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Everything posted by crb

  1. YOU!!! Where can I her my UNbiased news? Please help me see the light.
  2. Are you fucking high? All news puts their spin on it. Pull your head out of your ASS, the shit is soaking into your brain. I would love to know where I cam get UNbiased news. Please enlighten me where should I get my news?
  3. Okay so let's say the extreme happens UN passes treaty banning US private gun and ammo ownership, and congress passes it. Worst case scenario right? Just a what if not saying it is happening or will happen. Who comes to collect the guns? Local and state police? I don't think so most won't do it in my opinion. National guard? Ha! The active duty military? I don't see it happening. FBI? Secret Service? Armed dept. Of education? Maybe.. Armed EPA? Armed Fema? will they send UN troops? Seriously who would come and try to take them?
  4. Nope I've been listening to the actual clips , and not the news media spin. Some UN member countries want to restrict domestic ownership specifically in the USA. Some also want to include ammo restrictions. We will have to see what the final treaty looks like, it isn't hashed out yet. Will it include ammo or domestic private firearm ownership restrictions who knows. I'm not getting bent out of shape until I see the finalized treaty. Does it have to be passed by congress or can it be done through executive order like the border state multiple long gun Purchase reporting was? If you don't mind I'm gonna flip over to MSNBC to get my giggles in.
  5. That us exactly what I think of when I see his people chant "yes we can". Obama: Can we destroy American Capitalism? Zombies: "Yes we can!" "Forward" Obama: MSNBC can you help a fella out? MSNBC "Yes we can!" "Lean Forward!" Obama: All together now! MSNBC and the Zombies: "Yes we can!" "Bush's Fault" "Forward" "Obama inherited Bush's Failed economy!" "Yes we can" "Forward" "Bush, Bush, Bush, Bush" Obama: "Yes we can"
  6. He said he was previously burned while dumping fuel and smoking, he had obvious burns. I have no way of knowing if the lighter set it off or what. I wouldn't be smoking while dropping fuel if I was previously burned, Hell I would give up smoking. I'm not a smoker though so I probably don't understand the addiction. Face burned the Fuck off would end my addiction quick I think. while you tell me that a cig won't ignite the fumes, I wouldn't risk it while standing next to a tanker full of fuel. I may be ugly , but melting my face won't help! Oh its also illegal to smoke near a placarded load.
  7. There is s federal law against hand held use of a cell phone in a Interstate regulated truck or s truck hauling hazmat, up to $2,750 five for the first offense. 2nd offense is another five and license suspension. Companies that "allow" their drivers to use electronic devices could be fined over $13K. http://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/about/other/faq/cellphone-ban-faqs.aspx
  8. Yep! The driver, pilot, engineer knows what is or was onboard and has been on scene longer to get a feel for the situation!
  9. Actually most class 8 autos are actually semiautomatic or automated and they are eaton or meritor. You will see allisons in.school busses, firetrucks, trash trucks, concrete mixers, etc. I like my standard transmission in the semi I guess I'm old school. The automatic transmission seem to have a lot more issues in semis than my standard. I've been hearing more owner operators talking 8-9 mpg almost 10 even. Several factors contribute to.higher mph slowing down, proper gearing, low rolling resistance tires, progressive shifting. The automatic transmissions in class 8 trucks get better mpg with news, but if you shift properly the mpg difference is negligible. I've been noticing less manual transmissions across the board cars, trucks, and even semis. I guess people can't hold the phone to their ear and shift.
  10. Then you should have the training and knowledge to handle the situation. I think he was talking more towards the good samaritan.
  11. I used to deliver ice, while at one of my regular stops the fuel truck was dropping gas and smoking a cig. Not only was he smoking, but he was covered in burns from a previous burn incident caused by him smoking while dropping his load. I witnessed another one of their trucks drive up onto the bed of a s10 pickup in the parking lot.
  12. I am going to assume your 3/4 ton was a single rear wheel, and the 1 ton is a dually. I really wouldnt think the 3/4 would handle the load much different than a 1 ton unless one was a dually. I was looking at duallies today online, and the only new one you can get with a manual transmission is the dodge. What happened to manual transmissions? Can't beef up GVWR or GCWR, the sticker is the sticker. Some states supposedly will or can ticket non commercial vehicles for being over weight. Can't confirm this, but I read many reports of it while researching campers over the last year or so.
  13. Not terrible I guess. I probably did 100 miles and I swear I went through a 1/2 tank or so it seemed. I think I would lean diesel.
  14. CDL depends on weight rating, and air brakes. Insurance and fuel will be one of your biggest costs. I couldn't begin to give you an idea of insurance costs, quotes should be free though. If you are contracting with another company you wont need your own DOT or PUCO authority.
  15. Pretty much, and 2-3 car haulers have it worse as they can haul less cars. If I was going into it I would go with a 5+ car hauler more opportunities.
  16. gotta be way more to this story.
  17. Weight rating? Cargo Insurance, Workers Comp, Truck/trailer coverage, may need a bond, may require a huge insurance policy incase of damage. I would recommend over the wheel straps instead of chains. In state or crossing state lines? You will need PUCO or DOT authority if starting your own business.
  18. How bad does the V10 hurt the pocket book on fuel? I drove my wife's uncle's V10 F250, man did it guzzle the fuel.
  19. Grapevine and donner are a bitch! I want no part of pulling a camper over those especially without a Jake. Don't let your rig get rolling too fast on a big mountain, tge faster you go the harder it is to slow. As a geneal rule try not go faster down the hill than you went up. The mountains out west are streper grades and longer than we encounter out easy. Rolling down the mountain out here isn't a big deal, Utah, Oregon, Washington, and California all have some steep mountains along with a couple other states cabbage would be fun with a camper.
  20. 37' damn, that's longer than I would want with a bumper pull. Do you have problems getting into campground?
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