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Everything posted by jester3681

  1. $4k is a bit steep for a 2000 Durango. I bet if he came down to $3k he'd get a bit more action.
  2. Sounds nasty! I love it.
  3. Here's my thoughts: Definately dead: Maid, gay guys, guy in leather suit, wife of original owner, two college girls, guys mistress, high school kids (once you catch up, you'll know) Definately alive: Guy and his family, woman next door, security guard Up in the air: Guy who burned the house down, Tate (kid who's seeing the doctor/dating his daughter)
  4. Well, looking to receive the parts for the front end this week - using the stock triple, forks from an XS850 and brakes from an XS1100. I have today and tomorrow and Tuesday morning off, kind of hoping to get them in time to mock everything up.
  5. I probably would fuck that Porsche. Right up the tailpipe. My only complaint about the 944/51 is that I like the front clip on the 944 better - but the 951 is still dead sexy.
  6. Who is watching this show on FX? I'm hooked, but about as lost as I was during... well, Lost. Thoughts on things? Who's dead, who's alive, etc...
  7. http://www2.nbc4i.com/news/2011/nov/05/7/motorcycle-car-collide-northern-ross-county-ar-817230/ Drunk driver went left of center and killed a couple on their bike. RIP riders, and may justice be served. This makes me sick...
  8. I used to work for this company - Nissan/North, Mistu West/North, what used to be Saturn Southeast, and all the Autobody Collision centers. Good owners, good people. If you could ever retire from automotive, I'd have stayed.
  9. Remember, remember the 5th of November... and realize how very close we were to the greatest act of terrorism in history. If not for a few suspicious people...
  10. 1. Modern Family 2. Psych 3. American Horror Story Those are the three I make it a point to watch as soon as they DVR - we also record Tosh, Bones, South Park, Chopped, Family Guy, Once Upon a Time (maybe a couple more episodes), Hells Kitchen (although this last season was pretty brutal), and Next Iron Chef/Food Network Star. Shameless and Episodes are coming back to Showtime soon, they'll go on the list. And due to the two monsters, I also watch Dora, Diego, Thomas, Mickey Mouse and more. Yesterday I watched the Halloween episode of "Babies" (Rugrats) six times.
  11. It was a big dog. I realized after the fact that two guys meeting to exchange goods for cash at a deserted gas station in the South End of Columbus probably did look suspicious.
  12. Sold - lock it up. Thanks Josh! And even with the excitement of the South End cops thinking we were closing a drug deal...
  13. Love that 951. Jealous. Always wanted one of those...
  14. TwiztedRabbit, I love the look of that bike - is the frame and wheels a maroon color, or bright red? Kind of hard to tell on my phone. Looks awesome!
  15. Love the progress on this bike! Keeps me motivated!
  16. Welcome! I'm jealous of the 951 already? Color? Guards Red?
  17. Good luck brother! Check out www.SparkPeople.com. I joined in February and have lost 60+ pounds this year. Healthy choices and portion control and a little bit of excercise.
  18. I WOULD agree with the customizability thing. Harleys are very, very well supported by both HD and the aftermarket. Everything else is nonsense.
  19. Hands down. No question. Put pepperoni on a saltine with some cheese and ketchup, that's Tommy's. If you want the goods, Adriadicos all the way.
  20. Just do it - powder coat your stock wheels black. Be the first!
  21. Would you take a partially completed Virago cafe project as an even trade? I have some spares I'll include.
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