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Everything posted by 2talltim

  1. Never mind that little bit of strap rub around the 12v outlet on the left side. Us touring guys dobt know how to tie a bike to a triler properlyy..lol
  2. Rode with the Mrs. to the AMA bike night and got some BBQ on the way home.
  3. Went to the AMA bike night. Little to no interest from that croud in the KTMs
  4. What's going on here? Whos selling a bike?
  5. 2talltim

    2019 Gap Trip.

    Does make me sad Especially with the latest addition to the group.
  6. Instead of a guess the bike thread. Were going to leave this open for a guess the new owner thread. They are a O.R. member and if you already know you can't guess or @Tonik will ban you.
  7. 2talltim

    2019 Gap Trip.

    Updates are coming along keep them coming. @max power (+1) @2talltim @R00 @marlboro man @what @jacobhawkins @kbrok @B-Mac @Tonik @Pauly (+1) @theroamr @Howabusa @NinjaDoc @Gump @Blitz @Namdum68 @namdumSIL(Michael) @chuck (not on forum) @rawlins87 @Dying Shadow @durk Any you maybe's have a update for us? Maybe @Uncle Punk @DerekClouser
  8. I've never personally "needed" mine on the road but have used it to jump a passer by. But I carry one "just incase". Keys can be left on, batteries crap out/short out, ect. In the miles I travel in a typical year I don't want to be in BFE with no phone service and not be prepared. These thing are very compact and could be carried in your pocket if you so choose.
  9. Most of them say in their descriptions up to what size engine they will jump. Think the 400amp one I have says up to 2.8L v6
  10. When your bike relies so heavily on it's electronics and bump starting it almost never works.
  11. There are C14 guys that have made a harness. But our battery is IN the frame. Little more complicated than just taking the seat off.
  12. Even had a link to escalate my claim. That was shot down in less than 2 hours.
  13. Been two up(ing) on the Connie quite a bit lately. Never thought it was possible but I love that bike even more now.
  14. At least once a year I have to remind myself why I don't like to do the local wing joints bike night. Last night was that night. The latest trends are the brothas and there big front wheeled Harleys with the obnoxiously blaring side bag stereos. And the younger crowd with their clapped our sport bikes with extended swing arms(even the 600s) and running NO exahust(strait pipes) and start them up in the parking lot just to let everyone hear how low their IQs are.
  15. Seeing @ridein connie Saturday and how clean it was made me feel embarrassed..lol
  16. @B-Mac and @max power will be your fiends on these topics. Welcome!!!!
  17. 2talltim

    2019 Gap Trip.

    Think I have this updated with the recent info. I'll update again as needed. @max power (+1) @2talltim @R00 @marlboro man @what @jacobhawkins @kbrok @B-Mac @Tonik @Pauly (+1) @theroamr @Howabusa @NinjaDoc @Gump @Blitz @Namdum68 @namdumSIL(Michael) @chuck (not on forum) @rawlins87 @Dying Shadow @durk Maybe @Uncle Punk @DerekClouser maaaay beeee @Helmutt @snot
  18. ^^^^Smartest man in this thread ^^^^
  19. Well here the decision they gave me and my retort.
  20. I did open that box up and you can bypass the circuitry and make it a direct connection to the battery. I jump started my mower by doing this. But I fear using it on anything with a computer. Might just use it for a battery for my tire pump if Anker won't do anything about it.
  21. 2talltim

    2019 Gap Trip.

    This list still current? Chime in if your on it and shouldn't be or vise versa.
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