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Everything posted by crb

  1. crb

    Canada Vacation

    The more I think about it, I think its a toll for the ambassador bridge. I did pisss one of tge border patrol off crossing. I wasn't thinking and took my license out of my wallet and held it with my teeth while pulling up so I didn't lose it. Border patrol flipped out, surprisingly I didn't get searched. Live and learn.
  2. crb

    Canada Vacation

    I know we got charged coming back across in Detroit, I don't think we were charged crossing at buffalo. I was in s semi too though. It may only be a fee/toll to cross at Detroit since the ambassador bridge is privately owned. Buffalo is a much easier crossing, the ambassador bridge (Detroit) gets very busy.
  3. crb

    Canada Vacation

    Shouldn't be any issues. You get to bring "x" amount of alcohol with you without tax I believe. I didn't take any alcohol as I was in a semi.
  4. crb

    Canada Vacation

    Fuck eh. The places we went truckstops and service plazas accepted American currency, but gave Canadian change. We gave what we had left under $10 to my young brother inlaw he thought it was cool. One thing I noticed up there was the public restrooms were very clean and not graffitied. Very friendly people in Ontario eh?
  5. Upgrading is my concen, I keep leaning 5er from the start. Not sure how much we will use it until we get one though and a 5er and a diesel is a bog investment.
  6. crb

    Canada Vacation

    No mace or pepper spray, no pron, check on knife length restrictions if taking any kind of blade. There maybe limits on the amount of alcohol you can take. Be prepared to pay duties if you buy stuff up there to bring back. Also there is a fee to re-enter our country, $15 I think. Oh and they have a speed limit, but I don't recall what it was. Been to Ontario and Quebec. Quebec sucks, but Ontario was cool. Wife and I are planning to go to Niagara Falls next year as a baby moon.
  7. Shit I guess I should learn to swim. I can get by, but sure wouldn't trust myself to be a strong enough swimmer to rescue someone where I couldn't touch. I had a tramitic near drowning experience while swimming as a kid with family. I couldn't touch and was jumping up and down off thr floor to get air. I guess it wasn't near drowning, cause I wasn't out of energy to jump yet. I don't think my family realized I really needed help. I guess swim classes or in order before we go swimming with children in the ocean or like.
  8. You will probably need a WD hitch. Watch the tongue weight. We were talking about a toy hauler, but latest we've been talking about selling both bikes and her atv. Her atv is a RZR so it wove fit in most toy healers.we just done ride our bikes enough, to get a toyhauler. We had a hard time finding a floor plan we liked also as we want a more traditional floor plan. Now I think her talked into a muscle car and regular camper. Good luck in your search. Your truck should pull one fine with a WD hitch. I've seen people pulling 5th wheelers with their titans, I wouldn't though. Oh an a brake controller is a must, on guessing you have one if you pull a 6x12 trailer. Sway bar might also be advisable. Lots of campers on the market.
  9. I took a psychology course your obsession intrigues me.
  10. crb

    kitchen knives

    What kitchen knives do you guys recommend? I have kitchen aid knives now and I haven't been impressed. Looking for a knife that will hold up.
  11. Air horns would be nice.
  12. Why is scruit and magley obsessed with this case? Oh wait I know why magley is obsessed with it, still lost on scruit's obsession. Personally I don't give a shit if he is in jail or out on bond it doesn't affect me. Get the trial over with and move on, although the trial may bot play out all the way for years.
  13. Per the same snopes link. Social Security Department How about we just vote his @ss out end of story!
  14. I picked up a 15-85 so my Canon 18-135 lot lens is up for sale. Luke new condition, only about 4 months old. Lens has had UV filter on it since the moment it cam out if the box. I haven't even taken this lens off the body yet. I'm on ge road so I cant get pics right now. UV filter and original Canon cover included. I think I have a collapsablelems good I will throw in. No promise on hood. http://www.usa.canon.com/cusa/consumer/products/cameras/ef_lens_lineup/ef_s_18_135mm_f_3_5_5_6_is stock photo $250; OBO shipped
  15. I like it, but it looks like it would be a pain to draw from a holster.
  16. Traffic is terrible around Denver for sure. The scenery is beautiful out there though! Ride safe!
  17. Sure glad the "general welfare" clause isn't explained in the Constitution!
  18. Trollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllinnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggg!
  19. So the "general welfare" clause only means what YOU say it means? Okay how about this: http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis/menuitem.eb1d4c2a3e5b9ac89243c6a7543f6d1a/?vgnextoid=86bd6811264a3210VgnVCM100000b92ca60aRCRD&vgnextchannel=86bd6811264a3210VgnVCM100000b92ca60aRCRD
  20. Good to know I need to scrub my mother in laws hard drive once done getting all the pics and music off and put on the new pc.
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