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Everything posted by snot

  1. Oh, this is in Troy,Ohio It is my fathers bike
  2. He has custom pinstripes too. It has a cup holder, cigarette lighter, CB, ring of fire, so many extras...
  3. $3500 clean title (never down) Garage kept SE model 23751 miles One owner Cash in hand Mechanic's Service manual included Air horns Ring of fire Additional lighting on sides and rear where reflectors were located. Cigarette lighter Air wings Chrome covers for speakers; fog lights Aftermarket windshield (adjustable) Arm rest for passenger Wood grain Custom pinstripes with eagles Alarm Trailer hitch Cassette player CB radio
  4. We stopped doing the group thing too. Helmutt was tired of leading and having issues with the size our group would end up with (12 on the last one). We weren't having fun anymore and it became stressful. We will ride with small groups of people we know or have rode with before (and trust).
  5. How many want to meet up and ride? We could just meet up, and run an old route. I doubt we have the numbers like years back of 70+ or 30+ my guess is like 15 would show up..... Everyone pair up and ride your ride. Thoughts? We (Helmutt and I) are not leading and sweeping.... Just riding
  6. Ok.. Up to 230 back squat and 115 clean.... I hate cleans Focused on lifting and strength vs weight right now
  7. DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ... maybe depends on day
  8. Remove trim, paint walls, paint trim, reattach trim, touch up....
  9. snot

    Mother passed

    Sorry for your loss. You're in my prayers.
  10. They may blow up with fumes and a spark...
  11. It is a lesson she needs to learn, I agree with Tonik. She is lucky you are "ok". But, you do what is best for you. I pray you have a speedy recovery and get back on the street soon.
  12. @DerekClouser Knows a little about it..
  13. @Casper? KTM was not listed, it must be in the closet.
  14. snot


    Going for the first time in a few weeks. We plan on going to lower Bass Island on the Ferry. Any tips on places to see? I want to go to a beach too. But, not sure which one is good. This is a day trip, so we will not be staying over night.
  15. So, no one has been out? This one is so easy to get... Bike, car, bicycle, tricycle, etc.... Does not matter... Get out to a park
  16. It has been since 2018 or 17 since we have been to hocking to ride. We took a few days off this week to go have some fun....
  17. Back to hocking today... Almost 600 miles between Monday and today.
  18. @RidersDiscount Price on helmets... Size =XS SCORPION WOMENS EXO-T510 EXOT 510 AZALEA FULL FACE HELMET White/silver UPC: 0845468063606 MPN: T51-1312 Or Scorpion EXO-T1200 EXOT 1200 MAINSTAY FULL FACE HELMET white/blue UPC: 0845468059456 MPN: T12-4602 Or SCORPION EXO-T510 EXOT 510 TARMAC FULL FACE HELMET blue/black UPC: 0845468057902 MPN: T51-1022
  19. Quick ride to hocking and back today.
  20. Sky is there somewhere.... Next pic at a park, any park.
  21. My baby got a new seat over the winter (thank you @RidersDiscount). She was given a good cleaning today too... For Christmas I got new LED frt. Signlas... Before and after...
  22. This one you have to guess when to stop and just need to be close enough..
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