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Everything posted by crb

  1. ************************************************************** CAUTION CAUTION CAUTION CAUTION CAUTION CAUTION CAUTION CAUTION DO NOT FEED THE TROLL. I repeat do not feed the troll! ******************************************************************
  2. Gas production shouldn't be an industry it should be a service. Education including college should be a service. Food should be a service (free) not an industry. Clean drinking water should be a service not an industry. New cars should service not an industry. Car repair should be a service not an industry. Hell why not make everything a service? Profit is evil! Everybody should make equal wages and receive equal products and services. Slippery slope.
  3. Is there a better reason for bankruptcies? Hospitals take payments. Basically we are making so people don't have to choose health insurance over an iPhone or new car.
  4. Aren't most of us on here working class? I sure consider myself working class. I do not consider myself the working poor.
  5. Who is this common man you speak of?
  6. Anybody with a job of course will pay for them. We can't ask for ID before treating them that would be racist! Just like we can't purge the illegals off the voter roles in Florida, and we can't all be required to show ID to vote to ensure only citizens vote. American is s racist country, but Mexico requires a voter ID card. Hmmm.
  7. True scruit has to pay for his because he has a J-O-B.
  8. Against it 100%! Personal choice and personal responsibility should rain supreme! Apparently through the "general welfare" clause means whatever the Fuck the politicians can dream up. Why do we even have a constitution? What happened to personal responsibility?
  9. Ditto! Anybody else here a flushing sound? So what product should we require people to purchase next? Hmm? Sad day!
  10. Complete newb. Any online classes or good book. I have a book or two, but I think I would benefit from projects that would take me out of my comfort zone.
  11. Subscribed. Possibly planning a niagra vacation next year, thinking I might rent a lenses or two to try before I buy.
  12. I get half the legal limit simply by having a cdl, but not even driving a commercial vehicle.
  13. Favorited the thread for future reference since I'm not ready to paint. I know I won't be doing the painting, because I hate painting!
  14. Does he do exterior painting? 2story? Contemplating painting the aluminum siding so its all one color. Whoever painted the house last time painted one side a totally different color.
  15. Redirecting a person to post #29 is a violation of the T.O.S! I suggest you knock it off Harley fanboy tool!
  16. That is it I am covering up the Harley Davidson on my bike, I would hate to make HD owners look better.
  17. If you can pass tge CDL tests they will turn you lose in a 80k lb rolling death machine and for shitz and giggles if you pass the background check you can haul hazmat. Most of these Cdl schools are only 2 weeks, so even if you go to a cdl mill you still don't know shit. We really need more an internship program to get a cdl. The comments about the cagers are spot on.
  18. Woo! I gotz.A,lie.sense, dog.... I.boghtz itz..wit.me $10k tacks check... Mow if me's could affords...a..helmet I gottaz find. Anuter party.time.jib, cuz. My partz.time,b.o.s.z iz a jerk! I kind of miss my buddy exarch, it hasn't been as exciting or entertaining with him banned.
  19. 10 yrs House paid for, zero debt, loan officer or csr at a bank working my way up to branch manager. Oh by the way I drive a truck now. Why is this the plan? 5-5.25 day work week decent salary, home daily, weekends off, and I like dressing up. Not guaranteed this is the route I will take but one option.
  20. No college degree wouldn't bother me at all. I would put a bumper sticker on that camaro look at me I'm a high school drop out, and I paid cash for this car.
  21. Exactly some people have the desire and strive to succeed! I doubt it was easy on him. Quite a few millionaires in America don't have college degrees.
  22. My degree in underwater basket weaving has sever me well. Just because employees require a degree doesn't mean they require a degree. I've actually been turned down for jobs because the person doing the hiring felt threatened by me. When I say threatened I don't mean by violence, but rather they were concerned I would take their job in a matter of time. The weird part is they actually told me that's why they wouldn't hire me. When I went to lowe's I flat out asked the store manager what he made and how long to store manager. I was hired. . I actually intended to follow through with that plan, but the next manager screwed me over. Lots of degrees are worthless. If you have a degree that requires you to borrow 50k and you make $10.50 an hr after college tge degree is worthless because you will never get your 50k paid off.
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