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Everything posted by what

  1. Oil + filter changed on the CBR. Bye bye K&N. Safety-wire tomorrow... when I remember where I put my damn safety-wire.
  2. They were all full for the rest of the day when I got there at 2. They said if it rains tomorrow they won't be doing rides. Oh well.
  3. I'll be heading over there shortly. R1 or FZ10... HMMMM
  4. @Tonik Lock it up, the old girl has gone to a good new home. A bit sad to see her go but I didn't want her sitting around collecting dust, she deserves better!
  5. Depends on what you want to do. A 600 you have to wring its neck for any kind of power where as with the 650 twins you have power available low-down, so much more friendly for the street in general. A 600 will give you better performance on the track for sure, if not just for the generally better components they come equipped with stock. I'm guessing OP wants to smash in his tank and do sweet whoolies all night long and maybe some police-evasion though, neither of which a 650 is really suited for. I'd call this thread a cry for help from a young squid trying to learn the ways of old squids. But there are no old squids, just old pirates.
  6. Taking into consideration the other bike Ryan has, I would guess anything would feel balanced in comparison if you're talking neck-snapping acceleration and top speed.
  7. This may be a bit insensitive considering other things going on right now on the boards but... K&Ncer. Anyone? Thanks I'll be here until 5, buy a CD on the way out.
  8. Don't forget all the emotional stress and pain and suffering as well. That pays millions in court.
  9. Yes, sore arms, cut fingers and about 45 minutes of frustration because you can't get the god damn bead to set is pretty costly...
  10. My bad, forgot it is set up to just do the speed limit and not 1mph above.
  11. If you lock them open like that will you take flight at 100+?
  12. I won't be able to make it out, gotta load up for the track + do some maintenance Sunday. Be safe out there Jamie, being a holiday weekend and all there will be people/cops everywhere.
  13. People were coming in super hot to turn #2/3 and spinning out fairly often. They had a downhill straightaway to get them to top speed beforehand though.
  14. Well, it's possible to bust Tim's balls and learn a thing or two in the process. At least I think it is and I'm willing to test the theory out.
  15. I would assume that DOTs have better sticktion in the damp than slicks? Since they are designed to run at a wider temperature range than slicks are. Also most of the dual compound DOTs run silica on the shoulders which has better wet traction than regular rubber. Though I've never run slicks.
  16. According to the internets, K&N has been paying out. What you've asked for seems reasonable, Derek. I would certainly want my fairings, sliders and tire replaced if I were in your situation. I would probably want my boots replaced too if they were drenched in motor oil. I don't know how you'd ever get them clean...
  17. acceleration was anemic. i want driftable karts!
  18. We were thinking about it but it never happened. Jacob and I watched the karts run for a bit though, the track looks pretty awesome, the karts looked kinda slow.
  19. getting hot in here. when do we start taking off cloths?
  20. @Tonik going to turn into the OR track sugar-daddy? Man with all the goodies.
  21. I should start calling my bikes my baggage handlers, because they take care of any baggage before I have to even think about it.
  22. If it's broke or might be broke or you're unsure about it, fix it. I took mirrors off along with all blinkers this time as per their guidelines. Luckily @jschaf is a thorough man and made the process very very simple. Speaking of simple, I probably should have checked with him before replacing the old coolant, because it turns out engine ice (what WAS in the bike) is perfectly fine for I and A groups... and is good to -26F. At least I'll be good at changing coolant
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