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Everything posted by Cordell

  1. What I can do is have my wife do stuff like that.
  2. I look forward to coming out and seeing all the happy people.
  3. Some of the best advice in this thread, there is a reason tire rack shaves tires to match existing tires. You need your car checked out, 4 new tires, and an alignment.
  4. I now for a fact that different size tires on a Subaru will hurt the drivetrain, supposed to be with 3/32nds iirc. I would expect an AWD german car to be the same. Might want to find a Vag tech and ask him.
  5. Cordell


    Okay so dumb question, if the one you've been using is great why not try harder to keep using it? Mount it lower to a different spot, or make a short pedestal for the new TV? I wood think that a couple peices of wood with routed edges, and some stain or black paint would make a not so noticable riser for the new TV.
  6. Cordell


    Any of the sound bars I've looked at were meant to be better speakers then what came in the TV and hence hook up to be full range, and not with simple speaker wire. I bought a nice bar and sub from Boston Acustics that works well since I have no room for a decent surrond system in my living room. I don't know how I'd hook it up to be a center channel.
  7. It's because someone posted noisey shit in chatbox, I deleted it.
  8. WTF? Where did that shit come from?
  9. Have a holiday party early, so no food, but Katelyn and I will come up if you open.
  10. Cordell

    Dem Z06s

    I thought the one I saw in person (it was black and looked like a Batmobile) and it looked awesome. I like the wing a lot, and the wheels look better in person. The pictures are just meh, I'd run the piss out of it and enjoy pissing people off.
  11. My stuff isn't on fire, I don't need them, fuck firetrucks.
  12. I'd be happy they are there, hopefully they are detering any potential criminals. Sounds annoying, but better then the opposite.
  13. Well thats what its supposed to be, unless the house is over 25 years old (before inspections) or some dumbass has been working on it. I will admit there is the possibility to have a white used as a switch loop, where you might have a white connected to a switch or 2 whites on a light fixture, that could happen and be pefectly legal.
  14. Check for GFCIs, not sure the age of your home, but lights and especially a bath fan should not be on a GFCI or you'll get nusance tripping. My parents house has the garage door opener on a GFCI circuit (very lazy electrician) and it'll trip from time to time, motors can have that effect. Anyway, you may want to cycle all your breakers, some get older and don't always look tripped, so it's easy to think it's still on. After the basics something has got to be causing a break in the circuit, this just takes some detective work looking for a broken component or connection. The only thing to remember is white is negative, bare is ground (green is ground but not usually used in a house), and anything else is going to be hot or a switched hot. If you can handle DC you can handle AC, just don't touch anything that you aren't positive is off, 120 stings a little.
  15. The intake gaskets sucking some air until it starts to get warm will cause that, don't really see it on a 3800s as that's more common on trucks. Does it crank normal?
  16. Must still be a little salty about the TBSS, they aren't all junk.
  17. Cordell


    I'm sure he felt good just to have something to say to me, poor guy has more problems then I do. Curious if he'll even post again for a while, was this thread a fluke?
  18. Nice way to look at it, and I have to agree with your list. I'm not a fan of 4 cylinder performance so I'm really not up on what a good engine would be. I think for reliability Miata 1.6 and 1.8s run forever even when raced or even with moderate boost to the tune of 200wheel. Surprised no one mentioned the SR20 I thought those where supposed to be good?
  19. Cordell


    How's that? 3 of the cars are paid for, and my wife I have good jobs. Where are you working at nowadays?
  20. Cordell


    Really? No I don't, please enlighten me, like anyone is supposed to believe that worthless fuck or the dumb bitch he was with at the time, they were just mad that I used them to earn some cash between jobs and walked out. Gearhead fucker doesn't know how to take someone treating him the way he treats people. So is that the best you got buddy? How's your wife and kids? Did you get past all your rough patches and random sex with others? Did you finally get back on CR because you finally thought up some comebacks for me?
  21. Cordell


    Hood rich is not having one's own house, 4 cars, a job, and paying one's bills.
  22. Cordell


    Is that supposed to bother me? and my drunken idiocy, wrestling with you, is supposed to bother me? I'm sorry my race car is paid for, and I have a truck to drive everyday. I'm also sorry my wife doesn't cheat on me and helps me out in life, and my kids are mine. You are about a worthless fuck.
  23. Cordell


    I remeber some broke dick with a family who's only car was a broke dick race car, that wasn't even fast. Do the word "hood rich" ring a bell ?
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