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Everything posted by crb

  1. Nice pics all around, I need to take more pics and get better.
  2. Don't give them any ideas. Sure has been boring since exarch got banned.
  3. Wait congress is restricted by the constitution? Can't we just mandate English under the "general welfare" clause? Or can't we tax people who choose to not learn English?
  4. Wifes grandparents sell it by the whole or half I believe. The cows aren't in a field, they are on a diet of tenderlein and corn I believe. All I know is its good beef.
  5. Because it is most restaurants bbq sauce, although I think any reputable bbq place would make their own.
  6. Good brisket doesn't require sauce, the smoke is enough for me usually. My wifes grand parents have cows, so if I want a particular cut I just have to request it. Store bought meat sucks ass. Wife and I are think about having a couple pigs and chickens next year or so.
  7. I know tge feeling. Wife and I have experienced done excellent bbq I'm TN, AR, TX, etc. Nobody up north makes w decent bbq. I don't have time this year, but when Wifie gets off the truck and I go solo I will have time. Brisket and ribs are my favs. I love to cook, so making my own won't be hard.
  8. Will be monitoring this thread I want to get a smoker next year. We did pulled pork in the slow cooker and it was good, but I like the smoke. Dry rub? Store bought or homemade? Store bought sauce or homemade? There is a store bought sauce I really like, I think its sweet baby rays.
  9. Glad your safe! We need the rain though.
  10. Okay so we twist things to fit the narrative and sound worse got it. All you had to say is hundreds of thousands sounds worse so we are running with it. So I guess you are a millionaire. Right?
  11. For all the bitching about Bush, I find it ironic! Let him play all the golf he wants, he isn't passing bad law or executive orders.
  12. Really? 135 is close to 200? Or is it close to 100 or 150?
  13. 1 and 1/3 rounds to 1 sorry. If it was 1 and 1/2 I might give it to you.
  14. Or it means getting illegals and tourists to pay in. Also they are usually for a consumption based tax which I believe would increase the tax base. It would also only tax on the money you spend instead of all of your income. The evil rich prople like expensive items just think of all the money thr governmentis missing out on. I don't see it happen because politicians especially the left like to use the tax code to redistribute wealth.
  15. Maybe you should research the fair tax a little more. Everyone gets rebates equal to the tax the poverty level people get from what I've read. http://www.fairtax.org/site/PageServer?pagename=HowFairTaxWorks
  16. Are you seriously saying 86% of Americans pay a net federal tax? After all entitlements that these 86% people receive they pay $1 or more in taxes above all they receive? If you pay $2,000 a year into the federal income tax system, and receive a $2,500 tax check in return you are not a tax payer. Also if you pay $2,000 I'm federal tax and receive $3,000 in government benefits (free healthcare, cellphone, food stamps, etc) and still receive s refund you are not a tax payer sorry.
  17. None although I did claim an energy tax credit for insulation. Wife and I pay 28% federal rate I believe. I would have to double check.
  18. Sorry I would rep you, but I already did today. Stupid PB rule. I guess we should through child tax credits, mortage intetest deductions, child care writes , earned income tax credits into the welfare category.
  19. good thing liberals like Jeffrey Immelt and ge make all their products proudly in the USA. Isn't Immelt on Obama's economic team? Look out Justin I can troll too.
  20. Fair tax FWIW. The government offers them the bail outs and tax breaks, blame bush!
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