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Everything posted by smccrory

  1. Newly minted 2013 V-Strom 650 rider here, but not off-road... Yet. Spring can come none too soon...
  2. I'm glad you posted the follow-up because on the surface, it looked like HJC's new IS-17 beat Bell's RS-1 on features for about the same price. The IS-17 still has an integrated sun visor and recessed pinlock well though. I'd love to try both on.
  3. A VFR800 is certainly nothing to sneeze at, though I doubt I'd last long with clip-on handlebars.
  4. I'd be concerned about an inexperienced driver with music jamming, thinking the flashing lights are an emergency vehicle warranting an immediate slow-down or another dramatic move that could put me at risk. Maybe that happens really rarely, but I'm more inclined to bolt in a couple LED running/fog lights on the front.
  5. Nah, it's still totally rideable. It was 39 when I left the house and 45 when I got back, which is exactly what I rode in this weekend. That's still good riding weather with just basic insulated gear. To me, hardcore is anything below freezing due to black ice hazards, but to your point, that what next weekend is supposed to have.
  6. I refuse to side with HeavyDuty on account that I wouldn't want to get kicked in the nuts by a woman in labor.
  7. A "tough guy biker gang" ethos might be somewhat integral to their mission - to convey to victims that there are some bad-ass dudes in their corner, that what happened was wrong by any measure, and they don't have to be afraid any more. There may even be an implicit "muscle" backing their play, I.e. I could see a member telling a victim "now, any time you feel threatened and need someone to talk to, give us a call and we'll swing by with our bikes and let them know you can't be messed with." Very powerful stuff and could have real meaning to someone scared and demoralized, but it's very delicate territory on a lot of levels.
  8. Shit, she's not a gun fan yet said she wouldn't mind owning a full-on Hello Kitty AR-15...
  9. My GF would love that on hers!
  10. Then let's dispense with passive and add middle finger stickers in between...
  11. That sounds like something a person would do, FROM NEW YORK CITY...!
  12. I'm leaning towards a white helmet with reflective No Cell Phones stickers on the back and sides... ;-)
  13. Interesting stats: http://www.bmj.com/content/328/7444/857 Setting Auckland region of New Zealand from February 1993 to February 1996.Participants 463 motorcycle drivers (cases) involved in crashes leading to hospital treatment or death; 1233 motorcycle drivers (controls) recruited from randomly selected roadside survey sites. Main outcome measures Estimates of relative risk of motorcycle crash related injury and population attributable risk associated with conspicuity measures, including the use of reflective or fluorescent clothing, headlight operation, and colour of helmet, clothing, and motorcycle. Results Crash related injuries occurred mainly in urban zones with 50 km/h speed limit (66%), during the day (63%), and in fine weather (72%). After adjustment for potential confounders, drivers wearing any reflective or fluorescent clothing had a 37% lower risk (multivariate odds ratio 0.63, 95% confidence interval 0.42 to 0.94) than other drivers. Compared with wearing a black helmet, use of a white helmet was associated with a 24% lower risk (multivariate odds ratio 0.76, 0.57 to 0.99). Self reported light coloured helmet versus dark coloured helmet was associated with a 19% lower risk. Three quarters of motorcycle riders had their headlight turned on during the day, and this was associated with a 27% lower risk (multivariate odds ratio 0.73, 0.53 to 1.00). No association occurred between risk and the frontal colour of drivers' clothing or motorcycle. If these odds ratios are unconfounded, the population attributable risks are 33% for wearing no reflective or fluorescent clothing, 18% for a non-white helmet, 11% for a dark coloured helmet, and 7% for no daytime headlight operation. Conclusions Low conspicuity may increase the risk of motorcycle crash related injury. Increasing the use of reflective or fluorescent clothing, white or light coloured helmets, and daytime headlights are simple, cheap interventions that could considerably reduce motorcycle crash related injury and death.
  14. Only if you're using the RIGHT oil...
  15. I'm digging the opinions. Yea, my vanity wants the blue helmet - damn they look nice and to be fair, they do have reflective stripes embedded. However, the risk manager in me wants it plain white with a reflective sticker on the back and sides. You're probably right - it probably wouldn't make much of a difference either way with bright apparel and good lighting. This weekend I ordered a set of lights for my E450 topcase and will look into headlight modulators and/or running lights - thanks. It may be overkill or even a bit dorky, but coming from general aviation, I can tell you that motorcycles are riskier than little airplanes and I feel the need to balance adventure with being around as a parent and someday grandparent, hence the ABS and lighting upgrade.
  16. ...Hey, don't forget defense at nearly 25% of the national budget... But that still doesn't change the fact that people don't believe they're getting their money's worth with congressional pay. It's not just populist - it's thought about how to wire up incentives to draw out desired behaviors. The problem is not everyone agrees what those desired behaviors should be. Some are delighted with obstructionist, anti-productive sessions. Others would like real problems to be solved in a collective, sustainable form. I fall in the 2nd camp.
  17. What? You want to be fact-based? Burn the witch!
  18. Oh now that's a GREAT idea! :-)
  19. I've repeatedly read that bright colors are the most visible on a motorcycle and it's why I bought a white helmet as my first - seemed like a conservative choice while I learned the ropes. Fast-forward 2 1/2 years and I'm ready for an upgrade - thinking about the new HJC IS-17 in either plain white or blue graphics to match my V-Strom. So that's the question I'd like your opinion on - white for safety or blue for looks?
  20. I couldn't agree more about your first line - this from a social progressive and fiscal moderate. There are people who justifiably need it (elderly, children and the legitimately infirmed), and some I don't mind getting public assistance for a time, if it's the right kind and actually teaches them to fish, but there are others who abuse the system and I'm not cool with paying them to drink, drug, screw and laze around. In my view, anyone who polarizes this debate into "Democrats are socialist weasels out to put everyone on the dole to control our bodily fluids" or "Republicans are cruel, selfish bastards who would rather see the unwashed die en-mas than give 14c extra for a pizza" are helping to maintain this policy impasse and thus status quo. The situation is a lot more complex and subtle than that, and is going to take sophisticated approaches to solve it.
  21. And take that damned pay and life-long benefits back. It's shameful. END CONGRESS WELFARE NOW.
  22. Columbus showing looks sold out now.
  23. Another 30 mile ride today in 40-45F temps. Getting 47-50 mpg on the Strom! Decided to try just jeans and underarmor on my legs, and while they got chilly, it was no worse than being on the ski slopes as a kid. My iron pony closeout insulated gloves were totally worth the $9 I splurged. I didn't spot a single other motorcycle all weekend. Where are y'all?!
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