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Everything posted by smccrory

  1. Prudent advice. Maybe less important when you're trading small-ticket items in a public space, but inviting people to your home warrants a lot more forethought.
  2. Couldn't I just skip it and go straight to the spewing of opinions phase? I don't want to seem out of line with Internet cultural norms, you know. Oh, OK, I'll read it this weekend...
  3. 100% agreed. The good thing is that you can differentiate yourself pretty easily and sometimes bargain an amazing deal. i.e. I do well BUYING on CL because I'm responsive, clear and make the transaction as smooth as budda for the seller. I communicate up front as soon there is a rapport, something to the effect of "OK, if the bike is as advertised, would you take $X for it? There's a YYY bank just a mile north we could go to after I have a look-over where we'd do the money-for-notarized-title dance and I'd ride/trailer it home, easy peasey" and so on. If they balk on the price, I measure their response and can usually resume the deal by just letting them stew for a day or two while trying to deal with fidiots. It also gives them time to get over surprise emotional attachments to the item. As a SELLER, it's a different matter and a harder row to hoe. Everyone wants a deal steal and flakes are a-plenty. I worry about physical and property security during and after the sale, so more often than not I sell to a friend or friend of a friend, or trade the bike in at a dealership since I've already bought well.
  4. Hey dude, want to get out on Sunday? Looks like it'll be sunny with a high of 57.
  5. Nice! A buddy of mine has that jacket and he loves it. Good call with the greater visibility too.
  6. 120 rounds out of the new WW-15 ran flawlessly. Once I got the red dot dialed, my groups started to tighten up. I can't wait to get to longer outdoor ranges.
  7. Agreed. The only ding I give it is that you can't park a Cessna near the air museum even though it's just beyond the fence. At Lunken they let you tie down right in front of the restaurant.
  8. Very cool scottb! I hope to take mine to the range for the first time tomorrow if my work schedule permits. Let me know how you like the bipod and release.
  9. I think they're just saving face. I think they found a legal problem with their attempt and decided they'd just lose in the end. I bet NRA membership plumes this quarter.
  10. More reports: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/10/armor-piercing-ammo_n_6841694.html http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2015/03/10/how-angry-gun-owners-shouted-down-a-ban-on-armor-piercing-bullets/ "Last year, the ATF successfully banned Russian-made 7N6 bullets on the grounds they were armor-piercing. Some gun-rights groups objected, but that ruling stood. "We didn't put it out to comment," Seward noted." So now we know how the next one will come...
  11. Wojo72 I hope you know we're just trying to keep ya healthy. And our roads flesh-free. [emoji13]
  12. Hopefully they realized their plan was illegal and won't be trying that crap again, but I bet I'm wrong.
  13. The ability to shin an agon? So I guess the bike makes it possible to kick ballerinas below the knee. Cool.
  14. LOL. And $4k for a 13 year old 650 owned by someone who can't accurately represent the bike? No thanks!
  15. Fair 'nuf - I just wonder who puts the armor in. Better than nothing I suppose. Sure would be nice to have the abrasion resistance of kevlar under leather, the impact protection of D3O and the flexibility of denim, all for $100. Alas, everything is a tradeoff.
  16. I gotta go with Pokey on this one. I've seriously thought about Kevlar jeans over a dozen times like when those "Sliders" go on sale at Comp Acc, but I think you're better off getting truly armored overpants for not a whole lot more dough. First, Kevlar jeans aren't Kevlar everywhere, just on likely abrasion locations, so if you slide on un-armored parts, you're back to denim protection. They can also be stripped or rotated on your body. And there's no impact protection - the Kevlar only protects from sliding abrasion (and maybe pellet rounds - lol). They can fit weird and I've heard they're a bit toasty in the summer after you've gotten off to eat or hike or shop or walk around, so their utility as an all-day pant is reduced. They don't offer any cool-weather or rain protection. Based on Pokey's and others' suggestions, I picked up a Firstgear HT overpant and am really happy with them so far. Super easy to get on and off with boots, are armored and abrasion-resistant, are waterproof, are ventable and cost less than you'd think from Mike of RidersDiscount. They fold up nice into a top box too, so you can take them off and walk around in your normal work or casual clothes between rides.
  17. Favorite economy and mid-range triggers? I like Hellmut's spring and stoning approach but the G2S has me bi-(stage)-curious.
  18. I thoroughly scrubbed my bike down tonight. You guys are right - it's pretty salty out. Looking forward to a day full of rain tomorrow to thin out the brine.
  19. Got it. Shout if you want another pair of hands.
  20. Almost nailed a hand-held flashlight in the middle of southbound Rt. 3 near Sunbury yesterday.
  21. Yea, I have heard that, but it takes a bit of an artist with time on his hands, no?
  22. That's true, and maybe we're getting caught up in nomenclature. Regular, non-CV systems have a flat-side slide or round-side slide that's lifted by throttle cable to adjust both the airflow and the fuel mixture via its attached jet needle. From what I've seen, those carbs usually don't have a butterfly at all, but like you said have an enrichment valve. CV carbs on the other hand use the butterfly as the air regulator, but that doesn't directly adjust the fuel mixture - a vacuum-adjusted round-side slide responds to the instantaneous suction and adjusts the jet needle accordingly. In either case, if that guy is using a CV carb with short pipes and pinecones, he'll be lucky to get it to run without sounding like a jalopy.
  23. Young rider, so I'm guessing it was a group of sport bikes pushing it through the turns, and one either slid out due to road debris or mentally locked up...? At least there were no deaths.
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