprocket next time I change out the chain, to put it back to a stock front. My added weight plus being +1 in the front is limiting my drive and not giving much much more in the form of top-end. Overall it was a good first trackday of the season. Really the first time I've been at a decent pace on a big bike all year... haven't been out on the street really at all except for those 2 days down at the gap. Dang minibikes taking over my life. Will more than likely be back to where I was lap time wise at the end of last year at the next track day, then after that I can push for low 40's. Kinda want to start running slicks...
  14. Eh, anywhere there's a large influx of "outsiders" that drive the local economy there's going to be a subset that think they are all idiots and should go back to where they came from. The skiing industry supported the area I grew up in in Vermont. Everybody hated the out of state skiers because they drove like assholes, started fights, created pretty bad traffic and were constantly getting grievously injured or killed on the mountain. They also allowed 90% of the town to have jobs and support their families.
  15. Taking a bike to the track isn't being mean, it's like taking your dog to the park and letting them off the leash.
  16. sign up early if there's a bike you want to try. last demo day was real crowded, so much so I got there at 10am and it was already full for the whole day.
  17. Woke up early to go riding, the battery didn't have enough charge to turn the engine over after the trip to TN/GA. Plugged it into the trickle charger and went back inside, deflated.
  18. Just speak with a CR in the morning and tell them you'd like an evaluation for a bump to I. I doubt you'll get get a bump before an eval. What will probably happen is, after speaking with a CR in the morning before/after rider's meeting, you will go out for Novice session 1, then you'll go back out during the I session right afterward for an eval with one of the CRs.
  19. I think with the new rules you have to have ridden in I prior to signing up for I.
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