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Everything posted by what

  1. I'd planned on picking up an XT Ultra timer but I think I'll be picking up a new phone soon and my old phone can more than likely run a lap timer app so I was curious. I'll look into a GPS add-on for my old phone.
  2. Bumping thread for relevance. Since it's this week and all.
  3. So a smartphone with no cell/data plan can still use its GPS functionality for lap timer apps then? Hmmmm
  4. Apple has never been at the forefront of tech, they are good at consolidating and polishing existing tech and packaging it for the masses. Kinda like how blizzard is with video games.
  5. meh, the latest and greatest android is also $1000 so w/e.
  6. From STT: "We are not banning them yet. Our Director and owner are still in the process of discussing, but When we do we will give ample notice to our customers." Sounds like it may be a thing with them moving forward?
  7. I've sent some emails out asking different orgs what their stance on these filters are. I'll post their responses as I get them.
  8. all part of the french plan to bring down america back to calling them freedom fries
  9. I'm all about that booty shake
  10. I've never ridden a bike with ABS or TCS. Interested in trying one out someday. I would imagine ABS complicates brake fluid changes though...
  11. Interested to see what you end up with considering the circumstances, Jim.
  12. You just don't want it to say - @DerekClouser Yes, Jim smoked me on 536. @DerekClouser Yes, Jim smoked me on the track. @DerekClouser Yes, Jim smoked me on ADV trails. etc
  13. Even Trump supporters have to admit the man's an idiot. I mean, c'mon. The media is going out of its way to go after him though, which I also think is silly. I heard yesterday on the BBC they asked a reporter in Tampa what she thought of Trump's statement about Irma being dangerous and that being in its path is a dangerous place to be and before the anchor finished saying what he was saying, the woman in Tampa said "I don't agree with Trump or anything he has to say!" After a bit of coaxing and finishing what he was trying to say the anchor was able to get the reporter to say that yes, Irma was indeed a dangerous storm and yes, people in the path of the storm were in danger, just like the president said. I don't like the automatic response people have dismissing anything and everything having to do with Trump, regardless of the truth. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
  14. Dunno but I'm telling everybody I see that will listen to never buy another K&N oil filter again. Hell, I was telling people at the Watkin's Glen Vintage Grand Prix over the weekend to replace the oil filter in their vintage cars because the hex nut weld on the end of the K&N fails and they said they would stop using them. Once enough people are doing what I'm doing maybe K&N will do the right thing and stop mucking about trying to sidestep responsibility for profit.
  15. ^ have your cake and eat it too.
  16. Thanks for posting that up Nathan! I need to work on follow distance and passing ASAP, I'm waiting way too long. I also need to get my upper body down more. That said, the lap stuck behind the slow guy was a 1:48 and we wicked it up a good bit after that. Feelsgoodman.
  17. Panniers and a tall windshield make you invisible to the fuzz, from what I've heard.
  18. Jim, being perfectly honest your coach wasn't giving you the full story. You need to lean off the bike a lot more to see better lap times. Body position is SO important on the track and you're still (from what I saw) in straight up and down mode. That said, having your suspension set up properly will make a huge difference in how the bike feels and in turn how comfortable and planted you feel on the bike. I don't doubt the FZ has more to give but if you're wanting to transition completely into track riding with maybe 1 or 2 days per year of SEO twisties, a 600 is the way to go. The difference in achievable top speed at the track between a 600 and a 1000 is only a few MPH on one, maybe two straights. Case in point, 600's give me a run for my money on the CBR all the way down to the kink on the back straight, and even then when I pass it's mostly about braking later than them. At our level, it all comes down to rider ability. I can 100% guarantee you that if we put a Moto(pick one) guy on your FZ6 and sent them out in I or A group on a normal day they would blow everybody's doors off except maybe the top 1%.
  19. they make Schritt Raketes Funny it sounds about how I'd describe it in english too.
  20. Who's going to the bonus day? **Update- The day is now open to anyone to sign up.
  21. I'd be kinda pissed if I got passed on the right on the street in the same lane by some stranger depending on the situation. If I was way over to the left of the lane and they just kinda pulled up next to me and then a bit ahead I guess I wouldn't mind too much... I wouldn't like it but it wouldn't set me off. If they flew by me with very little distance that would be another matter, they would not be getting away without a talking-to. No comment about passing in corners because it would make me a hypocrite.
  22. Thanks for an amazing day at the track fellas!
  23. Supersports become uncomfortable to me after about an hour of riding, I usually have to stop and stretch my legs every 45 mins to an hour. I'm taller than average though so take my opinion with a grain of salt. I can say that they are not built for comfort. A 6 hour ride on a supersport has about the same impact on me as a 12 hour ride on my Street Triple. If you don't plan on doing long days on the bike it may be fine. There are options to make them more comfortable as well like moving rearsets, getting bar risers, etc.
  24. I have both, pliers are sitting on the seat, I just can't find my wire.
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