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Everything posted by Connie14

  1. PA roads are horrific. It isn't just a construction issue. It is a major philosophy and design issue. They (historically) don't have sufficient acceleration and deceleration lanes. They are working on improving them, but this is a major issue. Their lanes also tend to be narrow. On the freeway, this leads to people "parking in the fast lane" (driving too slow and not yielding to faster traffic.) A significant number of their bridges are designed as simple span structures, so their bridges have a number of expansion joints in each structure. This increases the number of "bumps" and potential problem locations in each structure. If their bridge were designed as multiple span structures, they would (for the most post) only expand and contact at the ends of the bridges. The bridge beams would also be more efficient (lighter weight beam carrying the same traffic loading). As far as the comments concerning capitalism and roadway warranties are concerned, every piece of material on the road is very tightly regulated by the FHWA, ODOT, and the respective City or County. There are often times that certain materials are specified, but the respective regulating authority will not listen to reason and logic as to why this is not the appropriate application. Often times, they do not want to be inconvenienced with doing the right thing. The Contractor is contractually obligated to construct as specified in the contract. The contacting authority will not hesitate to sure if things are not constructed in accordance with the contact.
  2. Connie14


    New boss, same as the old boss. Massive debts and senseless wars. Our only shot at handling our fiscal mess is to get enough independents elected to pass a balanced budget amendment. But then it would still need to be ratified by enough states.
  3. Connie14


    The country would be in better shape if Dr. Paul was in the White House.
  4. Nice write up so far. Last year a couple of buddies and I did a 4 day motorcycling camping trip. There are a number of inexpensive camping sites in the Blue Ridge Parkway. Also, some of them even sell beer. FWIW.
  5. So life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is an extreme viewpoint? They seem like inalienable rights to me. That is not an extremist view, unless your goal is to limit liberties.
  6. Connie14


    When we get more involved with Egypt and Syria, this will not be good for the US. Too bad we can't strategically launch some Tomahawk missiles to resolve their issues. It is kind of ironic that we will be going back into "nation building" with new countries. I remember all of the political rhetoric by Democrats against nation building. I think the Libertarians are onto something with their international policies. There I go again spitting an extremist view point. I must identify with the founding fathers.
  7. Connie14


    Yes. I am going to re-watch Team America.
  8. From what i have read from international news sources, Americans are supposed to be fat, lazy, and have no culture. I guess we now have culture.
  9. Did the same thing earlier this summer. That is a beautiful part of the country. If you come back through VA, watch your speed. Have fun!
  10. That is a cool bike. I have heard a lot of good things about that museum.
  11. Wow. I wonder if someone will tell HD about some other groundbreaking projects. I hear a couple of brothers named Wright are experimenting with flight.
  12. That is great. It seems like there should be thread dedicated to stupid people/things on CL.
  13. The problem is some of our population don't have a strong work ethic, and they have their head in the sand when it comes to economics. It is far more convenient to point out economic unfairness as the reason for their lack of success. They therefore believe that a strong government with a centrally planned economy would make everything economically equal. They fail to see that the majority of centrally planned economies have already failed. The remaining ones are on their way out. If we don't start getting into a more competitive economic mindset, our kids will have a lesser standard of living than our generation.
  14. I recommend that video to people all the time. It is a good resource.
  15. If you don't mind a sport-touring bike, i would like to tag along.
  16. A water cooled Harley with a chain... That is a bunch of bull...
  17. ODOT switched from perpendicular to transverse grinding a couple of years ago. It provides a quieter ride. The grinding stays in the top layer of asphalt that contains alot of fines, so there isn't supposed to be any longterm detrimental affects to the asphalt.
  18. They do the grinding to increase the friction of the pavement. It is typically performed at trouble locations that see a lot of accidents when adverse weather hits. I believe those locations listed above are known to freeze into sheets of ice prior to most locations. That is the same reason that bridge decks and approach slabs have the concrete grooved.
  19. Did you hear that? It is our founding fathers rolling in their grave. As stated above, it is a major problem with both major parties. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? That was so 200 years ago.
  20. I saw a presentation that talked about these intersections at an engineering seminar. They are supposed to be the real deal. I remember when they were installing the Sawmill Road interchange. There was some public scrutiny, but it has worked out pretty well. The single point urban interchange and the diverging diamond interchange are far more efficient in heavy traffic volumes than the old clover leaf designs. I am sure you will be entertained until the traveling public gets used to it.
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