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Everything posted by smccrory

  1. We made a deal with pickup for this weekend, but honestly it would be a techie play thing for me. If you have something specific you'd like it for, go ahead and make an offer and I'll kindly yield if Ben says so - no hard feelings whatsoever!
  2. I'll admit that I don't really know much about this case. That's my fault - I haven't followed it very well. I was aghast when I found out we traded suspected terrorists, lost good men in a rescue, that he deserted his post to begin with and that he was heralded at the WH. I've heard some say that Obama nefariously and cynically traded him out of bias against true 'Mericans but I more think it's incompetence, misinformation and/or opportunistic politics. i.e. I'm not sure the Army is without blame either - it's possible there was an initial reaction to save an American's life and avoid another beheading then the whole thing unraveled once the rescue was committed. But like I said, I don't know the whole story, only emotional analysis from media talking heads at this point.
  3. I'm looking forward to the full story from the Army, finally.
  4. Hoplophobia, n. Irrational, morbid fear of guns (c. 1966, coined by Col. Jeff Cooper, from the Greek hoplites, weapon; see his book Principles of Personal Defense). May cause sweating, faintness, discomfort, rapid pulse, nausea, sleeplessness, nondescript fears, more, at mere thought of guns. Presence of working firearms may cause panic attack. Hoplophobe, hoplophobic
  5. I wonder how much of that money is recirculated back into the U.S. economy vs. being sheltered offshore since the income was earned outside the border.
  6. I looked across nearly all of PA's Ohio-bordering counties and didn't find a single one listed as offering non-state permits. So, that means a boring 3 1/2+ hour interstate drive or a more interesting 5+ hour state route ride. I'll probably do it when I'm visiting my folks in Morgantown WV sometime, and make it an afternoon ride into east-central PA. That is, unless you guys know of a closer venue.
  7. Those are two good points - 1) constitutionality and 2) I haven't seen stats that support the idea that low training is a problem. Though I bet a majority of CHL holders rarely carry based on their own discomfort. Now, me, I'm pro-education and training, but at the same time, requiring more by law would effectively discriminate against lower economic classes who have just as much (if not more) reason to protect themselves.
  8. Agreeing with CSC on both counts. drc32-0 you should have stuck with a more general statement about wanting more accountability from folks who send other's kids to combat. I do like the idea of enabling an immediate tax to pay for non-declared-wartime deployments. And make that rate progressive. Folks in power need more skin in that game instead of depending on the middle and lower classes to carry their rifles.
  9. Agreed, and that's not just a paranoid statement. I've heard through the grapevine that a lot of supply functions are in motion. If I were a foe, I'd be putting my 1st-string diplomats on the field asap.
  10. I good as well. I wish I could get your help with a few CB77 items but hauling it up there wouldn't be ideal.
  11. And the Umbrella Corp for every inmate's organ harvested.
  12. Yea but all that lead ruins them for soup.Who remembers dead baby jokes from the late 70s?
  13. And yet some would champion the private enterprise outsourcing of such a move.
  14. Not gonna play. I mean, I am Scot-Irish but you must think me a fish! :-D
  15. I bet everyone at CNN is giddy today. Woohoo, another month or two of airline crash speculation! Yay ratings!
  16. Correct. The reason is that your brain doesn't have to waste cycles weeding through high-frequency white noise brought on by the wind. In fact, most professional musicians playing in loud venues either wear foamies or invest in custom-fit, musical-grade attenuators, not only to save their hearing, but also to better discern musical detail. I know, that sounds contradictory - wearing noise attenuators to better hear the music - but it's how the brain works. See here for a little more about why musicians do it. When I was young, I played a lot of gigs with powerful amps and attended a bunch with even bigger rigs. I didn't notice it at the time, but it definitely damaged my hearing. I now experience a distinct ring from the tinnitus all the damned time and there is no surgical or pharmaceutical solution for it. Had I bought good quality earplugs when I was young, I'd have much better hearing today. The good thing is that I wised up and am taking action to prevent it from accumulating even more. So, I wear earplugs every time I ride for more than 30 minutes and I love it. Less fatigue, I can still hear middle and lower frequencies just fine, I can hear my friends on the intercom, pedestrians, car horns and everything else, just without the massive din of wind noise. The law against earplugs was never written for motorcycles and is out of sync with what's good for us and everyone around us. Sure, most enclosed cars don't need any more attenuation, but bikes and open-top cars are a different matter. If we're going to let motorcyclists NOT wear a helmet, we should at least let them protect their hearing and distinguish middle and lower frequencies better.
  17. Oh hell yes!!! Agreed, PA may end up being a heck of a hold-out. That reminds me to get over there sometime soon to file for my out-of-state permit. Anyone have a favorite office that's close to the border?
  18. Or anyone over the age of 30, according to Abbie Hoffman.
  19. When a teen child actually wants to spend time with their parent, it's criminal not to [emoji28]
  20. Woot!! Finger crossed.
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