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Everything posted by snot

  1. snot

    New color?

    Michigan colors? Keep the blue. Accents in green or hot pink.
  2. @RidersDiscount Please send updated qoute....looking to buy this time
  3. Sorry.... Had a rough night. Neighbors had a party and forgot to set the alarm... I am grounded to the kitchen for the next 2 weeks.
  4. Lock it up.... Sold
  5. To the top....bump
  6. I am selling my Newish (never wore the jacket or pants except to try on) IXS 2 PC. Sold
  7. She may have good and bad days. It will be hard, but for her it will mean the world that you take time to see her.... Even if it doesn't appear that way. Enjoy the ride, you deserve time to yourself too.
  8. Wtf is Dumpster? All the threads are from different categories... But this is ORdN so I guess if it doesn't make since then it is "fixed".....
  9. Quoted for future reference..... I am sure @Pauly or @Tonik will need it later.
  10. Not like the chatbox was used a lot...
  11. Odd... This is what I see when I try to open it Sorry, there is a problem Something went wrong. Please try again. Error code: EX0
  12. Cant see my old message either. Ok, tried to send @Tonik a message and recieved an error instead.
  13. Now none of message are coming up.... I have a notification but can't open my email. Not like I get anything other than spam.
  14. Already done and in Fridge, so.... And @Pauly make some bacon!
  15. I am offended because there is a lack of offensive women on the forum... This kitchen shit has got to go.
  16. You are hoarding tampons and chocolate, then sit back and watch.... Women in diapers without chocolate pissed for no and every reason.
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