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Everything posted by crb

  1. Sorry about that, lost signal while posting it, apparently it posted twice. We came through it in London, oh
  2. I just got woke up to heavy heavy rain and wind on I70 storm is moving towards CBus. If you are on the bike beware. Sounded like hail hitting the truck too. Be safe. It didn't last long,, but it was a mess.
  3. Nope sorry again. I've been using anointed one since before he was elected, because the media refused to investigate much into his politics and gave him a free pass. I sometimes catch a small bit of Mark Levin while waiting to listen to David Webb. By the way I listen to David Webb because I'm a redneck racist, not because he is a intelligent conservative tea party leader. Oops he founded one branch of the tea party, he must be racist also. Can blacks, Mexicans, Asians, etc be racist or only us crackers. Then I listen to some of NRA news, cause I'm a chicken fucking racist redneck. Now usually part way through I change it to 90's on 9, one of 3 country stations, classic rock, or one of two comedy channels. Now on the weekend I primarily listen to the music or comedy except between 4-7 I listen to Kevin rutherford on the trucking channel. Occasional I listen to some of Mike Church's program on the patriot channel. Can't stand to listen to Beck or Hannity. Sorry MSNBC fanboy chicken fuckers.
  4. Fox news created the tea party? Who is the one buying into conspiracy theories? The tea party is racist? The the tea party is a group of people. Sure there are some idiots, but as a whole I don't believe they are racist. You should see a doctor for your fear of churches and fox news. You may need mediated. I guess MSNBC started the occupy wall street and other occupy groups? At least the tea party didn't need rape free zones and didn't litter the parks. You give fox news way too much credit! Seriously see a shrink
  5. If time travel was possible seeing the Anointed One's head crown would not be on the top of my list. Probably not even on the list.
  6. What question did I ask? I posted the article for entertainment, by the way you and Magz provided plenty of entertainment. Sounds like your panties are firmly wedged up your chicken fucking ass! I wouldn't fit in there, I don't like to hear one side. I enjoy your Zombie support of Obama. I'm surprised you weren't offered a cabinet position as Chief Chicken Fucker!
  7. Got it, never heard of it or been there. I pretty much only talk politics forum wise here, and used to at BFA's forum but they ticked me off. I'm of many forums, but only vehicle, trucking, firearm, motorcycle, and camera/photography related. What the problem with the teaparty, and all the hatred? Oh forgot you guys don't feel the Federal government is limited by the constitution.
  8. Well actually Obama is more of a hybrid, he is very Alinsky like also. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rules_for_Radicals#section_3
  9. Never listened to Rush, and only listened to Beck a few times not impressed at all. I also don't watch fox news. Sorry try again chicken fucker. Keep fucking your Obama is not a Marxist chicken MSNBC fanboy. Yes we can! FORWARD! Yes we can! Lean Forward!
  10. Quite a few of us chicken fuckers out here I guess. Are you still fucking the Obama isn't a Marxist chicken?
  11. Must be lost Justin what chicken am I supposedly fucking?
  12. Didn't say that he wasn't natural born. I said his mother being a US citizen doesn't make him natural born. Personally he is "elected" at this point if we find out he isn't natural born it will cause even more problems as precedent would be set. I also find it funny that this shit keeps going instead of just voting the fool out. By now people should realize the court refuses to hear tge cases because the end justifies the means. Let's not inpeach him at this point, I don't want to hear "If Obama could have finished his term...." He is probably on the golf course about now or heading for Martha's Vineyard on vacation.
  13. Martin's innocence is in questuon just as zimmerman's. Both can't be innocent and a court of law has not determined which one is innocent. Until the court decides its all opinion. Hell even then its opinion, but its official government opinion.
  14. Innocent? Sorry not a fact, its your opinion.
  15. Wow, first time you have been honest about him. (at least that I have seen) ALL POLITICIANS SUCK!
  16. So all rednecks like nascar? Got it? All stereotypes are 100% accurate? Just because you don't like his politics he is a redneck, GOT IT! So Zimmerman is wrong for stereotyping in your opinion, but it is okay for you to stereotype? Once again got it! FYI, I have been accused of being redneck and I don't care for sports especially auto racing! Not much for alcohol either. I do own multiple shotguns so I guess I am a redneck. Update: I forgot to mention I used to own a shotgun. I lost my weapons in a tragic boating accident.
  17. YES, and we could be getting close here. The media has butchered this whole deal!
  18. Just like CNN, MSNBC, NBC, republicans, democrats, OBAMA, PELOSI, REID, etc. Anything else? At least be honest. They didn't start it, and they were not the first! Nor are they the best! You can't be honest, you are very biased end of story! Just like with the Obamaisms. You see the Bushisms, but can't see the Obamaisms. Just admit it Obama can do no wrong! At least Justin doesn't claim to be unbiased!
  19. So you are an Anti-gun, racist, liberal, wealth redistribution supporting, boarder line socialist, Obama bot zombie? NO? How does a redneck talk, look, act, etc? Aren't we all just people? Can't you accept people for who they are without trying to lump them into some title?
  20. But it isn't favorable for Obama it must be fear mongering! When Fox(faux) does it the Obama fanboys claim its fear mongering. Please enlighten me. I guess they are different companies so it is different right?
  21. http://www.snopes.com/politics/mccain/citizen.asp Apparently Obama is and McCain isn't according to snopes, I guess it is settled then. Isn't that just amazing that McCain's status is undetermined. I wonder if Snope has an agenda? http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/8/1403 What year was John McCain born? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_McCain Hmmm, I guess I should write snopes.
  22. Redneck? Judging again aren't we? You seem to have a problem with anyone who doesn't sing praise to Obama. I guess you are no better than Zimmerman huh? Didn't he do a similar thing in your opinion? Last time I checked the Constitution requires NATURAL BORN CITIZENSHIP! NO they won't!!!
  23. I don't think they are contesting whether is mother was American? Just because his mother is an American, does not make him "natural born" FYI I am not saying he wasn't born here, I don't care at this point, well I do, but I don't. Basically it is too late he is in office, and I just want him out because I don't like his politics. Wife saw the article and I thought I would pass it along to stir some shit!
  24. Fox news at it again, well not really sounds like they are reporting the news Obama's birth certificate a fake http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDMk35bw-HE Is ABC fear mongering too?
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