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Everything posted by jester3681

  1. If all it is is the fender, there's a couple of eBay vendors that will send you a fender painted to match your color code. I had a buddy order one and I want to say it was less than $300 painted and shipped for a new one. Also take a look at the salvage guys - call Brimms in Kenton, they ship or you could pick up out on the rail... I guess the moral of this story is if you have a 10mm wrench, I'm not sure you need a body shop.
  2. Not a bad price... maybe for my kids? Wife would kill me. Nah...
  3. Well, when I get home from Atlanta, so far I will have the speedo drive gear, brake caliper bolts from an XS850 to get the front end mocked up as well as an XS850 speedo to use the guts out of (not sure if the internals from the '68 will be any good with all the rust) and last but not least, the spacers for the rear wheel and hub. I was able to track down some aluminum spacers that are 3/4" OD x 3/8" ID x 3/8" thick. The 3/8" dimension is within 1/2mm of 10mm, so I may have to open the ID up a tad, but the thickness should work for my purposes. I would think that the original centerline of my rear wheel being 1/2mm from where it will be with this rear wheel will be close enough for city work. I need to get the wheel off the bike, but I'm pretty sure I'll end up tapping the wheel itself so the 6 bolts that hold the hub in place will bolt directly to it. More to come!
  4. That's almost mine - substitute OR for CN and we're there.
  5. Both of these are funny - nice!
  6. I grew up with a girl who did this - met a guy in college, never even kissed him, then got married and kissed for the first time on their wedding day. Kind of strange...
  7. I like this one. What's a fair rate of SPH (sliders per hour)?
  8. I agree - we need to see some pics! Welcome aboard!
  9. Nah, not yet - first day stuff - "My name is John. I hired out in Columbus. I'm going to Willard." It is kind of nice not being the fresh hire - they certainly treat us better now that we have union protection. Our instructor had last week off so he didn't have any paperwork for us. I had 7 starts. He had last week off. *sigh* You and I are doing something wrong, brother.
  10. jester3681


    Hey guys - I know we've got some restorers and auto guys on here - Anyone use POR15 in any of their projects? I'm curious how it goes on and what the surface is like. I've read really good things, but they say on the website that some of their topcoats aren't cosmetically as good as others - just curious what other people's experience was. I'd probably use this on the frame and swingarm and use BlackCoat or ChassisCoat Black over top. But if the coverage sucks, I may use their primer and paint. Thoughts?
  11. I call mine "Little John" but "my chain" is a neat idea too.
  12. Ordered on simply because it's free.
  13. Yeah, yardmaster in Willard. Kind of my deal with the Devil. I want to get to the Great Lakes dispatch office and I think this is about the best way to do it. Good seeing you too - must be nice working for about 2 hours. I almost had Terry talked into just going to get it. He's been qualified over that way as a conductor, but not as an engineer.
  14. Ok - day after Thanksgiving, I'm home alone on federally mandated 72 hours rest, family is out of town. Great time to put some time in on the bike. Here's where we started today: Still have the rear wheel on loosely fitted, waiting on the spacer to finish that end. Time to put the front end on. And, after not that long at all: The steering stem is from the original bike, forks are from a 1980 XS850, wheel is from a 1979 XS750, headlight ears are from another 1980 XS850, calipers (not installed) are from a 1980 XS1100. I removed the handlebar risers and kind of like the look. I found an awesome gauge/headlight bucket I'm going to use: This sucker is from a 1968 Yamaha YCS1. I love the look of it and the integrated gauge/headlight. I'm going to do some extensive mods to the gauge though - I plan to replace the guts with a modern speedo head and also mount a tach in the left side of the gauge face, similar to an old Honda CB/CL77. Started to take it apart... ... rust. Ugh. The bucket isn't too bad, but some of the gauge housing will need to be cut out and replaced. Luckily, it's not in a visable location so it doesn't need to be too neat of a job. I hit the gauge with my wire brush and it cleaned up a bit: Another of the gauge face out of the bucket - Aaaaaaaand... after all this, I tried to mount the headlight to the forks and the XS850 ears won't work. That bike (XS850) must have like a 3 1/2" headlight. So, off they come: Done for today, but have a lot of stuff to hit eBay for: need the hardware to mount the calipers to the forks (Lowes?), need a speedo drive gear from an XS850 - the one from the Virago fits to the wheel, but the hole is too small for the axle to fit through, need a way to mount the headlight, and lastly, need some clip-ons. I leave for Atlanta for a month on Monday, so hopefully I can track all this stuff down and have it waiting when I get home.
  15. Dispatch just confirmed - Urban Meyer is OSU's next head coach. I guess if you can't beat'em, hire'm.
  16. I'd get the manual and start checking all the connections associated with starting - kick stand switch, clutch switch, etc. It may be an intermitant short somewhere. Another idea - call the PO - there may be some trick he didn't want to tell you because he didn't want to foul the sale. Now that it's a done deal, maybe he'll work with you?
  17. Dude- I have that exact same tattoo. Freaky. And I know lots of people have shamrocks, but mine is damn near identical.
  18. You: Guy on a dual sport/sumo type thing, came off Airport Drive, past Dominican, left on Sunbury. In the rain. In the dark. Looks like you might have just about bought the farm making the turn, looked back to make sure that your ass was still there and not smeared across the intersection. Me: In the silver Sable three cars back thinking, "better you than me, brother." Bet it wasn't raining or dark when you left home, right? Daylight savings is a bitch. DISCLAIMER: Rider was wearing full gear, so plus points there.
  19. Was there a WRX in the background of one of the pictures I didn't see?
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