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Everything posted by smccrory

  1. Nice quad and plow! Better than my 24" thrower, though it's good enough for me. IP, there's a reason why there are so many Rubaru in the hills...
  2. smccrory

    Honda Grom

    I already have a 700, and besides, I bet you could score an even sweeter scoot on Craigslist or Mid Ohio vintage days' swap meet! :-)
  3. smccrory

    Honda Grom

    Thanks! Funny that just about every sidewalk is a parking space. I plan to get a hitch carrier for my RAV4 this spring and take it with me to various places. It's a fun little kick-around and I bet a Grom would be even more of a hoot, but for the money I'll stick with my CB for now.
  4. smccrory

    Honda Grom

    Not my style but somebody's having a blast decorating their Grom!
  5. Too bad gun rights don't help with butt hurt and a propensity for ad-hominem logical fallacies.
  6. smccrory

    Honda Grom

    I would love for Marysville to make these!
  7. smccrory

    Honda Grom

    Here's my $600 125cc "Grom":
  8. Good point, and that's an extra biggie because they're the same people who would be the first to identify and manage potentially violent mental health issues before they're acted out.
  9. Close to 80 miles yesterday - felt awesome. But yes, there was salt on the roads that my bike picked up a little of. I should go out and give it a shower in this rain and towel it off in the garage.
  10. I agree that was intriguing. I certainly wouldn't be ok with banning guns to prevent suicides, but there's a complicating reality - access to guns during self-harm or revenge impulses is a very real problem. I think there's a better middle ground where we gun owners can be more creatively holistic about the context of guns. This whole binary pro/anti thing is tiresome and neanderthalic and will just guarantee continued polarity. Articles like these may help break up the logjam, though I won't hold my breath. People on all sides gotta open their ears up first. Just my 2c.
  11. Ok I see your point. To be fair, identification and care of potentially violent mental issues can be hard as hell and that's what scares me - society's lack of wherewithal to provide that kind of attention. It's so much easier to vilify black guns. I was reminded of that again today caring for my Down's uncle who is aggressively refusing medical care meant to cure his chronic pneumonia. How many capable people hide their symptoms or refuse care only to end up in desperate, twisted head spaces without moral self-control?
  12. That's not what I meant, sorry - too hurried of word choices using my iPhone. What I meant was that the crazies let out in the 60s should have shown an increase in violence in the 70s, not the 90s and again this decade. As an aside, my feelings about psych wards are complex and too long to type at the moment. Suffice it to say that the street is no place for a functional paranoid, but neither is a dingy institution that has a hardon for haldol.
  13. Easy. I just don't grasp my gun and grit my teeth as firmly.
  14. I'm not sure it was a convenient omission - deinstitutionalism started in the 60s and should have played out sooner. What I enjoy about the article is that it's pretty much an equal opportunity piss-offer.
  15. A cynical world view shrouded in "realism" often requires ardent defense for self-validation. IP you're right, winter in Ohio sucks for motorcyclists. It exacerbates a certain unpleasant crankiness in OR members too...
  16. Very interesting challenge to the status quo, including some opinions I hold. You'll likely be offended no matter where you sit, so if you can't handle informed debate for debate's sake, hit the back button now! http://www.cracked.com/article_20396_5-mind-blowing-facts-nobody-told-you-about-guns.html/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=fanpage&utm_campaign=new+article&wa_ibsrc=fanpage
  17. 80 miles on the Strom here. Second tank produced 52 mpg; yea!
  18. C'mon man, it's cold in ohio, give us some credit! ;-)
  19. tro.aimee if this is for your magazine http://www.thunderroadsohio.com/, I think it's highly cool you're stretching out beyond the Harley market core - I think it's awesome and hope we can be of assistance! Events.... I'll probably attend the Cleveland motorcycle show in a couple weeks to tame the winter no-ride blues. There's an adventure-tourer gathering in Romney WV in May that I'm really looking forward to, and I'll attend Mountainfest in Morgantown WV if the vintage bike event returns. Speaking of, there will be another vintage Japanese motorcycle (VJMC) event this summer - last year it was in Iron Pony's parking lot, and now that my '85 CB700SC is done, I'll likely enter it in a "restored" class. And of course Vintage Days at Mid-Ohio will surely get me - I really dig old bikes and the people who keep them running. Like Helmutt, I don't do poker runs, especially if there are bars involved - I don't want to be party to another rider killing themselves and leaving family to justify more "fallen rider" poker runs, and that whole manufactured tough-guy brothers-in-arms thing doesn't appeal to me. Plus, for safety reasons I don't cosplay and say "argh" when I ride, which leaves me feeling a bit unaccepted at typical cruiser events where helmets and body armor are scarce. And any sport bike gathering which glamorizes squid-ness is off my list. For me, motorcycling is about getting out of the house and enjoying the scenery and interacting with smart people who wrench their own bikes and are always learning and sharing what they know. Events (and articles) that dig into the more zen aspects of riding appeal to me, hence my budding vintage and adventure bent.
  20. BMW's looks very interesting. Still pretty expensive when you can get a Dino-powered equivalent for half the cost, but I could totally see the point living in Mountain View zipping to work at Google. http://youtu.be/Xv3hgFTFe1o
  21. It's supposed to be in the upper 40s tomorrow - woohoo!
  22. Same sentiment here. I imagine I'll own one someday, but the prices will have to come WAY down.
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