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Everything posted by DerekClouser

  1. I'm kind of in agreement with you guys so far. Final decision will be made later tonight around 7ish. Just so everyone is prepared, I'm leaning more towards Sunday at this current point.
  2. Weather isn't looking promising for tomorrow. Opinions from the group?
  3. So I just received the tanklock bag from Givi. First note is that it doesn't come with the mounting flange so you need to purchase that separately. Just a warning!
  4. I'm serious. I ordered and paid for the item at around noon on Friday. The item wasn't received at the post office until 7pm on Monday. My point of the matter is dude ordered on Monday and RECEIVED his item 24 hours later. The most upsetting part of the whole process was when I messaged you on Monday morning you said the item had been shipped earlier in the morning. Creating a shipping label doesn't mean the item is shipped. Edit: I ordered a tailbag off a guy on Ebay - He lives in Florida - I purchased this AFTER I made the tank bag purchase from RD. I've already received the tailbag.
  5. Sure wish he was as quick to ship something I purchased from him. I purchased a tank bag from him early on Friday and it didn't ship until late Monday night. Says I won't receive it until tomorrow. Kind of disappointed to be honest.
  6. Last I heard was that if you bring a whole bunch of ones and change for the purchase, you can probably get a discount cause he struggles at math.
  7. Weather looks more promising. The rain has moved into the night on Friday. I'm hoping it moves just a bit more to ensure we don't have early morning rain, but looking much better!
  8. Appreciate that but I don't need them. I use a battery eliminator kit with a 15000 mAh external battery.
  9. I literally just bought that exact same setup. 3 batteries with triple charger... How much you want for em?
  10. I was speaking to the fact that ducati leaves him stranded more than the japanese counterparts
  11. Also understand that IP rides a Ducati so he needs the best roadside assistance that can be offered!
  12. I'd check the coverages because when Pauly ran into the issue with his supersport failing, he had to get it towed. I believe he was using riders insurance with roadside assistance but they literally only covered like 10 miles. He ended up using someone elses AAA card and got him much further. Just pay attention to what the roadside assistance is because that's important.
  13. I don't like the thumbscrew facing inward on his chest. Something happens where you go down, that thumb screw is gonna hurt. I have a ton of allen keyed bolts that don't extrude much more than the head of the bolt. Much nicer, but not as convenient if you want to adjust, so I leave one thumbscrew in for the main adjustment and the rest I set before and don't ever really touch.
  14. Verified with the church this morning and they are okay with us to be there. They have an event in the morning and they just asked that we try and keep the noise levels down in the parking lot in respect of the seminar. So no rev bombing, etc. We will have a collection plate/box for anyone that wants to donate a little bit of money to the church for letting us use their property as a meeting place. This would be a nice gesture to the church for them being so flexible in allowing us to use their location as a meet spot. Maybe we can even let the hate parade hand over the donation. That would be irony at it's finest.
  15. Rain forecast earlier in the week said rain saturday/sunday, now it's friday/saturday. Looks like it's moving towards earlier in the week. Hopefully the trend keeps continuing and we have a dry day!
  16. Welcome to the forums! IF you enjoy riding the twisty roads and meeting up with some of the members from the forum, the Epic Ride this weekend would be a great starting place. If weather holds, we should have close to 50 bikes. Check out the Rides and Events and you'll find the actual Epic Ride thread and some regional meetups to head down to the actual event. Send me a message if you have any questions.
  17. I've recently picked up AMSoil chain lube and gave it the ole' college try. It actually works really well. I did a thorough cleaning of the chain using a chain degreaser (other option I use is kerosene) and let it dry. Then I used the AMSoil chain lube and it set up really quick. I only had an hour for it to set and I took off riding. I had a nice ride and had no sling whatsoever. I can't speak on if it picks up dirt from the road or not as I haven't had an extended period to check it out but so far I'm really impressed.
  18. Might have to do a ThrottleLockTV video for this place. Thanks for the recommendation!
  19. Weather looks like it might be improving. rain moving more into Friday. Hopefully the trend keeps happening. I want a nice WARM CLEAR DAY FOR ONCE!!!
  20. Temps look good. Hoping the rain forecast disappears.
  21. This thread cost me 100 bones cause I bought one. I'll give a full review once I receive it and have a chance to try it out.
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