I bet your bags look good - I'm a fan of the Cortechs. I ordered the Givi V35 side cases to give it the tightest look, and they had two in stock but they were display cases that has some dings so I ordered new ones. I originally wanted an E36/E45 combo because it's a lot less expensive and still looks great, but we couldn't find them on the web site for IP to order them. I don't remember the model I picked for the top, but it's a 45 gallon model with red reflectors that I may LED at some point. We must have spend an hour trying different case combinations - kudos to the patience and service of Marc and Sue. From the little I've ridden, you're right tpoppa, that engine sure is smooth! I spent 30 minutes in Iron Pony's parking lot getting used to the bike at very low speeds, then testing the ABS and doing firm (but low RPM) acceleration and engine deceleration runs to carve in the rings before the cylinders glaze over (some of you will scream, but that's my preferred method and it's my bike ). I was thoroughly impressed with the power of that plant, and it's pretty torquey at low speeds too - maybe a little less than the V-Star 1100 I traded, but more than my CB700SC. I'm already loving the ABS - I tend to lock up rear wheels when braking hard and this isn't going to let me (yes, except in turns). The seating position on the stock seat is quite nice, and that's with my already cramped-up back (Friday non-motorcycle related injury). The wind was a little noisy at 50 mph but no buffeting. I'm looking forward to a longer, faster ride as soon as my back relaxes. Thanks for the great advice guys - I'm in love with the bike already!