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Everything posted by what

  1. Hate to say it but weather is still looking pretty bad for Monday as of right now. They are calling for rain all night up until 10am and then clouds for the rest of the day, so no chance of the track drying off. If nothing changes I probably won't be heading up. At least it was a free day
  2. No, I only distill gas and water before they go into the tank/radiator.
  3. The last bottle of brake fluid I bought came out of the sealed container that color. /shrug
  4. hardest part is probably re-attaching shift/brake linkages, which isn't really hard.
  5. If you end up in VT, take the Killington gondola to the top. You'll get to see lots of dirty filthy mountain bikers, like I used to be, flying down the mountain at dangerous speeds. http://www.killington.com/site/summer/adventure-center/scenic-lift-rides Quechee Gorge is pretty neat too, over near the NH border. It's close to Woodstock VT which has Billings Farms which is also a neat little spot. Best butter I've ever had in my life was from there, fresh out of the wooden hand-churner. http://billingsfarm.org/
  6. I'd like to make the trip again but I leave for Anaheim early morning on the 19th. :\ Bad year for motorcycling for me with all the travel this spring/summer/fall.
  7. what

    Trigger cranks

    It's a culture problem in the US more than anything. There are a number of countries around the world who's gun ownership ratio is close or just as high as it is here and they don't have the same gun violence/mass shooting problems. Available healthcare, proper (required) firearm training, media not glorifying the horrific things people do, etc. No one thing is going to solve this issue as it's systemic and needs to be tackled as a whole.
  8. Weather always looks like shit until the night before
  9. what

    Trigger cranks

    Diagnosed psychopath father, tends to run in families. Older guy, mid 60's... about the time people start getting diagnosed with diseases and/or checking off things on their bucket list. A lack of conscience/morals + an affinity for firearms spells trouble. He planned the hell out of that attack, down to researching exactly what room to get for the best vantage over the strip/concert venue and multiple windows/firing positions to better conceal himself while sniping. My guess is it's something he wanted to do for fun, got his jollies and took the shortcut out. That or the commies set him up to push anti-gun legislation through and take us over. God damn commies.
  10. Good luck. If they can find a way out I'm sure they'll use it. The Performance Track Riding program at Mid Ohio is a rider safety/education school so... not racing. Also, pretty sure they market their products as racing/performance products.
  11. I remember when this guy was just getting going selling his suits, glad it has taken off for him. I may look into a suit from him next year once I drop another 60lbs.
  12. check for used aftermarket or see if stock rearsets from one of the ducati sportbikes fit your monster.
  13. Raising rearsets helps, also getting off the bike more. If it feels like you're leaning off the bike "enough" but not "a lot", and are dragging toe before you feel your knee touch down, lean off more. One thing about keeping lower stock rearsets on though is that you won't run out of tire before your toe touches down (on certain bikes). I'm going to go ahead and assume that they made it that way on purpose.
  14. The good news is we're rolling into prime buying season and you've got all winter to beef up whatever you decide to buy.
  15. I'd go with whichever one has better goodies/handling. Top speed doesn't matter doing track days as it's only a few mph here and there. Sure, it makes a huge difference in a race or trying to set a competitive time but for our purposes I would argue you'd get more out of a better suspension/friendlier electronics package than a couple more HP. But what do I know.
  16. just signed up for the 9th.
  17. This probably isn't going to be a popular opinion here but hey, it's getting close to winter so why not start now. Isn't the best way to honor the country, our values and those that fought and died to help preserve those things to allow these American citizens their right to protest? Just because someone is doing something you don't like doesn't make it wrong. The founders of the country knew this and wrote the bill of rights because of it. Also, it's a bunch of football players. Who gives a fuck. Seriously. If the NFL loses viewership over this, they will either fire the players or just do away with the national anthem before the game. It's a business.
  18. the ones at the track sound nasty as hell. no idea how they handle or reliability.
  19. Will be signing up for the 9th this week. Won't be able to make the 2nd.
  20. I'll be down at some point to try to score an FZ-10 demo. Not sure if I want to get up early and be there at open or not.
  21. So how many people are for sure in for a get-together at Jacob's place tomorrow so he doesn't go through the trouble/expense of setting stuff up only for 90% of the people posting here to no-show?
  22. Now we know how Doc gets down.
  23. Yankee Dragon sounds like something you pay extra for at a massage parlor.
  24. The driveway is easy to miss, it comes up fast right over the hill. Jacob and Katie (though from what Jacob said, mostly Katie) found a great spot right in the middle of Columbus. You'd never know you weren't out in the country looking around in their back yard.
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