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Everything posted by smccrory

  1. Scott from IP called me and completely settled my concerns; far exceeding my expectations! Thanks Scott and IP, my girlfriend will be as excited for riding weather as I am. A buddy and I just may take the ARC this year too - it's really cool you're offering it since the ODPS ones fill up fast.
  2. I'm of the mindset that one should never, ever borrow money to feed a hobby. I work in the financial industry and see folks bring themselves to thin margins that way, then a surprise comes along and they don't have a few grand in savings to keep them off the ropes.
  3. On the subject, I've had an impossible time getting someone from IP to reply to emails this winter about resuming a class in the spring. My girlfriend took part of your BRC last year, enjoyed it, but she agreed with the instructor to stop during the first riding day when she was getting too frustrated to learn with the group. It was a wise decision, and she since has practiced on her own, regained confidence and is ready to return this spring. Her instructor said that IPRA has a resumption policy, but when she and I tried to secure the details with management via email, we were ignored, and that didn't help her sense of "can-do" about the situation. I hope IPRA can work something out with her - full class admission is a lot of money on her budget and may be enough to dissuade her from getting her M endorsement, but she enjoys it and I'd like to see her stay with the sport. Is there someone she could talk to directly to resume in the spring? Scott
  4. It means they hold themselves to a "higher standard" - little different from someone saying that their business is family owned or has been in business for 50 years or some such. Start another thread if you guys want to debate religion and business - this isn't the place for it.
  5. FWIW, I bought my 2013 DL650 about the same time, and $7399 would have been very competitive with everyone else in Ohio - in fact, it's exactly what I paid at a dealership closer to me. Brad's post matches my experience with 3 other dealerships to a tee - Suzuki's two end-of-year factory deals (the pannier one and the financing/cash back one), were against list price and couldn't be combined. Based on that, I don't believe CCM did a bait-and-switch at all. Todd, if you're still in the market for a '13 DL650, I'd suggest giving CCM another shot at the deal. I'm loving mine (when the temp is over 40, anyway).
  6. Might as well fire the hawks too. You know, the ones already circling Obama for wanting to weaken the NSA's surveillance program. Honestly I don't believe any of them about this topic at this point.
  7. And head gaskets are cheap to replace if you do the work yourself. If a complete noob like me can do it after a lot of watching videos and studying the shop manual, most people could.
  8. I've driven by the shop dozens of times and I didn't know a thing about them until reading this and the original revived thread. I'll stick with other shops.
  9. LOL - no, seriously you both had me laughing out loud after a tough day. Thank you!
  10. I voted Spring but I'm totally open to whenever. I'll probably be conservatively in the Medium or Medium-Slow group. This is still just my 3rd year riding.
  11. Sadly... That's my personal experience. Ah well, at least the CHL card is good for scraping frost off windshields.
  12. Agreed, the ability to take a joke in stride is refreshing!
  13. Absolutely. And focusing on the wrong factors. Body language, verbal tone and eye movement are usually far better indications of intent than the presence of a weapon.
  14. Wow, kudos to the cops for being gentle on the guy then. Apple got their money out of him, I know that. He was super cooperative and low-key, so I imagine that helped him. I work just a few blocks from Easton and go there from time to time for lunch, dinner, shopping, movies, etc. You keep your wits about you at night like anywhere, but it is absolutely not ghetto by my definition. Any place with a Tiffany, Nordstrom and a dozen high-end steakhouses and jewlery stores should fit in a different category than Northland, Eastland, Westland, City Center...
  15. redkow97, you're pissing me off - I haven't found a thing to disagree with you on this topic and I'm beginning to question my contrarian cred. Thanks, jerk.
  16. I honestly don't know how a CHL holder is supposed to stay abreast on this stuff. Leave the gat at home and you don't benefit from having it on you. Bring it along and you have to obsess over whether you can even get out of your car.
  17. Yea, I see your point and I don't know. I was at an Apple store the other night and a guy was open carrying a 1911 in a nice Galco holster. Nobody was visibly freaked out, but someone called Easton security (probably policy) and they calmly talked with the guy and convinced him to leave it in the car. He returned with his empty holster still on, which made it obvious to me he intended to make a statement from the beginning. I mean, why announce loudly to everyone that you're unarmed unless self-defense was never the primary goal? Anyway...
  18. To pick up his kid? I hate responsible parents - always making the rest of us look horrible.
  19. When did we stop using Rosie O'Donnell for that reference? At least MO has class.
  20. I've been near a school with a 2 ton SUV but never entered the school with it. I'm insulted that it didn't make the news.
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