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Everything posted by smccrory

  1. I hate beards as much as I hate fags, which is to say, pretty much hardly at all.
  2. Very interesting - I've bookmarked it for later. Thanks for sharing the link.
  3. "Are all these your guitars...?"
  4. Will do. I hope someone will have a 500F/S/X set at the show - I'd like to see the mid-sized market expand.
  5. I think it's both. I would never steer someone towards commercial aviation, for example, unless they wanted to be an aircraft and power plant mechanic.
  6. I agree, and is what leads many to conclude that all minimum wage earners are lazy and deserve their plight. I knew a number of lazy upper-five-figures I.T. guys at a prior employer that should have been shit-canned ages ago - you could have given their job to a half dozen motivated total newbs and get twice as much productivity within 6 months, but their management just wouldn't have it.
  7. Buuuuut does that mean Google will start monetizing Maps to include product/brand/personality placement?
  8. Yea, going beyond Ohio, I'm a fan of Toyota as well, owning a 2009 RAV4. GM does nothing for me.
  9. I sure wish they'd start making motorcycles here again. Maybe someday.
  10. The magazine is a little like Men's Health too though - self deprecating if you look for it.
  11. I'm not sure you're accurately representing the goals of the TP. Either that or your esteemed representatives aren't. I have yet to hear a single TP spokesperson state definitively where they believe government begins. To me, the constitutional fundamentalism projected by the TP sounds nice only until details are discussed.
  12. I 100% agree with magley's #62 post and find myself in a similar situation. I heard a quote this weekend, "the Democratic Party tends to disempower its leftist extreme, while the GOP empowers their far right." That matches my observation to a Tea. Then again, I'm a moderate who values compromise and progress with common causes. You know, everything an OWS and Tea Party member loathes, and for now at least, that thinking is more welcome in progressive circles than conservative ones. Will the GOP be able to change that by asserting the value of governance? One hopes, but it's not looking good so far.
  13. Agreed. PM used to be a fantastic mag, back in the 70s and 80s...
  14. I'm very interested in bringing my Nighthawk as well :-D
  15. Agreed. Mine was a disaster and have to be replaced outright, but hopefully you'll be better off.
  16. I mean at higher throttle positions, when the engine is a-drink'n. This thread has some context. If you must install an inline filter, at least make sure gravity is working for you, and you use a bigger one to keep up with 4 bowls refilling at once. The idea is not to go lean in a cylinder at high speed if the filter can't supply fuel quickly enough. Some guys experience surges and spend tons of time trying to rejet figuring out why the bike works great in lower RPMs but not at higher ones, only to remove their bling-tastic alloy filter upon the advice of other Nighthawk owners and watch the problem go away. A few unlucky ones have scorched a jug - the one furthest down the cross-fill line (cylinder #4) has been a favorite. I personally chose to order a replacement main petcock filter and gasket from Partzilla (mine was for the 700 of course). I know it's expensive - $30 - but in the grand scheme of things, I felt it was better to splurge a little on stock fixes before second-guessing Japanese engineers who did this for a living.
  17. For the fuel filter, I recommend replacing the one in the tank itself (it's tall and fits into the petcock assembly), and the screen in the petcock. Avoid an inline filter. Honda 4-cylinders can be thirsty at higher RPMs - you don't need more than two filters to block fuel flow and make carb tuning more complicated. You'd get a cruel chuckle out of how regularly guy's running problems are helped by cutting the inline filter out their buddies told them to add.
  18. Sounds awesome - looking forward to hearing more as the project progresses! I think you'll find http://www.nighthawk-forums.com invaluable for model-specific info; I do.
  19. FWIW I 100% agree with your order. I did a perfect job avoiding cosmetic work during my rebuild phase, but waited too long to replace the tires. It was easy to go from engine break-in-rides to joy rides, until I went down on a wet, silty on-ramp using those old, hard treads. I have no doubt fresh tires would have prevented my banged-up knee and a confidence set-back.
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