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Everything posted by RHill

  1. RHill


    In that case, I'm planning for the 14th.
  2. As the title says. I don't really have anything useful to add because I have never really followed the series. watching Catalunya 2009 now...seen the finish, but never the race leading up to it.
  3. RHill

    Cornering issue

    tire pressure? flat spot on the front tire/cupping/weird wear? is anything binding steering head movement? few things that pop in my head
  4. RHill


    think numbers will drop off for Tuesday? I could do either day
  5. RHill


    I'm hoping to make it for the 13th. Going to be driving back from SC the day before.
  6. Beaver last year was where I got the idea as well. I was having a lot of fun cautiously picking up pace trying to find my limit in the early sessions while it was sprinkling and the track was still wet. Of course it helps the track dried up and it became a really nice day.
  7. think it is worthwhile to have a set of rains for intermediate track day pace? been considering picking up another front rim and a set of take off rains to bring when there is a chance of rain.
  8. the condom challenge....because how else are you going to floss your throat nose hole? who the hell thought of this shit.....and what were they doing when they came up with the idea?
  9. Holy shit, both those videos were scary as hell! I couldn't imagine the feeling of being stood up by a stand and being forced into the split second WTF do I do now decision. Praying for a full and speedy recovery. I made up a sheet of contact info and shit I leave on my driver seat when going to track days...that goes along with the info provided to management. I never really thought about group rides though. Could just keep one of those sheets in my tank bag, that would probably suffice as long as people know to look in the bag.
  10. can we even call this "riding"? all it seems they are doing is stopping and blipping their throttles. I know, I know, they will eventually make it to the highway and put on 10 miles before they make it to quaker steak, but I hardly consider that a ride.
  11. or just not ride with a douche that randomly accelerates for no reason
  12. might be a higher number, but no way is it a higher density. There may be increased security at the start as well though. Image is from NYC marathon, and now I'm going to be on a govt watch list lol
  13. I'd say she is lucky as fuck she had the backpack on....it caused the tire to lock up. Without that, her back would have been rashed to high hell when the hoodie wore through
  14. idk, if the target was the runners, more than likely they would have hit the start for highest pop density. Maybe there was some symbolism/significance to the end of the race for the perpetrators. Or their targets were not the racers, but the crowds at the end of the race. Or they were going for the most witnesses/cameras to capture and publicize their "work".
  15. Didn't bother reading the whole thread, but did anyone mention backing off a bit of suspension preload to get a bit more sag to make it more comfortable? edit: shitty beat me by 2 minutes lol
  16. RHill


    nice clean bikes!
  17. Hope you are alright man, don't think I saw the results of the hospital visit when scanning through the thread. Really wasn't expecting the rear to let go when watching the video. Touch the rear brake?
  18. Pretty much what I do as well. I wouldn't spend money on doing it, but I do have a few rare earth magnets that I could test it out with. Haven't had a issue with any lights lately though.
  19. A buddy once told me you can put rare earth magnets under your bike or on the bottom of your boots to help activate these signals. Any truth to that?
  20. I'll try this again http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8Fheh5Pdp4
  21. yeah everything looks to be in the mid to low range of spec. I am thinking I'll put it back together and get it ready for the 3rd, then after that weekend, take it down again and put everything to mid-range. I haven't even fully heated the engine up yet or been through the gears, I'd hate to have something more pressing go unnoticed while I'm working on valve clearances. Also, the bike suposidly sat for a year or more, I'd like to give it a little workout before adjusting stuff; not sure if it really matters for valve clearances or not.
  22. Get back to work on your bike! Anyway remeasured and results are as follows from cylinder 1-4. Exhaust .229 .229 .203 .229 .229 .229t .203 .203 Intake: .152 .152 .152 .152 .152 .127 .152t .127 I'm pretty sure I was feeling drag between the aluminum and the gauge before and that is why numbers are different. This time I made sure the gauge was only touching the cam and tappet. There were a few that I could force the next larger size gauge in, but it seemed to have excessive drag, so I recorded the lower value. The values that have a t beside them had a little drag, but not enough to bump them down to the lower value.
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