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Everything posted by NinjaDoc

  1. You guys might as well officially announce the thread as Mach retard now all the characters in the play are in place ride safe guys. If at all possible I will ride down with Durk till new concord, then with you guys for 83 then I will prolly have to break off east ward at 83/78 and make my way to 536 and head home early. You guys be safe. Ps: my main aim is to get pics of some more hoORigans
  2. Durk was with that group, That's exactly why he said this is going to be like that ride
  3. New bike Forks come fully set up from factory itself right?
  4. so its confirmed which ship goes to grand line you need to get a sticker/decal like this up front
  5. NinjaDoc


    Nice to meet you last ride, hope to see you in more. Hope them boots dry soon lol
  6. one good wash still not clean in the nook and corner, the part where i hate riding in rain is the post ride clean up. Crap goes every where. And its worse if its naked bike.
  7. this is exactly why the big networks dont provide service in these locations but if we ever find an alternative and are full on looney bin crazy to even think this is more than a joke, then i will be the guy at the north end keeping time while you guys race/ it looks cool not to ride and just do clerical work and time keeping in full race leathers and that too white in color with white boots.
  8. Just for the info for newer guyswho are not part of the clique- all this hazing is just for time pass. Ride was in good pace safe manner following "the pace" these guys are just ribbing each other. Except for the one guy who shouldn't be riding in this group speed and roads all others were atgatt and just enjoying the ride. But he kept lvl head and survived and will definitely be a better rider if he keeps coming back. Some roads were real tricky and prolly not to be ridden on questionable tires. Ask me how I know, about a month ago I did 536 on pure 360 run around cords, not a shred of rubber let alone thread lol the last time I saw a questionable rider in one of the ride I put together, I was thinking at every stop whtr to talk to him and ask him to stay put and stay back. But thought what would he think , kept procrastinating and then he crashed real bad. I will never let it happen again. if I ever call a ride out and me or others have obvious doubts about a rider he will be talked to in private, Which I still don't feel comfortable doing. It's not because others are gods to riding or it's not because we are "uncrashsble" it's just we been there done that and have that "common sense of riding" which takes time and miles to build. Better to avoid the scenario which leaves him scarred and u feeling weight of guilt. And again to newer folks to forum, all this calling out and stuff is just pure fun. In an Actual ride there is no race among riders, better riders ride fast and ahead and wait for others. There is no illegal passing and fighting for corner position etc. Of course deep inside, almost all if not most active peeps here thinks they are faster and better, it's just part of our inner psych as flawed humans. We have our own thought process, I could be the fastest in this part of the world, only if my bike was latest tech, only if it had few more ponies, only if it was lighter, only if roads were smoother, only if I was more younger. But the truth of the matter is almost all the frequent actual riders in this forum are great riders, atgatt and with lot of experience and "common ride sense" And as soon as ride starts they just stick to what they can do and do that best and try to improve every ride. There is always somebody faster than you in some situation, everybody has there favorite scenarios. And if those particular combination of situation comes along they ride the balls off and tires off. So with that big wall of nonsense, let's keep it real, let's organize a race in 536 all we need is two "road closed" sign for north and south end lol
  9. That ktm will be a hoooooooooooooot on 536
  10. I was home later than expected but earlier than worse case scenario washed the bike just before dark, them nakeds are fun to work on but heck of pain in the exhaust to clean, esp on a day like this. Had a great ride, best part of the ride I already had by the time we got to new concord. No rain, dry roads and no traffic. Kind of purged the devil by then. But then ride started. thx tonic for the rain. . I mean, for the ride and good tow. The first rain drowned us all. Ride was getting really started from Caldwell. You were getting the hang of the bike by middle of the day, and I was really enjoying the pace and roads. I liked it so much I kept staying back another road and road before peeling off. At first I was having a hard time following coz u were struggling with rhythm. i almost bumped into you if I did not do the flick side ways hehe, but then you settled into the ride and it was smooth. It's gonna be fun riding with you in the coming months. From the sounds of it 536 is were we need to go, it's not at all a liter bike kind of ride unlike other Ohio roads where there is almost a 50/50 distribution of curves and corners. Where 1k is gonna be a hoot to blast off from corner to corner. 536 is a vstrom/ cb500x kinda road The only ride pic I took i was laughing my head head off thinking how the day was progressing. It was total chaos before we all sort of settled into it. Half the guys waiting in another gas station, half the people not knowing which part to join, road closed, Multiple deer sighting, vulture attack, people getting lost, all the rest running around looking for them, of course no signal. Mansoon, animals crossing, heavy heat and humidity, no connectivity, riding as if there is no law of the land, overall I relived my Indian memories cant imagine I didn't get picture of tonic and shoop, for sure next time. Tonik go pro was not running rain flooded and nearly killed it and I took it off for the rest of the ride, and hence enjoyed the ride with no distraction. Bike got a wash and quick spray wax job for now
  11. NinjaDoc


    From the album: StripleR days

  12. NinjaDoc


    From the album: StripleR days

  13. NinjaDoc


    From the album: OR folks

    Pardon his garage cloths lol, his home was near our meet spot and just walked up to say hi
  14. NinjaDoc


    From the album: OR folks

  15. NinjaDoc


    From the album: OR folks

  16. NinjaDoc


    From the album: OR folks

  17. NinjaDoc


    From the album: OR folks

  18. NinjaDoc


    From the album: OR folks

  19. Dome of hate working so far, rain is completely contained........ just inside the dome. Now taking a break and then possibly better
  20. At bolivar, waiting for pauly, who might have already left here. Lol he seems to be in a hurry today
  21. My gut feeling is @Uncle Punk might make an appearance
  22. I am just coming to take pics of you guys I have to be back home early so will split of midway, the line up looks fun and huge, will prolly need 3 different groups it looks like. Weather will be great. @Isaac's Papa pauly if I am able to join you, will txt you in am and meet you at bolivar. Don't look for me as of now.
  23. Sliding is okay, I was worried it's gonna burst
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