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Everything posted by smccrory

  1. Seems that there a lot of Ohio Riders who are also into cutlery. So, what the heck, how about we get a little knife pron going? Post a pic or video of a favorite knife and why you dig it!
  2. I was at the Westland gun show yesterday and noticed the only 5.56 or .223 of any quantity was the Wolf stuff most indoor ranges don't permit. No surprise, no M855 to be found. A friend bragged he's sitting on 10,000 rounds of M855 and honestly I can decide whether to hate or admire his planning. [emoji15]
  3. Street I totally agree. And make no mistake the devil will be in the details just like it was with the Bell breakup.
  4. And buy them. And sell them. And buy them.., [emoji41]
  5. [Chuckle] the irony is that the Internet would not exist in its current form without initial government research and funding, and would not be as accessible today without telephony utility status. Here's a conservative article that makes the most comprehensive case for net neutrality I've seen. http://www.nationalaffairs.com/publications/detail/keeping-the-internet-competitive There's a lot of detailed background history on the bell breakups I had completely forgotten about.
  6. Ditto - really glad I paid $20 shipped for that CRKT M16-10 half-serrated tanto flipper a couple weeks ago. I carry it almost every day.
  7. In my opinion it's probably good. It classifies Internet bandwidth as a utility to prevent Verizon, Comcast, AT&T and others from charging Netflix or whoever they want for equal access to customer-paid bandwidth.
  8. Let me guess, you're a fellow Type-A?
  9. And now let the government takeover fearmongering begin! [emoji28]
  10. +1 to sitting on lots and lots and lots of bikes
  11. +1. Best riding position I've experienced, at a cost at or below most sportsters. The only negative is that tassels look like shit on a V-Strom. [emoji6]
  12. Yea, or they're adjusting their exposure according to an actuarial risk assessment.
  13. Jebus that's a lot to read. Any shortcuts to buying or building a simple sport rifle in the 5-6 lb range? I love my Russian SKS but 8.5 lbs gets pretty heavy after a while.
  14. Welcome, great looking bikes, and as CSC said...
  15. Awesome Pokey! One annoying thing I've noticed about good knives is that you want to pull them out and share them with fellow fans/collectors, at sometimes the least appropriate times and places, like in a business meeting, at a restaurant... Lol. They are fun to flick while sitting in the couch.
  16. Best wishes, and ditto to Butters' sentiment. Hope the dog gets better soon so we can revel in your altered state rants!
  17. I don't have any direct influence, but I'm hoping for ya!
  18. Too bad one of us didn't inherit a bunch of fertile (flora and fauna) family land for club lease.
  19. I think that could all be worked out PROVIDED the right ratio of land-to-CONTRIBUTING-members was found and the right MEMBERS, but that's a hard, hard, hard thing to work out. Equity partnerships without an arbiter are tough - ask anyone who co-owns an airplane without one. I think that's why timeshare memberships work well enough - there's a real estate arbiter responsible for scheduling, upkeep, billing, membership on-boarding and off-boarding, membership rules and so on. I would love access to reasonably-nearby land for motorcycle trail riding, RC flying, target shooting, camping and ideally decent fishing but wouldn't have the wherewithal to spend a lot on development above the land cost.
  20. Does anyone even remember what it's like to sit on a motorcycle?
  21. Pick a warm day and we can oogle his FZ-07 as well.
  22. It's a good class - I've done it twice on 2 different bikes and is something I'd recommend to anyone, especially if they're riding a new-to-them bike.
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