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Everything posted by Blitz

  1. Oh I know the Browns suck...... I just think the management (specifically Brown) is a nightmare for you guys.
  2. I'm definitely wanting to ride tomorrow Hoblick. Let me know if you still plan to go....where to meet etc.
  3. http://deadspin.com/5933607/why-your-team-sucks-2012-cincinnati-bengals?tag=why-your-team-sucks-2012 As a Browns fan.....I'm just happy there's a team with worse management than Cleveland. And they're in Ohio *BONUS*
  4. I might be interested in this. Been a while since I rode more than a few miles. Where are you thinking about riding?
  5. Last weekend didn't work out for me, so I definitely plan to ride this weekend. Thinking Coshocton areas or down South depending on feedback. I'm thinking Saturday, noon, at KFC Cedar Street Newark. I'm flexible though so anyone wanting to ride post any concerns or issues and we'll throw it at the wall and see of we can make it stick.
  6. Alright. I'm kinda 50/50 now too due to school stuff. If you want to hit Coshocton tomorrow afternoon let me know.
  7. Hutch....you in on this? Want to meet in Newark and ride to Pickerington?
  8. I can meet in Pick-town. Meet in Nerk first Hutch?
  9. Dizzledan....you're welcome anytime. Dave....sorry man but it's pretty late tonight and had I planned for tomorrow I would have gone to bed earlier. Plus I need to make a dent in this final project for school tomorrow so I can ride Sunday with a clear conscience. Probably plan for noon Sunday at KFC. If Hutch decides to ride tomorrow Dave you may be able to catch up with him.....but I'm sure you knew that already. Habi.....love to see ya there Sunday
  10. I could do whatever works for everyone else. Probably only one day this weekend.....but either one and anytime works for me. GF is out of town
  11. Thought I'd see if any of the Central Ohio guys plan to ride. I figured Coshocton area or down to the Muskingum river via 669. If not I'll watch football and the Olympics.
  12. I know what you mean..... I went from adrenaline drunk to just drunk. My girlfriend is a bad influence on me.
  13. The weather should be great. Just trying to see if anyone is interested in riding Sunday. Planning to meet at KFC in Newark at noon. Ride would include 79N to 541 to 60 to 62 to 520 to 514. If anyone is down, post up. I'll check Sunday morning and if we can put together a last minute ride, great. If nobody is interested I'll go back to bed and sleep off a long Saturday night. Hope to hit some Sunday twisties with you guys though, for sure.
  14. Sure thing Doc. Was great to meet you both and was a lot of fun. Get some rest man and we'll have to do it again some time.
  15. Great ride guys! I put in like 250 miles. Lots of fun
  16. Would definitely like to join this. You guys should take 541 to 79 into Newark though, instead of slabbing on 16. Judging by times you posted you will be at 60/62 at 11am....is that right? I will PM you Ninja and give you my cell. Let me know what time to be at 60/62.
  17. Yep.....sure did. Were you the one that bought it?
  18. Sunday at noon works for me. I'll probably try to ride tomorrow some if anyone else wants to......but we could set a ride for Sunday.
  19. Alright....depending on anyone else that wants to ride, later in the day works for me. Or Sunday.....let me know what you plan to do.
  20. Anyone in Newark/ Columbus area looking to ride?
  21. We waited for you down the road a ways. We took off due to the statie.
  22. Yeah man.....glad you guys could make it. Was a great day to ride.
  23. Yessir.....I'll be there at noon.
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