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Everything posted by smccrory

  1. For the techies among us: http://apmblog.compuware.com/2013/10/22/diagnosing-obamacare-website-performance-issues-with-apm-tools/ and: http://investigations.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/11/01/21268571-open-source-advocates-to-government-let-us-help-you-fix-healthcaregov?lite
  2. True. Like all suspersport riders being squids :-D
  3. Something about the red, black and gold colors that look fast as hell.
  4. I watched it and it's just like the others - a picture of ruthless mob behavior fuelled by religious and sectarian ignorance, intolerance, blame and hate. Ironically hosted on a site that does its best to stir the pot in the opposite direction. The comments are just as disturbing as the video, i.e. "bomb 'em all," "kill the ragheads" and so on. Extremism begets extremism.
  5. Amen to that - I shudder even at the thought.
  6. The biggest risk, is getting stuck with a Harley for a while :-)
  7. Good points. I imagine a lot are bought and sold based on the dream or image of owning/riding one, then the realities of time, money and risk set in.
  8. Are there always so many HDs on Craigslist this time of year?
  9. Glad she's ok. Scion can make another.
  10. I for one am glad Kanye and Kim exist, and are a couple, and are in full form. They're a walking Greek Tragedy slowly unfolding on a grand stage of media and social networking. With any luck, their extreme self-absorption will implode in pyrrhic glory for all to avoid, for how they conduct their own lives. Or not, and we'll all be sucked into new levels of social horribleness.
  11. I saw a deer early in my ride yesterday as well. Made me appreciate following a car most of the way back - normally I'd want to get around 'em but I didn't mind the swath cutting.
  12. A little but it maybe depends on the class content and how many people are in it (student vs. teacher ratio). $100-120/person isn't crazy as a "hobby course" because it compares with Columbus Idea Foundry. I'd think a higher price would justified for folks wanting to make a career of it, but in my case it would just be me and my GF or a buddy wanting to progress a hobby skill.
  13. If you have more than one group, you may want to organize them based on prior experience. Those of us with minimal experience wouldn't want to hold up folks with a few years already under their belt.
  14. Ya gonna say what ya bought? Pictures?
  15. 30 miles tonight around Westerville, Sunbury, Johnstown and New Albany. Nothing to write home about - was overcast and cool with semi-winter gear but it was nice to be out.
  16. I'd be totally interested in this; my GF as well.
  17. Iron Pony is 2 miles from my house. I've been there so often, I know most of the faces and a few recognize me as well. Last spring I traded a cherry S40 for a V-Star 1100 (thanks Marc) and feel like I got a worthwhile deal since they made the process hassle-free. I could have done better on price with private sales of course, but I was willing to pay for the same-day convenience. I've also spent a few thousand on gear, parts and consumables and probably know the store as well as a short-timer employee. I usually buy there before ordering online unless I need a specialty part or the price diff is large. Many of their techs and salespeople are pretty knowledgeable to the point of one guy in the parts area (correctly) taking me out of pod'ding a CV carb - damn, I'm glad he did or I'd still be futzing with those jets. Anyway, I love their proximity, HUGE stock, closeout deals and fairly reasonable prices on new stuff, at least for a local dealer and I don't mind paying a little extra for the convenience and in-person advice. I also like the events they hold - dealer days, vintage motorcycle rally, training and so on. I do wish they'd discount their new and used bikes more, especially with regards to a trade. I almost pulled the trigger on a new V-Strom 650 last month but their end-of-season valuation of my trade was $1000 low. I don't hold it against them personally - it'll probably sit for a few months - but then again, their new Wee may instead sit there and age a model year before the spring.
  18. https://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Westerville+Road+and+Albert+Avenue+&aq=&sll=40.365277,-82.669252&sspn=7.004934,14.27124&vpsrc=6&t=h&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Westerville+Rd+%26+Albert+Ave,+Columbus,+Franklin,+Ohio+43224&ll=40.027072,-82.959652&spn=0.013753,0.027874&z=16
  19. Smash I don't think we're disagreeing - I knew I'd hold my positions for another 20 years. The point I was making is don't bail when everyone else is just because everyone else is. With passive index funds, stay the course during down times and you'll catch the gravity shot.
  20. Thankfully looks like this one's wave effect is pretty small - 1 meter at worst. But doesn't it seem like someone's trying to get their attention?
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