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Everything posted by Cordell

  1. Sounds like a poor connection somewhere. I’d be checking for any dark (ie blackened) terminals, especially where it goes through the top of the sending unit. Usually something like that will just be loose, not necessarily falling apart.
  2. Toyota makes 4 cars that all driven by the most non car people ever, the Corolla, the Prius, the Rav4, and the Camry. I’m not talking about when one of you fuckers buys a used car for transportation, I’m referring to the small dog owning, goodie two shoes, yuppie mother fuckers who go down to their local Toyota dealership for their new beige appliances. That being said, a performance version is fucking gay and a complete waste. This is just another excuse for my fucking in-laws, who previously bragged about a Corolla S, to buy something and try to brag to me about it. Fuck this car:
  3. Cordell

    2007 Cobalt

    You think that looks bad, that whole interior was black when I got it. I’d need to use an extractor to do better. The basic shit only got it so clean.
  4. Cordell

    2007 Cobalt

    Nobody needs reliable transportation? I suppose the GM ignition debacle doesn't help people's interest in this as a beater car. BTW all the recalls are done.
  5. This what usually happens to things. It’s a great idea, people don’t show up to the first one, people give up, and in less then 6 months it’s gone. My car was not ready for the first one, a month later when it was ready Anthony was in the hospital and Wagner got busy with work. I’m not blaming anyone because shit happens, but I don’t think it had a chance. On a side note this is why I’m so happy to see what has happened to Cars & Coffee. When it started there were maybe a half dozen of us that went regularly, but here it is many years later and it has become something that happens every week regardless because it kept getting pushed along until it basically runs itself with so many people knowing about it. Amazing how there were times 3-4 of us would show up, to now there are times that whole parking lot is full.
  6. Cordell

    2007 Cobalt

    2007 cobalt, 4 door, automatic, 173k miles. Bought this to fix up for my daughter to drive for her first car, we just don’t need it anymore. At the beginning of 2018 I installed a new cylinder head, timing chains, water pump, new exhaust, all brakes, replaced rusted fuel lines, and generally made sure it’s safe and reliable transportation. Air conditioning works, heat works. All the things that typically fail on Cobalts has been fixed, and all recalls done. It is a beater, cosmetically isn’t much to look at, but nothing is rusted out and the vehicle drives well. I wouldn’t hesitate to let my daughter keep driving it, but we gave her my wife's car. I have it listed on Facebook for $2k. My bottom dollar is $1500 for CR. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=1029&pictureid=9447 http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=1029&pictureid=9445 http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=1029&pictureid=9446 http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=1029&pictureid=9448 http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=1029&pictureid=9449 http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=1029&pictureid=9450 http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=1029&pictureid=9451
  7. No they are not, each type of refrigerant has its own fittings. I think R22 on a house uses the same fittings, not positive. I have a set of gauges that should work if so, but honestly I have no experience working with R12.
  8. This stuff sounds like a horrible idea. R134a is not flammable and R1234yf is considered flammable though supposed to be hard to ignite. The disclaimer says flammable around open flame for this stuff, I bet it has more propane in it. I wish I was more educated on this stuff, but if it was so great it should be easier to find out about. Besides once you put some of that shit in your system it’ll be considered contaminated and good luck getting it serviced by a shop.
  9. Funny thing is the new 2.0L turbos require premium fuel, and seeing as how the 1.5L (same engine design) is cracking pistons I'd probably run away from used ones.
  10. It’s a shame, but she was a grown woman who chose to get in and fuckin send it. I saw a quote where someone called her crazy and see said thanks. I don’t feel bad for her, I’m glad she died doing what she wanted to do. If I climb into some death trap and decide to fucking send it, then don’t feel bad for me either because I wanted to do it. I hope she rests in piece.
  11. Also keep in mind there has been a second generation of this engine out for a couple years, so I’ll assume you are referring to the older one. Haven’t seen anything major so far on the new one. Easy to tell, second gen has AFM.
  12. Yeah that’s pretty much it. I’d suggest having it checked over, there are worthwhile ones out there if that’s the route they’ve chosen but very easy to find something that nobody wanted to maintain and could prove problematic.
  13. Sounds like a clutch related problem to me, or perhaps a pilot. Sounds like the input shaft is getting spun by the engine and not allowing the syncros to work, that’s typically why when the output shaft is spinning (ie truck moving) the syncros can do something. If it a acts up try shifting it into gear with the engine off, if it shifts then it’s almost certainly the clutch or related to the clutch.
  14. Fuck that. Just sell it to CVS or Walgreens so they can build a warehouse for pills, sell off another section to whoever makes narcan. Then at least people can save on shipping.
  15. Not a project for me, but I've got a soft spot for old Jeeps. Someone should want that, not sure of the market but it would be a great project for someone. Those things are so simple anyone can learn to work on it.
  16. I enjoy watching football, but I wouldn’t consider myself a big fan as I certainly don’t watch regularly. I think you’re not human if you’re not a little conflicted by it, it’s a cool sport and it’s awesome to watch the great players, it’s also very damaging to those players. My personal opinion is that it should be the individual’s right to decide to play or not, and nobody else’s. Sorry to see him go, pretty lame to make that decision now, but it is what it is.
  17. Cordell

    Dear CR

    I’d rather not do anything and see if he posts again :dumb:
  18. Coming from me yes I know. I also am not doing the same shit I was. I also never reported posts because someone didn’t like me.
  19. Cordell

    Dear CR

    And here’s what I got in return. are you fucking serious and if so please ban me forever, as I don’t give a fuck what he thinks. You guys have at it on your car forum that shithead has turned into his personal liberal sounding board. I can do you all a favor and let him run your car forum for you. One favor to ask is how to sign out of the board permanently, that will fix your problems, or do me a favor and permanently ban me. Thanks So ummm...ok then. All I asked was to try not to give him more reasons to bother the admin of this site. Thanks Obama.
  20. 2008-9 CR either, but he may understand why we don’t react the way he wants us to.
  21. The rules have always been relaxed on this site. If they were strictly enforced it would strangle the atmosphere. Everything is done on a case by case basis, and the administrators on this site back each other up when someone feels things need addressed, of course if one of us is overstepping we talk about it too. That being said Joe was the only one who thought your reported post deserved a response. I felt like it was more like a kid whining that he got called a name. Most of us will not respond to things like that. That falls into the gray area I don’t think CR needs to moderate. Real threats, threatening language, being racist, ect will and have been taken seriously.
  22. I’m not claiming to be a tech either, too many arguments from “real technicians” for me.
  23. It was a joke, I think we should send them back. I’m not a socialist, I’m a deplorable.
  24. How about we put all the immigrants there in free housing?
  25. Mis-torqued wheels will definitely cause warped rotors. Over torqued lugs could potentially break wheel studs, although that should happen before it's driven on, they usually snap off from being loose and driven down the road. Now if a wheel bearing wears out very quickly from either of these situations, either it was worn already, or a shitty design. Are you saying Ford has a shitty design? If so that makes sense to me.
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