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Everything posted by DerekClouser

  1. Thank you everyone who came out and enjoyed the beautiful weather today! We couldn't have asked for a better turnout of guys/gals!! I hope everyone had a great time and enjoyed the route. The food was a nice added touch as people were able to hang out a bit longer and eat and chat with each other, rather than separating off and heading towards home to eat with their respective regional groups. It was awesome to see some new faces as well as being able to reconnect with a lot of the regulars! That is exactly what makes the extra work in organizing this event all worth the while!! Nivin - Nice getting to see you again and I'm glad you were able to come out and hang for the beginning. I am proud to continue a 'dream ride' that you originally started. Remember the important things in life Nivin... your family and your friends and your passions. Don't live to work, work to live!!! I wanna see you out more for the rides! Whaler - Thank you for getting your wife and son to come help bring the grill and prepare all the food for us when we arrived. They cooked everything perfect and at a perfect time!!! Ricer1 - Thank you for the initial donation to purchase the food for the event. Also to anyone else who donated to help circumvent the remaining costs that was not covered initially!! All the leads/sweeps - Fantastic job! We had no incidents (not counting @Hellmutt's fall over) - This starts with you guys/gals! You set a safe but fun pace for all and everyone put their egos aside and rode a safe ride. Dizzledan and Idiot - Thank you for the photography! The event is such a blast and it's nice to have some guys out there capturing it for all to reminisce over the dreadful winter! Thank you to anyone who donated to the church! We were able to gather $90.00 donation to give to them for allowing us dangerous bikers to get together on their lot. I'll arrange on how to get it to them as there was no-one available before I left. I apologize if I left anyone out, my brain is still full of adrenaline from the awesome ride!! Two more things - I don't want to drag this awesome day with anything negative, but I want to remind everyone that attends this event and most OhioRiders formed rides, safety is a number 1 priority!! We had a few guys doing wheelies within the groups and that's not something we can tolerate. It puts too many other people at risk and no one wants to go down because of another rider's error. This type of ride has enough built in risks that we don't want to add any unnecessary ones. If you are bringing people that don't belong to the forum or you yourself are new to these types of rides, please be aware/inform them of the mannerisms they need to maintain during the ride. There's a time and place for that kind of stuff and I ask that we just keep that in mind. The parties were all spoken too on this type of behavior and they've apologized and promised it would never happen again, but I wanted to get it out in the open for everyone to understand. The next posts I'm going to post will blow up with pictures/videos. My photography skills are still a work in progress so I apologize that all the photos aren't as crisp as I would have liked. Anyone who took pictures or videos, please feel free to post them in here for everyone to view!! THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO ATTENDED. YOU TRULY MADE THIS AN EPIC RIDE AND I LOOK FORWARD TO RIDING WITH ANY OF YOU THIS SEASON!!
  2. Only reason I like Spring better is we have a full winter to prepare, schedule, etc. and then introduce everyone together towards the beginning of the year. New friendships and riding buddies can be made and utilized through the rest of the season. Just sucks we can't seem to get it right with weather recently.
  3. Play it by ear... If there is space, we will use it, if not, we will find room.
  4. FYI: Ride has been postponed to Sunday May 22, 2016.
  5. Ride has been postponed to Sunday May 22, 2016 Please see the unOFFICIAL posts if you need more details.
  6. If you organized a regional group meet to head to the meet place, please update your group posts @snot @Hellmutt @TimTheAzn @Heagachongoose
  7. I've talked with several people about the decision. I think it's in the best interest as a whole to postpone the ride until Sunday. To anyone who is unable to make it Sunday and want to bear the weather tomorrow, I encourage you guys to post up and maybe a group of you can still meet up and ride. Hopefully to the rest, I look forward to seeing you guys on Sunday. It has a chance of rain Sunday afternoon, but Saturday night and Sunday morning are clear and the roads will be dry and we can have a great ride!! Look forward to seeing you gentleman (and ladies) on Sunday!! Sorry to any who maybe inconvenienced by this. Please post up if you still plan on attending on Sunday as I am still arranging a grille and food, etc.
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