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Everything posted by Mary#17

  1. Be careful on chapel ridge. It has the potential to bite you if you are not paying attention. Pavement conditions vary greatly as well. Very different road. We tried another road off of 374 and ended up on a dirt road and camp grounds. Really quite a amusing. All the campers were the wtf are you doing here? Very funny. Mary
  2. As a female living alone, I really don't think anybody should recommend that she go and investigate. Sorry. Just doesn't seem smart to me. You did the right thing by calling the cops. They can sort it out later but a call for help is a call for help. Mary
  3. Mary#17

    New Toy

    Same question? How tall are you? How much are you planning on lowering it that you need a new kickstand? This was my last bike. I'm 5 ft 2 and I didn't lower it. I have adjusted the dog bones in the past on other bikes but it never required a new kickstand. Congrats on the new bike. My f4i was a blast. I'm sure you will love it.
  4. Sorry, quick thread jack. I love that color scheme! Back to the regularly scheduled program. Mary
  5. Just curious. Who deemed you worthy to ride the good roads? Apparently you know of some grading system or test? Mary
  6. Seriously? Very selfish attitude. I am very grateful to those who have been kind enough to share the good roads as I don't have the free time like I used to for exploration. Mary
  7. Didn't ride these this year but here some reports I made from last year. Ridden on 9/2/11 – Ducati 1098. more... 536 (uphill from 7), this road has just completely deteriorated from our July 4 ride earlier this year. It was a really good time last trip and not as much fun this time around. They put in 4 foot wide tar strips or patches that go across the road from start to finish and they are slick. There is also a lot more debris than last time around. It might be slightly better going downhill but I would recommend 255, 556, 800 or 26 as they are much, much better. 255 is a blast! - Mary (9/6/11) Rode this on 9/2/2011 – Ducati 1098. Took 255 south to 7. more... This road is just an outright blast. Probably my favorite road in the area. Newer pavement. Clean. Lots of back and forth turns. Just plain fun. Very little traffic or debris. A must ride for this area!!!! - Mary (9/6/11 Instead of 536, I'd recommend 556 if you are in the area. 536 was fun but the pavement and road quality was really bad. "Ridden on 9/2/11 - Ducati 1098. 556 (downhill to 7) – Great road. Can be technical. Pavement was in good shape. Only a little gravel and mostly at the ends of driveways. Good time." - Mary (9/6/11)
  8. We ended up at the Hangout yesterday. It was decent. very cheap. Tried the fried green beans. They were pretty good. We passed some Cafe 52? that looked interesting. I found a new way to get down south that was much nicer than the rt. 83 drone we had been doing, so this route is a keeper. Sadly, I think last week was the prime for leaves. Most of trees were pretty barren. We saw lots of bike which is nice as lately it seems there aren't as many as there used to be. Hopefully we'll be able to sneak in a couple more rides but the weather is definitely on the downward slope. In another month or two, I'll start my annual internal debate as to why I continue to live in Ohio. Thanks again for the suggestions. Mary
  9. Hello all, Hoping to enjoy some of the weather later this week and looking for suggestions on places to eat for lunch. Ate at Roscoe Village last week (pj's?) which was fine but I like trying new places. Thanks. Mary
  10. I know exactly where that is at absolutely love that road. It's really becoming one of my favorites. Thanks for suggesting it in the spring! Great pics! Mary
  11. Been there, done that. I raced for over 6 years and my husband is a lifer with WERA. Been to just about every track in the east and south. We were STT instructors for a couple years. I'm in a different season of my life. I'll get back on the track someday but I've got dirt bikes to buy for myself and the kids so that's the priority now. But I would like to come and watch a race again especially since I don't go to the AMA races anymore. Mary
  12. Ok. Thanks. That's not bad. WERA was charging $20 way back when I was racing which is stupid. Mary
  13. What do they charge now for spectators? Maybe catch a race next year. Haven't been to Nelson in years. Mary
  14. Welcome! If we have another summer like this past summer, your relief might be trading 100 degrees for 90. But fall is really a great time to ride up here and your moving close to some nice roads which I'm sure will be a treat after all the straight and congested roads in Florida. Mary
  15. I was just thinking about one of these for you. They are lower and not as radical as the RR version. I'd hop on that if you can come to a deal. A friend of mine initially had an older version of this bike and it is much more relaxed and a nice overall bike. Mary
  16. I definitely think fall color is peaking now. Rode 220 miles yesterday Coshocton area and it was gorgeous. 83 from North Ridgeville to Roscoe Village. 541 to 60 to 520 to 517 to 60. The pavement and road conditions were surprisingly good for this time of year. Very little debris in the turns. I haven't done 520 in ages and had forgotten that it was a decent road and the trees and views were quite nice. Mary
  17. How tall are you? I'm 5 ft 2 and most bikes are too tall for me. You just learn to live with it. I've had an f4i (and an f3 and the original Hurricane) and loved them all. Can't go wrong with a Honda, they are bullet proof. I've ridden the 600rr and the difference isn't really that extreme so I think price and condition would be more of a deciding factor on that. Mary
  18. 56 between Bloomfield and 278. Do a loop by hitting 374 (hocking). 278 south from 56. All of those are heavily wooded and would be a nice scenic ride with nice places to stop and enjoy scenery. Mary
  19. Do you have anybody to ride with? An experienced rider? It's a not a bad idea to go with somebody for lots of reasons. Mary
  20. Thanks. It really was an awesome bike!.
  21. Yikes! Sorry to hear that but I'm glad you up and about! Mary
  22. I agree with the church parking lot or even a school parking lot during off hours. I practiced there endlessly until I felt comfortable. Enjoy! Mary
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