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Everything posted by jester3681

  1. I'm bikeless again and looking for a project - I'd be interested in more pics.
  2. Easton area - PM me, we'll figure it out.
  3. Cleaning out the garage. I have a dated but functional surround sound system - Sony head unit with 6 piece speaker set - center, fronts, rears and powered sub. I had this set up in our living room until the big tv went out. All works, four wall mounts for the fronts and rears. $50 for head unit, $50 for speakers; $75 for all. Also have a Craftsman chop saw. I got it used, never used it myself. Definitely needs a new blade, but it works ok. $50 OBO Lastly, have a set of Rubbermaid shelves. These are the really heavy duty ones, each platform roughly 2' x 4'. I have a total of eleven shelves and legs for seven spaces - I currently have it set up with two 4 shelf, one two shelf and a base on the floor for stuff to sit on. All shelves are spray painted yellow (bought them from Pick'n'Pull). $50 OBO Aaaand - for anyone who is interested, I have some 2"x4"x10' lumber in the garage - been there for years, pretty sure I'll never use it. Maybe 10-15 total? Free to a good home, but you must come get it. PM me if you're interested!
  4. Ok, we're almost 2 pages without a new funny picture. Unacceptable. TheBrown57? Where are you?
  5. Leasing can be good too if you get a car that holds its value fairly well and lease it right - like anything else, make sure to negotiate and read the fine print. Look very hard at the end of lease details. Example - my wife and I leased our Rogue at a great time and got a great deal. Our residual (buy out) is only $13k at the end of 39 months, 3 year old used Rogues are selling for $16-18k. It's possible for us to buy and sell the car on paper at 39 months and make money when we turn it in. Mileage is the huge thing though - The only other car I leased, I got very close to the mileage on it. I ended up buying a junker and only drove the leased car one day a week to keep the mileage off. Kind of a waste. Modding is not necessarily against the lease. Check with the dealer and read the fine print - I lowered my Toyota and put aftermarket wheels on it and was not penalized when I turned it in. I'm not saying an engine swap would be ok, but you get what I'm saying. Bottom line, if you get a good deal and can keep the mileage off, leasing is a great option because your monthly payment will be a LOT less and after 3 years, new car time. (by the way, it was said earlier, but if you're 1-2k over on the miles, a lot of dealerships will forgive the mileage if you lease another one with them... not set in stone or written anywhere, but kind of a rule of thumb. If you go 20k over and go to turn your car in at the height of the recession, yeah, you may end up buying or paying out the nose - such is life).
  6. This is this year's Maxim Top 100 Hottest List - Stephen Colbert was on it.
  7. Saw a guy today on a sporty type bike - sneakers, jeans, NO SHIRT... and a helmet. What's the point of the helmet? So that you live to feel how terrible it is to have skin grafts on 50% of your body? Man...
  8. That's ALL there's time to do. Well, that and our job... But who wants to waste time doing that?
  9. ^^^ this. I know BadTrainDriver - stand up guy. Don't let his avatar fool you.
  10. Here's my unbiased opinion on the GTO. Pontiac's biggest mistake was naming it a GTO. It's nothing like the 60s and 70s GTOs, so I think they alienated a lot of their core clientele. That being said, as a Holden Monero import/rebadge, it's an excellent car. Big engine, little car. Proven chassis, drivetrain. Buy it because of that, not because it's a GTO. I mean, really, you're getting C5/6 Corvette performance (more or less) for half the price (or less). This car is just another of the few they started making through Pontiac (G6, G8) right before they went belly up that were the best cars in 20 years they'd turned out. Stupid GM. :-)
  11. Dawn? I use dishwashing liquid to clean off oily parts... Works pretty good and I can't imagine it would do anything adverse to any parts...
  12. This guy. But you're probably looking for better examples, right?
  13. Wow - jumping on here, I guess... signed. Also emailed and called Paul Ryan and Pat Tiberi, my local Congressman. This budget proposal is nonsense. For those of you who don't know (I'm thinking about 99.9% of those of you who don't pay Tier 1), Railroad Retirement is completely self funded. Railroad employees and employers pay into it, with no government backing. This is what we pay into instead of social security. And yes, at the end of the day it pays out more than social security. What Paul Ryan is proposing is pretty much theft - he wants to lower the common denominator, pay out less to railroad retirees and pocket the difference to balance the budget. Think about it this way, you work your whole life paying into your 401(k) (another privately funded pension program), then the government decides, "man, I'd really like to have some of that money, so now instead of what you were going to make, you can only make what social security would pay." This is what is being proposed for us. Now also spend those 30+ years working at the beck and whim of a company that doesn't care about you, working 60-85 hours a week, spending another 40-60 hours in a hotel, seeing your family for the 2 hours between when your phone rings and when you show up for work (hopefully they're awake), grinding it away for 7, 9, 12 days straight because they work some loophole to keep you working, catching hell if you want to mark off sick, working every minute looking over your shoulder because at any moment, an army of company officials is trying to find the one rule you break to fire you (I carry 9 different books of rules)... I could go on. Railroad retirement is the light at the end of the tunnel. As for anti-union? Sheeeit. See above description of a railroader's life. Without the unions, I'm pretty sure the carriers would have figured out how to find a loophole in the Constitution and force us to slavery. And you think I'm joking. Sorry guys, I'll get down off my soapbox, but myself and more than half of my family depends on this retirement system now, and in the future. Paul Ryan is a moron. (On a side note, if you go to his website and watch what he wants to do with Social Security, it's comical in light of this attack on Railroad Retirement. His vision for SS is like a textbook definition of how RR works... *sigh*)
  14. I know all Nissans with a chip key need to be done by the dealer. I wouldn't be surprised if Volvo is the same. $85 isn't too bad, especially if you didn't get the key from them. I knew a guy who was able to do some of the chips, but he'd be $60-$140 depending on the key.
  15. Ok guys, sorry, but no pics of actual bike here - interested parties, contact me and we can get together - listing this for my father-in-law. Bike is a 2001 HD Road King Classic, approx 17k miles. He hasn't ridden much in the past 5 years and would like to get a four wheeled toy. Well kept, garage kept, includes a single bike motorcycle trailer (fold up for storage). Pic below is of a similar bike. He'd like to get $12k for bike and trailer. PM me if you're interested. Bike is located in NW Ohio - Monclova.
  16. I'm working on a Virago cafe I've got a build thread on here. I need to update it - haven't touched it since Atlanta.
  17. ^ Agreed. Plus, I can count on one hand the number of Wranglers I saw in two years at PnP and none had engines. I used to run the place.
  18. Having sold at and managed several repair centers, the front room answer would be - depends on the customer. If it's a regular customer, eat the cost, no problem. Someone we never worked with before - sir, parts were corroded, I'm sorry but we need to replace other parts too. Maybe sell the parts at cost with discounted labor? Depends on the situation. I can also say that a dealership likely knows that this is a possibility if it's that common and would caution the customer ahead of time. A good dealer would sell the job with the knuckles and just back them out if not needed.
  19. I wear Wolverine I buy at Andersons. I have ad my pair for about a year and they're still in good shape. I work a lotand have very specific requirements for work (6" or more, less than 1" defined heal, oil resistasnt sole, etc.). Mine are safety toe. Very comfortable, but need to double up socks in the winter. Almost all of the walking I do is on large ballast rock (railroad bed). I paid $80.
  20. Stephanie is kind of a troll - the girl on the other show is much better looking, although about as dumb.
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