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Everything posted by Mary#17

  1. Well, we promised my 6 year old that we would get a puppy after she turned 6 and when Ian was almost 3 - so here we are. She's a cutie pie but ugh, what a handful! I've pretty much decided the same gene that makes you forget how hard infants and toddlers are (otherwise you'd never have any more children) must also exist for puppies because I forgot how hard they are to live with. We got her last week and she is 9 weeks old this week. Australian Shepherd/Norweigon Elkhound mix. Got her from a rescue group that gets a lot of their puppies from the Amish. Anyway, here are a couple of pics.
  2. Ha! And, deprive my husband from playing with dirt and a bobcat - not going to happen. I'm no fool, this is all about him wanted to move dirt around and do bobcat wheelies like Travis Pastrana. Mary
  3. Those are really good ideas. Thanks! I think they are breaking ground on some new developments in the spring. I'll have to go and talk to them. I also know one of the PM's from Drees Homes and might be able to get him to help. Mary
  4. Just a single loop track. I don't want to dig a pond in my parent's yard for a variety of reasons, hence bringing in fill dirt. I guess we will just have to wing it.
  5. BTW - do you have any pictures of the kid friendly track you built?
  6. We already have plans to rent a bobcat. I don't want to dig out my parent's land so I don't think we'll need the dozer. That's why we want the fill dirt. I think my husband is underestimating how much it will take. I think we will just buy as much dirt as we can afford and then just keep adding on every year. Do you know of any web sites on how to's? We found the dirtwerks site but that is just waaaaaaaaay too much for us. Mary
  7. Oh and I'm not thinking about a 27 acre track - part of the land is woods where we have trails and then into a clearing where we would build the track.
  8. My parents have 27 acres and we want to build a small track with some jumps and stuff like that. Nothing super serious but just for fun and pretending that we are flying through the air We need to bring some fill dirt in and have no clue how much dirt we would need for various size jumps, etc. Also, should we be searching for a certain type of dirt? We've seen some ads for clay but I'm not sure if that is going to work except for maybe making a base. Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated as I'm totally clueless with this. Thanks! Mary
  9. Wow. You joined the forum less than 3 weeks ago, 10 posts and you are righteous and holy? You might be too cool for me. Mary
  10. Ha! I thought the second time around would be easier as well - did not happen. Still great though! Congrats!!! Mary
  11. That's awful. Hope you and everybody else are ok! Mary
  12. Have to agree with you on that one. Saw the one in your photo album and that thing is waaaaaaaay sexy. Love it. Mary
  13. We bought our spare on craigslist. Sometimes you get lucky. Mary
  14. Hi Nathan, do you sell parts for dirt bikes? I need a chain and brake line for a crf450 and a battery for a TTR 50? If you do, I'll send over the details. Thanks. Mary
  15. Thanks! We will! My parent's neighbors are just going to hate us this year aren't they? Mary
  16. Shoot, the pics don't work?! Oh well, yeah I started trying all sorts of bikes but also noticed that it doesn't account for rider sag. Still interesting though. Mary
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