Actually right across the street from the Berne Station, in between Lancaster and Bremen. And you are correct jporter, you see some pretty f'd up shiz around these
Thanks for the BBQ spot. I friggin love BBQ! And if anyone is interested, our Rally is open to all makes and models. It's for a great cause and always a good time. We'll be riding down on Sunday the 31st if anyone would like to join.
It really pisses me off that there are hardly any Verizon phones that you can buy anymore where you do not have to sign up for the data package. It really does. Good luck with your search.
I sold my 2005 FZ1 last year with 12k miles for $3200. It was damn near mint too. They are awesome bikes for the money. I prefer the liter for the occasional 2up or just not having to down shift in the hocking hills. I used mine to commute to Cinci and back the last couple of years. Very comfortable for touring, Gen 1 anyway.