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Everything posted by Helmutt

  1. Happy BDay buddy! Saw you at the Epic ride, but never made it over to chat -- hope it's a good one
  2. Sometimes it's best to lay low if you feel it's the right thing to do at that time in your life. I respect that. Hopefully you can feel good about getting back on a bike someday, no matter what type of bike you get back on.....just come back when it's your time. Hope you mend quickly and get past this Dave
  3. Just voted you up again.....it does let you vote multiple times, but that mini at the bottom is over 150+ already so it may be a long shot
  4. Voted fer ya, good luck
  5. ^^^This. I'd have to be pretty deep down on my luck to sell my bike off. Good luck Cordell
  6. Oldschoolsdime92 here does killer work but he is nowhere near you. Sorry, don't know of any others here or pro companies that detail around Cbus
  7. Helmutt


    Thanx for your service Marine
  8. Has he got ANY experience with guns or is this just one of those "I wanna be cool and carry too" scenarios? If you don't have any luck convincing him to stay away from guns, then the other positive influence you could have on him would be to take him shooting and teach him some gun safety. Maybe even take a course or two with him. Reinforce proper handling, respect for the weapon, safe practices, etc. Then if he has a raging fit, he will hopefully remember all the good things you did for him and wont shoot you in the face.
  9. Nice vid, similar to some of Doc's work
  10. With a donut on his dick and worms in his ass
  11. or badges. But a cop was sitting
  12. May have been cheaper......if they can't clock your speed but cite you for eluding, probably have been less that $700
  13. Helmutt

    Retro ordn

    Whoa! Uuuuh, please put the Delorian in park and step away from it sir
  14. Yes sir....these big lunged, long legged ladies need to sprint once in a while We'll definitely keep our eyes peeled in the events section for your LaborDay blast.....sounds like a great time and we are loving that side of the state more and more each year. If it's something we can commit to, I'll try and coerce some SW folks to join us! Would surely enjoy more convo with ya, as well as meet some more good riders out there
  15. Our "d"tour had me all screwed up and I lost all sense of direction when we left town, but anticipating the excitement ahead put all cares out of my head What's ( probably commonly ) odd is that after meeting several riders, I have a completely different outlook on their posts here. Once there's a face and a character to the screen names, the whole game changes a bit. Puts things in a friendlier light since there's more of an insight to who's who
  16. Lookin to spectate again this year, so hit me up when you plan to go. Have other plans for our extra funds this year so membership/prep wont be within grasp Will definitely plan for it next season if it doesn't happen at the last event in Sept
  17. Helmutt

    miss canada

    Canadian camel toes? Looks more like a "W" than an "Eh!"
  18. Post up pics of your new buy, glad ya passed on this one....$3200 is a little steep for a 12+ yr old but it is springtime, so it'll probably sell
  19. We had some last year, but not hordes of them. Just enough to piss ya off when you try to sleep with the windows open. But hit a swarm of these and good luck seeing thru your visor, guts just smear when you wipe at them with a glove too
  20. Aw great.....better order some touch up paint NOW
  21. QuikAccord had some sort of bee fly down his jacket at the ride Saturday, stung him several times before he got rid of it but luckily he's not allergic. When I was a teenager I hit a groundhog around 40-50mph on my first streetbike (550LTD), instinct locked my elbows and I didn't touch the brakes. The bike bucked up a little, but no wobble or problems at all. He didn't die, just rolled around a bit and then took off. Deer can turn a biker's life to shit in milliseconds, seen some wicked photos but personally been lucky myself ( knockin on wood as I type this )
  22. Dave Chappelle rides?! He just got even cooler I'd have sworn that would've been an exercise in futility
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