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Everything posted by crb

  1. crb

    The $50 Lesson

    Gee I guess I just can't read, because I don't see the detailed list of the spending. Where is the line by line of the data? How much of the spending is constitutional? Oh, that is right you believe the Constitution says what ever in the hell you wish it to say for the day. So we can't have a discussion on the matter because it isn't limited or defined. So whatever, you can troll someone else!
  2. crb

    The $50 Lesson

    Or Constitutional! How do we know what funds hey are including or excluding? Where is the detailed break down? What exactly are the funds going for? For instance are they including the salaries of government workers? Military Personal? Etc. How much of the money is actually going for what the Federal Government is actually constitutionally supposed to do? Why don't we get a breakdown of what our tax dollars go for? I get a detailed receipt when I go to the grocery store. Furthermore, just because someone compiles data doesn't make it fact or true! Sorry now go finish your Koolaid! I am outta this thread, it was meant for entertainment you and Magz ruined it!
  3. crb

    The $50 Lesson

    Thought you didn't judge? So because I think that one state shouldn't prop up bad state I am a redneck? Bubba?
  4. crb

    The $50 Lesson

    Why is it that I don't trust any link you post? Numbers can be made to look any which way want them to. Justin you are surely smart enough to know that, it all depends on the data you include or excluded. I have a very hard time believing California receives so little.
  5. crb

    The $50 Lesson

    How about all states fend for themselves?
  6. crb

    The $50 Lesson

    Socialist, Marxist, Democrats, Liberals, etc are never gonna be on the same page as Conservatives, Republicans, Libertarians, etc. One side depends on offering more to the recipients so they get their vote!
  7. crb

    The $50 Lesson

    Shouldn't we cap the length of time you can be on "welfare"? Welfare wasn't meant to be forever was it?
  8. Why is greed evil? I am greedy, which is why have strive to make good money! Sue me!
  9. http://www.wkyc.com/news/regional/article/252002/6/Akron-Woman-panhandles-for-breast-implants They are calling it panhandeling now?
  10. Good for you and the pup! +rep for getting a shelter dog. Both our dogs, and both cats are from shelter.
  11. Last split level house I will own. I have 3 exterior doors that are 20' from each other. A regular wired dvr will be the way I go if my simple solution doesn't work.
  12. Will keep you in mind. I'm going to try security lights and door stops. Trying to get debt paid off and shit just keeps happening. Going to rekey the locks too. Like I said before I have a really good clue who is behind it.
  13. Nevermind too many bad reviews of this system
  14. Will teboweb work with a wireless camera? My pc is a good distance from the door that has been opened twice now. Think two of these would good for the doors we don't go in when we get home.
  15. Mother inlaw doesn't think they locked the door now. Early AM when the alarm dropped she thought she locked it. After re tracing her steps she thinks she left it unlocked.
  16. I prefer breakfast burritos if that helps, with potatoes and chorizo. Yummy!
  17. Nope we have no business telling other countries how to run their rat holes. Breakfast pizza has breakfast items like sausage, egg, ham, Bacon, cheese, etc.
  18. Where is a good place to buy cameras and dvrs? Someone has busted my front glass screen door, and opened the back door of the house again dropping the alarm. Not sure if someone has s key or my mother in law forgot to lock the door. Either way this shit is happening too often. Security motion lights will be going up this weekend for starters. You would think the alarm going off would discourage this person from trying to get in. This makes me nervous because it seems as though someone specifically wants in our house. The neighbors haven't had any issues. Mother inlaw didn't notice anything missing, I will check when I get home. Dogs didn't open the door and neither did the wind. Not sure what they are after, or if it is the same person. The police set the alarm off a 2nd time while searching the house. I'm going to call my alarm company to get a quote on security cameras too, but I think I'm going to try low tech first maybe a trail cam. This all worries me with us planning to start a family next year. On the bright side Wifie has decided to start carrying while at home, she has been slacking.
  19. I love pizza, even breakfast pizza. My point was will the commies at the UN like pizza? Hugs not so much, except by my wife or family. Other people need not touch me!
  20. By hug you me like the cop whose gun acccidently went off? why pizza? Totally agree dissolve the UN, or at least withdraw from it. Third world countries have NO business having any say in our policies.
  21. You seriously believe your local news doesn't twist stories ? I will stick to my method. I listen, watch, or read any of the media pretty much take their commentary with a grain of salt. I then lookup the background of the stories and watch the clips I'm context especially with any political news. I like to see both sides twist on tge stories and come up with my own opinion. My opinion is all political news is pretty much biased. We don't have real journalist's and haven't for years! I don't trust factcheck.org, media matters, etc either, they simply aren't completely unbiased either.
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