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Everything posted by what

  1. I'm looking more at the precipitation down below. not looking great.
  2. If they start at 9:20, you'd go out at 10:00, 10:40, and possibly again at 11:20. In the past they have pushed lunch back in order to squeeze in another round of sessions if rain was forecast after 12:00 too so yeah, between 3 and 4 sessions in by noon.
  3. Still saying the heavens are going to open up at around noon tomorrow in the lexington/mansfield hourly weather. 80% chance from 12-5 or so.
  4. Says thunder storms starting around 11:30/noon and running through the evening at 80%. If things don't improve by some time this evening I won't be going.
  5. Hoping for good weather but as of right now it's 60% thunderstorm chance starting at 11:30am and going until 7pm.
  6. With the crew cab and your giant trailer... you may be the Columbus area trackday weekend roadtrip guy.
  7. It was in decent shape when I sold it, it just needed valves done, as Ducatis do.
  8. Yeah I think a lot of people are keeping an eye on the weather. Myself included. Hard to know what things will look like until Sunday afternoon/evening.
  9. Wellp, that'll teach me. Really. I learned something.
  10. 180/55 is the same as 190/55 as far as profile goes. The 2nd number is the ratio of tire height vs width, so all 55 tires should technically be the same as far as profile goes, excluding small differences due to manufacturers running a little smaller/larger here and there.
  11. Vinales School of Riding? wait... fixing it...
  12. technically you can fit 5 but that's really getting cramped. 3 or 4 is probably best.
  13. Don't think they got any good photos of me this year. The one good run Kevin and I did it seems they were all distracted by his bike making it sound like the world was coming to an end. ?
  14. I won't be signing up until friday at the earliest. If the weather looks like crap I'll probably wait and see sunday night and walk-up monday if the weather holds out.
  15. Was good seeing everyone and riding with a few of you again. Have a safe and fun rest of the weekend!
  16. Was out for about 2 hours until it hit 100°. Taking a cool-off break.
  17. Also it's hotter than hell down here. Higher elevations aren't bad but lordy Townsend is scorching.
  18. Just rode past a silver connie getting loaded on a flatbed and a flashy lights cop car on tyr north end of foothills, with no rider to be seen and no damage to the bike. @2talltim spending the night in the slammer? ?
  19. took a 2 hour nap earlier, now i can't sleep. gotta be awake in 3 hours. go'n be a fun drive. 5 hour energy here we come
  20. You'll probably catch me tubing every afternoon XD
  21. I want to get the trailer loaded and set but I also don't want to go outside until near dark because it's so damn hot today. Outta here at 4:30am to beat rush hour in Cinci.
  22. God damn that's a pretty bike. If it performs and isn't astronomically expensive, maybe I'll look into one.
  23. It's good. The trout sandwich was great. Busy though...
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