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Everything posted by jester3681

  1. I think I'm getting one next year when I re-up.
  2. Man, this has craigslist scam written all over it. If the owner is not present, do not buy. Another bike'll come along. We're coming into the winter now. Good deals will abound.
  3. I'll need to look for a non-conventional battery for the Virago. The lead-acid that came with it won't fit in the tail where it needs to mount. I'm looking at a smaller AGM or sealed-cell type battery.
  4. Man, I'd love to have a job that allows me to fuck around on OR's "Funny Pictures Thread" at 1:30pm on a Thursday... oh wait
  5. I had a cup of coffee this morning and though of this. 0% as an option (instead of 60%) would make the paradox even deeper: A) 25% B) 50% C) 0% D) 25% If you choose C) 0%, you are choosing a "correct" answer, and since "0%" only appears once, it would be a 25% chance, making both A and D correct again for a 50% chance making B correct... deeper into the abyss we go.
  6. For someone from Carey, he has an excellent command of Chinese characters on Youtube...
  7. I'd like to know too, just because I spent about 10 minutes searching last night and couldn't find anything.
  8. Having spent some time in electronics repair, I can almost guarantee you this will be cheaper than fixing the other one. Plus, bigger TV! Win-win.
  9. Check this out : http://www.avsforum.com/avs-vb/showthread.php?t=968513 Looks like your ailment.
  10. If I had to guess, I'd say the tuner is going out.
  11. Here's the question to ask yourself - are you willing to pay to fix the damage from where the bike falls off the ramp, or truck, and and pain you may incur when it falls on you. I would very much recommend having a second person. Ask me how I know this - 03 Suzuki... with 3/4 of a mile on it. It's worth just standing by your truck with the bike for an hour or so until one of the Dayton guys can help. Also, make sure to have help at the other end too.
  12. That's a nice looking bike. Good luck! (Man, if I bought every bike I wanted on here, I'd need ten more garages.)
  13. I bet Penn State stands behind the head coach. Nasty situation though.
  14. I wouldn't kick it out of the garage for eating motor oil.
  15. Built, not bought. Just keep it for a couple of seasons and it will be fine. Especially if you have a bike to start with.
  16. Just put a VFR swingarm on it and be done with it.
  17. Price is way high (almost double) - 2000 Durango SLT with 5.9 engine and 129k in Columbus, Ohio retails for $2600, private party $1900. If there's something really nice about it, ask $3k. if not, I'd be surprised if he gets much more than $2500.
  18. Good tips! Thinking which will and will not apply to me with a fiberglass tank... and also which apply to those in various stages of construction.
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