I'm not as prepared as I'd like to be, but there's no harm in being ready for whatever might happen. It's not so much crazy as it is phobic, imo. There are folks out there that spend hundreds of thousands ( or more ) on underground bunkers, piles of weaponry, rations for years, and months of training/drills.....apparently they either have a lot to live for, or their OCD has NO bounds I don't really see a way to be truly prepared for all catastrophic events since prepper products are no good if they're submerged and swept away in a flood, or burnt to dust from nuclear attack. What I do agree with is if you've got the funds to invest into being more prepared, it's a virtual insurance that would surely increase your chances of survival. So, I agree with the prepper mentality to "some" degree.....but only within my means. I believe preparedness should be used to sustain life at some point, not become one's lifestyle