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Everything posted by Mary#17

  1. Welcome! With 2 months of riding experience, I would definitely stick with smaller groups for a while. Are you a West Sider? East Sider? South? What or who got you into bikes? Mary
  2. Just picked up these jeans from Nathan at Riders Discount. Thanks Nathan. I really like these jeans. Nice normal fit. Most ladies jeans that I have tried on or worn try to hard to be more fashionable than functional. I do not need low rise jeans while riding my bike. I want protection. These jeans fit at about your natural waist. Front is just at/slightly below the belly button and taller in the back as they should be to provide you with more protection. But they are not mom jeans that ride up your rib cage. It's a really nice fit for riding. Jeans are kevlar with CE adjustable armor in the knees. Some stretch in the fabric allows for a better more comfortable fit and there is an additional adjuster along the back to tighten if needed. I usually wear a 6 or 8 in pants depending on the cut and I wear a 6 in these. Length. I'm 5 ft 2 and these work for me which is shocking as most pants are usually way too long. I think these would fit somebody up to about 5 ft 7 well. If you are taller than that, i think they will be too short. All in all, I'm very pleased with these jeans and recommend them. http://stores.sportbiketrackgear.com/Detail.bok?no=19809
  3. 520. 514 south of 520. Some parts of 62 are ok but the one's previously mentioned are better.
  4. Funny that this just got bumped as I just bought the cardo scala q2 multiset. Yesterday was the first day of using it. So far I'm not sure. The set was supposed to come pre-paired and it wasn't. Took us a while to get it to work. Finally got it synced. Worked well on the way to lunch but about 5 minutes in on the ride back, seems like they became unsynced and didn't work anymore. I haven't had a chance to mess with it yet so I'm not sure what is going on. Might exchange this set for another. Having said that, while it worked, I was pretty happy with it but we really didn't go far or fast so very limited use at this point. The FM music worked well and we messed around with the Iphone connections a little bit before the ride but that isn't a big must for us - we just want to be able to communicate easily. I'll post a full review once I get a better handle on our current problems. Mary
  5. I'm 5 ft 2 and my bike isn't lowered. I think you should get off the bike and move it back. Not always pretty or cool but it gets the job done. Mary
  6. I'm only getting about 3000 on the rear Q2's as well. My last bike (an f4i) used to go over 6000 miles on tires. Must be how the bigger bikes "get the power to the ground" (a la Freddy Spencer). The Q2's are a really nice tire for overall street riding. They are fine in the rain as well. I've found the turn in to be slightly slower/heavier than some other tires that I've used but they are really super well planted in the turn. Very stable. I also think the price is pretty reasonable. Mary
  7. Mine just arrived last week, thanks Nathan, and so far I'm pretty impressed with it. I'll give a full review once I actually get out on the bike again but it's a neat helmet. Mary
  8. You will pay taxes if you don't use it for education but you can still use it for other things if they don't go to college. While you were saving it - you got tax deferred benefits. You get some tax benefits with the state. Sounds like you are already financially stable and have assets so you may not qualify for much of the aid that is available anyway. And, regardless, unless you store this money in mattress, it will still count as an asset for financial aid qualification purposes. I just don't see a better option right now. As far as I understand it, setting up an account in their name is actually worse for financial aid. Mary
  9. The question was this - " Are police allowed to stop a motorcycle by hitting them ?" Nothing about why they were being chased in the question. If you run from the cops, you escalate any situation no matter how minor it may have been in the beginning. Mary
  10. We had two dirt bikes and a bunch of gear stolen from us. Called the police and all the normal stuff. Get a call from the police that they spotted two dirt bikes in Elyria being ridden in unusual areas. They are trying to catch them. We hop in our truck and head to Elyria and start searching ourselves. Get another call that they think they caught one of them. We meet up with the State Trooper and low and behold, our TTR125 pit bike is in front of the police car and a 14 year old boy is in the back of the car. He tells us how he spots two dirt bikes and thought something was odd and called it in. Hears our report and pursued them. They fled. The one on the CR250 had some power and was able to pull away. The kid on the 125 didn’t have a clue and kept trying to get away. The cop then ran him off the road into the ditch. A very deeeep ditch. We were really shocked as it was just a dirt bike and certainly not worth harming a stupid kid BUT I’m pretty sure he learned his lesson. The kid was wearing my husband’s $800 custom racing boots in the mud and my back protector. The kid turned his friend in. Went to the kid’s house, found the other dirtbike and some of our other gear. Stupid ass parents. Dad’s got a $20k Harley in his garage and tells us the kids traded some video games for the bikes. Really????? You know what the bikes are worth and that’s a hell of lot of video games. Mom is giving us the stink eye like you wouldn’t believe. Really? Your kid just stole over $7k worth of stuff and it’s my fault? I suddenly don’t feel as bad that the cop ran him into the ditch as he clearly wasn’t getting any lessons from his parents. We never recovered some of the stuff and the judge ordered the older teen to some jail time and the younger paid restitution for a while. Sad thing about this, we probably wouldn’t have pressed full charges on these kids if they had just shown some remorse. Kids do stupid things but their parents were too darn lame to teach them anything so we let the legal system do it for them. So, yes, I’m pretty sure the police can run you over if they feel it is necessary. Don’t run from the cops. Sorry for the long story but it’s actually a really amusing story now that it is over. The cop was a riot! Mary
  11. Welcome! Try out the Dirty Talk forum. Might get more dirt related info there. http://www.ohioriders.net/forumdisplay.php?f=82 Mary
  12. Good to know. Thanks for the info. Mary
  13. You definitely need to consider all the basics. What to do with your house? Will you like the new area? Will your compensation be inline with the new area (cost of living?). You also need to negotiate some type of term contract. For example, if they were to terminate you through no fault of your own, what type of severance and compensation would be given to cover all of the costs they don't cover in a relocation package. Most relocation packages these days are pretty soft so you should really want the position and want to move to the area otherwise, unless it is a huge boost in pay or position, it may not be worth it in the long term. Mary
  14. Yup! I said the same thing. Lucky thing is we hadn't been to Ikea in while so we made a run to Pittsburgh and picked it up. And a few other things. Good thing we only go there once every 3 years or so. Mary
  15. Had to have one. Here's mine set up. From top to bottom. Beattie, Haga, Hayden, Doohan.
  16. Mary#17

    IMG 1032smaller

    From the album: Helmet case

  17. Mary#17

    IMG 1031smaller

    From the album: Helmet case

  18. Mary#17

    Helmet case

  19. Mary#17

    IMG 1029

    From the album: Helmet case

  20. Mary#17

    IMG 1029

    From the album: Helmet case

  21. Yeah, I know they all nip but I've read on several sites now that this is a very normal problem for the shepherds since they are herders. I'm sure we will get past it but it's a bit of challenge right now. And, she's already had her fair share of puppy time outs.
  22. We have a fenced in yard with a lake on the other side so lots of stuff to watch all day long. I'm worried about the herding tendency with the shepherd part. She keeps chasing the kids nipping at their ankles so that is our first challenge to overcome. She does like her treats though and has learned the sit command. I think no jump will be next. When she turns 4 months, I'm going to start taking her to some obedience training.
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