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Everything posted by imaposer

  1. If he says enough stupid stuff to escalate the panic further, I think I will be forced to cash out and spend my money on another hobby. I have already given up on plenty of other hobbies due to being priced out of them, and typically lost my ass on the way out. This one looks like I could bail and make a decent return. Everyone has their price.
  2. imaposer

    Fundy Bay

    My wife has family up there. They talk funny. Hope that helps.
  3. Let me know the price on the p22 when you figure it out.
  4. Put 28 miles on my bicycle. Does that count?
  5. imaposer


    Oh, it's worth it.
  6. I would love to buy a second duc to track. Came close a couple times last year to doing exactly that. But, I won't be tracking this one. Too pretty and too much invested in it at this point to throw it down the track.
  7. Nah, air cooled two valve. Simple enough even a monkey like me can work on them myself. Dunno why. Same reason I put the buell up for sale, just lack of enthusiasm for riding. Heck, I even paid for plates last year and still never got it out for more than a couple miles. I started thinking about a track bike last year(which led me to join this site) as I think it's the street aspect of riding that I have lost the lust for. Glad this thread was done. Kinda jacked it a bit, huh.
  8. You're talking to someone who has this tucked under a blanket in the corner of the garage. Hasn't been ridden anywhere or seen by anyone who would appreciate it other than me in five years. I'm selfish that way.
  9. If it's just a looks thing, I'd ignore it and just ride. I certainly wouldn't do anything that results in a reduction of light output. Of course, my bike is illegal when I turn on all my lights as well.
  10. :lol:Didn't read past the first sentence, huh? Legal or not, I know people who removed them due to being hassled. Kinda like the illegal dark window tint someone else ranted about awhile back. It's a great excuse for them to pull you over. It's just a matter of if one of them bothers to find the code and enforce it. I think covering any lights on a street used vehicle is stupid, but that's just me. Edit to ad- Quick google fu-
  11. Man, one of those was my first attempt to go from street riding to dirt. It was only a 650, and I had been riding liter class super bikes for years, it had to be an intelligent choice right? I still don't think I'm ready for one of those again.
  12. I bought this this past spring as I thought my no desire to ride thing was because I didn't have a bike waiting for me in the garage. Well, I bought the bike with 18,200 miles on it, and as of right now, it's just over 19,000. The last 250 miles have been put on by a buddy of mine who has been borrowing it to get his riding fix in while fighting with his insurance company over his stolen KLR and KTM. And, seeing how the garage is getting smaller and smaller all the time, I figure I'd throw it out there to see if anyone is interested. LINK to my smugmug gallery for photos Here's a quick copy/paste from the seller when I bought it... and since I bought it,-relocated ECM -rerouted breather return lines out of airbox -checked 77 connecter, regreased - new battery - front and rear axle sliders tires are pirreli angels with rear being brand new, front probably can go another rear. I'd sell it for $4600, but would rather partial trade for something else, preferably something smaller/cheaper just to have around to scratch that once or twice a month short ride itch. 250-400 dual sport? simple dirt bike that can be converted to street, ala XR400? had a few DR650's, would consider one of them.. my favorite bike of all time, VFR800, 1998-2000? or, just because, trade the other way to something more fun/hooligan KTM 950sm? KTM 690smc(bike my buddy had stolen, probably funnest bike I EVAR rode) I'm always amused by the oddball trades people like to offer, so feel free to throw anything out there, I'll probably say no, but what the hell. I currently could use- set of wheels/tires for JK Eu2000I genny economical daily driver things that go bang, preferably 12ga or .308 what ya got?
  13. Holy crap. And to think my boy was given one last year for free.
  14. Cabelas, no idea. But you can certainly get it shipped from other vendors to Ohio.
  15. He had them in stock? What was the price? Did he have anything else interesting? Hell, I drove by there a couple hours ago and thought about stopping after lunch, but got a call in Beavercreek and had to go. I figured after the gun show this weekend he'd be wiped out.
  16. Yup. I never considered it as I've always bought ammo in bulk so have had no issues riding out the high spots, but I think reloading is going to be a long term plan. I've been saving brass for a year now, so between what I already have, and the ammo I have on hand, I should have a good enough stockpile of brass to get going.
  17. If you like urban sprawl, and all the latest and greatest trendy stores, it's great. I've got no use for it. It's the epicenter of traffic hell, and kings island has nothing to do with it. It just sucks. Find out exactly where you would be working and the best back way in and out. Look for apartments in that direction. My office is in Mason, but thankfully I only have to go there about once every other week, and can usually time it so it's not during either peak traffic time.
  18. Two person minimum, three preferred. Then you have to put the damned thing somewhere. The wife bought a jeep as her fun extra vehicle last summer. I pretty much hate it. I would much rather have a hardtop convertible.
  19. These were listed on another forum within the last hour. Limiting one per customer. No idea how many he has, or how many he sold. Good luck.
  20. Sorry. I don't see it as gouging. If they had a stockpile of lowers in the back room and were jacking the prices up even though they had plenty and wouldn't be able to sell them all at normal price, it might be. But NO ONE knows what's going to happen and what the market may be in the future. This is just supply and demand. Even though I'm still one gun short of what I wanted in my safe, I don't fault the dealers, manufacturer, or current owners selling them at twice what I could have bought one for a month ago. I'm gambling on this passing and being able to purchase one in the future at Old prices. If not, I guess I'll find something else.
  21. Don't be so sure. If I was given only the choice between Romney and Obama, I would have probably voted for Obama. I really disliked Romney. He was a horrible choice by the GOP. The idea that everyone who voted third party would have swung to the R side is incorrect.
  22. I've been voting my beliefs for 20+ years now, which don't seem to line up too well with the current two party system. Last election, it was something like 4 dems, three independents, and three repubs.In six elections, I still haven't managed to vote for a winning presidential candidate. But, in the current environment, I may have to change my ways and as much as I hate the philosophy behind it, vote for the lesser of two evils in the next elections. Gun rights are way up there on my list of personal beliefs, and now that the D's have decided it's time to start their anti gun efforts again, I will have to vote against them instead of for who most lines up with my beliefs overall. It really sucks.
  23. It will be if these whackos manage to get what they want passed. At that point, your choice will be to remain a law abiding citizen and hand over your guns, or become a domestic terrorist and be shot for resisting. Not an easy choice.
  24. I'm still for a two tiered CHL system. The current joke of training and competency test gets you a tier 1 CHL. it works just as it does now. Heck, better yet, scrap it and just make it a shall issue permit, nothing required to get it. Then, there should be a tier 2 CHL. This requires semi annual training and re-certification shooting tests but allows you to carry anywhere except true gun free zones - court houses, airports, etc. The kind of places where they actually check to make sure everyone who enters is gun free.
  25. The proof of range time would be difficult. I have never been to a pay hourly range as I can shoot in my back yard and belong to a gun club that has a shooting range for those things I feel are too big to be shot at home. I have nearly zero hours of documented range time in my life, yet have probably put more lead down range than most my age.
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