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Everything posted by smccrory

  1. I think I agree fully with what you said, and also that the provocative Indiana law drew us back into the grey sumpwaters of church vs. state sanction and never should have been attempted. But that's what that very law's purpose was - for a group of "victimized" Christians to re-assert even just a small amount of state-sponsored discrimination to help get back their nation, right in line with the "We are a Christian-founded nation, by God's will" argument. It's "Jim Crow" in different clothes. I can be tolerant (to a degree) with another person's backwardness, but not when it's state-sponsored, which is what that (first version of the) law edged into. As a side note, I can't express how grateful I am for the reasonableness this past year or so's dialogue between O.R. members has been. What I see on many other forums truly depresses me about the state of humanity.
  2. Nice find! I wouldn't mind taking an Indian for a spin.
  3. Bush and Cheney did too, but I don't know if that was good or bad...
  4. "The poor probably brought it on to themselves," or something like that. Though to be fair, a lot of church-sponsored food pantries exist - you just have to sit through a sermon. Always Be Closing, after all!
  5. There, fixed that for ya. Can't be just wieners having all the fun! I'll be there with my V-Strom around 1pm and might be able to drag Wojo72 along. No maintenance required - I'm just coming to put names to faces. I'll bolt around 3 to get back for a Pink Floyd tribute show at the Newport.
  6. http://www.motorcyclistonline.com/recall-news-yamaha-recalls-multiple-2015-models-including-yzf-r6-fz-09-fj-09-fz6r-and-super-tenere?src=SOC&dom=fb
  7. http://youtu.be/iMnEaqiHkzY
  8. This. It's part of the fundamental symbiosis we humans have with dogs - any cultural anthropologist will tell ya that. Mine alerts better than I could ever hear while asleep, giving me time enough to arm up...
  9. End of month in southeastern WV is the plan!
  10. Meh. Your granny's SQL has such long compile paths, she needs stored procedure-based views just to examine their stack traces! Oh yes I di-id!
  11. Depending on the GOP candidate, the alternative could be just as bad, simply in different ways. That's my personal quandary. Vote my conscience or try to guess who will be less shitty than the alternative?
  12. Oh wow, at first blush, I like this guy. How have I not heard of him?
  13. I can appreciate the strategy, I really can, and boy would I like to see the 2-party system blown apart. But to pander to one's base (and it turns out, even lying about knowing perfectly healthy people permanently harmed by vaccines) over something that risks public health when you have a network of docs available through your dad as reference, is irresponsible and incredibly hard for me to get past. What policies would he institute with regards to women's health and environmental pollution based on vote-getting vs. the numbers? I'll have to research Gary Johnson.
  14. I really wish he would have kept his anti-vax opinion to himself so I could have remained in Libertarian bliss, but that completely blew it for me. Next...
  15. Subscribed as well. I want to set up several cameras and a DVR, but also a wall-mounted monitor or tablet to let us quickly see who's at the entrances. Even better if they can "ding" whenever someone passes into a zone for heightened awareness that someone might be casing the joint.
  16. I've ridden 600 miles since December. The roads are fine as long as you assume there will be surprises. The temps are fine as long as you layer and wear good gear.
  17. Nice! I went with a Geislee G2S as an economy upgrade from Windham's stock trigger. Feels great - just need to try it at the range again. By the way for Columbus folks, LEPD has a great pistol range but they only permit expensive frangible rifle ammunition to protect their backstop.
  18. Well that sucks. Thank goodness they're cheaper than truck batteries.
  19. You were right about Craig by the way - great guy all around. I felt pretty good yesterday evening, but today... my neck and shoulders are a little pissed off. Nothing like your arm though! [emoji16] Tonight I ordered a Weld86 skid plate on his advice and a center stand for chain maintenance. I can see myself leaving the pavement more often now that my cherry is gone. [emoji13]
  20. There's some statistics-based classroom material that discusses more curve line decision making and situational awareness. Some of the student commentary can be interesting too, especially from the more experienced guys and gals. In the range, there's a lot of practice with tighter turn radii, emergency stops and work in greater control at low and medium speed.
  21. Rainy week ahead, but this weekend should have sun and decent temps again.
  22. 6 hours on the V-Strom yesterday - this time included gravel, dirt, mud and a couple of small streams. So fun - I could get addicted to that kind of riding! My back and neck are telling me about it today though.
  23. I also read that they were victims of ambush journalism and didn't realize they were commenting to the world's stage. So, I felt sorry for them for a few hours until I saw the CNN article, then I was like, wow, they've just had their best year ever being exclusionist - what a nice reward for un-Christian values. On a high note, no self-respecting gay would serve pizza at their wedding.
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