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Everything posted by DerekClouser

  1. I am in for April 23rd. I'll be coming with whaler most likely.
  2. I'm thinking whaler is correct in the meet spot. Wooster is a perfect meet spot. It's right where the decent roads start to pick up. Plus it's a perfect distance from Wooster to New Concord to make in one go. That's my recommendation. Clevelanders can still meet in Lodi if they want. Would be about 8:30 kickstands up from Wooster.
  3. Do you normally work the weekend before Memorial Day Weekend? That could be the common denominator
  4. RAIN TOMORROW HAS POSTPONED THE EVENT UNTIL SUNDAY, MAY 22, 2016 Date: SATURDAY - May 21, 2016 All details are subject to change - so please follow up to this thread before the event to verify all details are the same! There will only be ONE Epic Ride event this year! The route and meet place will be the same as last year since it rained both times and the attendance was way down, I want the event to get to have a chance to ride this route with a decent showing. I feel next year (2017) we will return to Hocking Hills. Meet Place: Church of Christ, New Concord OH Maple Ln, New Concord OH Church of Christ parking lot, New Concord OH Time: Meet by 10:30 Start organizing group by 11:00 and kick stand to ride by 11:30 Route: https://goo.gl/maps/so6Hh Request: Be ATGATT if possible, and try and sport an OR t shirt if you have one. T-Shirts https://teespring.com/unofficial-epic-ride2016 Facebook Event has been created for this event if you want to utilize that also. http://www.facebook.com/events/990247394386889/ After the ride is complete, weather permitting, we will be grilling hotdogs & hamburgers, providing chips, drinks, etc for everyone to enjoy together afterwards before people start heading back. Special thanks to ricer1 for the donation to allow this to happen. Please make sure you thank him if you see him. Some etiquette to help us all better as suggested by many riders: Everyone is responsible for themselves, so ride within your limits. Crashing is not something we want to have happen. Ride within your limits and stay safe. Our goal is to have a fun safe day of riding with a bunch who share the same passion. Crashing only ruins that fun, not only for you, but for others as well. Food will be provided at the end of the ride. Ideal maximum group size is ten riders with a lead rider and a tail (sweep) rider. These two riders should be interchangeable in skill level so that the sweep rider can evaluate and help the riders in front of them: These two riders need to know the count of how many riders are in their group. The lead rider needs to wait at all stops for the sweep rider to give him a thumbs up. At each stop the leader or sweep rider can switch or at their discretion ask and allow a new formation of the line. Do not allow passing other riders in same group once the ride has started except at starts. Passing slow moving vehicles may be needed for the faster group; when doing this each rider makes times and judges it for themselves. Don't wait for the group to pass as a whole. At times, riders might have to cross a double yellow to pass. Group leaders and sweeps should know the route well and if possible have ridden it prior to event. Do not allow changes of groups at stops (Unless both ride leaders of both groups are aware of the change and it does not raise the group count to over ten riders. If a rider has to leave a group early, please make sure they tell someone in the group. Do not pass other riders within a group, except at stops or if the rider in front waves you passed. Try and avoid 'pushing' a rider in front of you (this means to give the people in front of you space so they don't feel pressured to go faster than they are comfortable). If you picked the wrong spot in line of your group ask to change positions at stops or if a rider signals you to pass. Start the ride with a full tank of gas. Many folks are planning to grab a bite at the end of the ride, those with time should do it as it will be fun. The unfortunate long haulers will start back to get home before dark. Video from Previous Years: The Groups Always start one group below what you feel you ride. Meaning if you think your fast, start with medium fast group and if you are comfortable move to the fast group during gas break after letting the lead and sweep know. Better to be safe than sorry. Remember we might be riding roads very new to you. Fast: Usually 70mph on the straight and 25-30 mph over the posted limit of curve. The people who belong to the group know they belong to this group, they dont think they belong here.Dont jump in here unless you been riding with such fellows for some time. eg: UP, Midgettodd, Hutch, Core rides Medium-Fast: 65-70mph on the straight and 20-25 over the posted limit of curve. This is the usual fast rides some group rides do, still rather fast• Jump in here if you been riding for a while and is comfortable at these paces on most roads Medium: 65 mph on the straight and 15-20 over the posted limit of curve. This is the everyday regular group rides pace,Jump in here if you been riding for a while and is comfortable at these paces on most roads Slow: 60 mph or around posted limit on the straight and up to 10 over the posted limit of curve. This is the a very comfortable yet fun group ride. Jump in here if you like doing friendly fun rides and also new riders must join here. If you could please announce if you plan to attend and which group so I can keep an ongoing list. If you plan on bringing someone else from outside of the forums, or those who don't post, please add a +1 for each member, so we can kind of figure out how many groups we will need to plan for. Also post if you are willing to sweep or lead so we can get a list for that as well. RSVP LIST Tonik TimtheAzn Snot Hellmutt wojo72 connie14 Isaac's Papa what jacobhawkins bmwnut Max Power Wolfman1 DerekClouser whaler jschaf B-Mac heagacongoose DAC Al Z Heimer Shoop mojocho Anden 330racing?? trentwilson43056 ninjachk08 (+1) Scorpion-Ninja GeoMotoVlogger Dubie Durk theroamr jdonn shadyone? Howabusa BrayanRdgz7 o-no-moto Disclaimer: The following words "Ohio Epic Ride" refers to this specific ride. By attending the "Ohio Epic Ride", you agree to the following; You acknowledge that you understand that motorcycle riding and touring is hazardous and may result in serious injury or death. You understand that this activity in which you are voluntarily participating has inherent risks (including death, loss of limb and permanent disability, and damage to or loss of property) that you assume. You certify that you are duly licensed and competent to operate a motorcycle in a safe manner, and the vehicle you will be operating during the ride is in safe and legal operating condition. You are solely responsible to determine the speed and operational characteristics of your motorcycle and your ability as a motorcycle operator while participating in the ride. You hereby agree to expressly and voluntarily accept and assume all risks involved in operating a motorcycle or participating as a motorcycle passenger while participating in the ride. You hereby covenant, as a motorcycle operator or motorcycle passenger, not to sue Ohio Epic Ride, their organizers, agents, employees, officers, directors, managers and representatives for any and all loss or damage including property damage or loss, personal injury, permanent disability and/or death, arising out of your participation in this activity (including but not limited to riding, touring, transportation to and from the activity, and at all lodging and stops). "Ohio Epic Ride" makes no warranty regarding conditions, safety of roadways, weather, lodging or stops, and the rider to assume all risk that the conditions, safety of roadways, weather, lodging or stops are other than what is expected. You understand and agree that "Ohio Epic Ride" is acting as my agent only to provide guidance as to routes, and I hereby release and hold harmless "Ohio Epic Ride", its organizers, agents, assigns and heirs against any and all claims, causes of action, or any other liability of any kind arising from my operation of a motorcycle, or as a motorcycle passenger during my activity of motorcycle riding.
  5. Brecksville Reservation is always a good spot for a mini ride/meet&greet. That area can be fun (provided it isn't riddled by gravel like it can be at times)
  6. Still undecided on whether riding or trailering - Most likely riding.
  7. Definitely recommend the NoMar system. I as well picked it up at the Motorcycle show. Came with all the accessories + the gravity balancer. While I spent extra for the NoMar over other brands, I have confidence in the fact it won't damage my tires and even more importantly, I have confidence to change others and help recoup some of the cost. Definitely a good setup. .
  8. I'll be honest, there's never a good time to crash, but at least it was going into winter. You'll get a new bike at a good price and you won't miss any riding time. Glad you're okay.
  9. Well done Nivin. The Ninja was way too much bike for you and you were honestly scared of it. That's no way to ride. Perfect new bike for you and I hope to see you in your comfort zone again. Look forward to riding with you in the near future.
  10. Man them intersections are terrible for motorcyclists. This is why I rarely commute on my bike. Rather put all my riding into long 500+ mile days. Hope you fully recover man and hope to hear of you riding again.
  11. Just be careful when trying on helmets at a location and then purchasing from another location. I've heard many stories of guys who tried a helmet on at the store and ordered exact same helmet online and it didn't fit the same. Not that you shouldn't get the best price for yourself, just be wary that it may not fit exactly the same as one you tried on in a store location.
  12. Just a short little video I put together for the ride. Enjoy.
  13. Sorry I didn't respond to the thread right away. Didn't get back home until about 9:30pm and was exhausted then had to travel for work so needed to pack and fell asleep. Yesterday was a travel day and didn't get an opportunity to post. First and foremost, I want to thank everyone who helps me get this entire event put together each year and even more taxing trying to do it 2 times a year. This event we had 10 bikes show up. Far from the amount it originally looked to have, but because of the weather and rescheduling, I knew we would have a huge amount of fall off. Tonik - Thank you for organizing your hate parade for those who didn't want to take the scenic route down. The donuts were good and the church appreciated your donation! V3DT - Didn't really get to talk to you too much, but I heard you rode the hell outta that bike. Awesome for you! Just be careful out there and don't get over your head. It can happen quickly! Also, work on getting some more protective gear. While you were covered, the stuff you had on won't give you too much abrasion/impact protection. If money is tight, look for the gearless rider thread. I'm sure there's some things in there that will help you get more protected! Shoop - Nice meeting you! Thanks for coming to the ride! DAC - Nice seeing you again after Indy. Glad you were able to make it and hope you had a great time! Kruse08 - The look on your face in Wooster made my entire day. I love riding to the max and the grin on your face mixed with your passion for riding, reminds me of when I started hitting the twisties as well! Trust me, it only gets better! Rslocum - All I can say is you are a hell of a rider and that bike might be the sexiest bike I've ever laid my eyes upon. I hope the chub in my pants wasn't too apparent from staring at that bike. Hope the pace was good for you! BMWnut - Apologies, I really didn't get to talk to you much besides at the gas station in New Concord, but thank you for coming down and hope the ride was enjoyable! Look forward to seeing you at future events! NinjaDoc - It's hard to put into words the appreciation I have for you. You are such an amazing person for all that you do for the OhioRiders community. Thank you for the t-shirt. It truly means a lot! Travelling all the way from Youngstown, unable to ride the ride, but coming because you know the hard work it takes to put on an event and saw the dramatic decrease in people, and you rode just to add a person the list of attendees. That shows your true personality. Whaler - Thanks man for all that you do behind the scenes that no-one really knows about. All the questions or thoughts I have on the ride, I always run passed you because I trust your opinions and you always have a good way of putting perspective on things that I may not see. You're always are willing to sweep for me and I know I can trust you'll do it well. Thanks for all that you do that no-one knows about! Ricer1 - I modified the plans on the food situation a bit because I knew attendance was going to be way down and didn't want to over purchase too much food. We all sat down to eat and your donation covered a good percentage of the bill. Thank you very much for the donation towards food! Gave us all an opportunity to sit down together and conversate and joke. That may not have been possible without you. Hellmutt/Snot - Thanks as always for helping organize the Dayton area. I'm sorry you weren't able to attend because of the rain date. You go out of your way to try and accommodate the date selected so that you can attend and it means a lot towards the success of the event. I know there are some others that also helped with the event and I thank you. Apologies to anyone I may have missed in this post. This was the first time I was able to ride this specific route. I think the route had several positives. It's got enough corners to keep most everyone entertained, but also gives an opportunity for everyone to attend and have fun. I think the route is tame enough to bring in all types of bikes and types of riders and won't put too many riders in over their head. The roads were clean for the most part and very few blind or unmarked corners that could catch a novice rider. Everyone rode the ride safely and I didn't hear of any close calls. That in itself makes for a successful ride. Hopefully everyone had a great time and I look forward to seeing you all at future rides. Here are 2 photos I took on my phone when we sat down to eat: And the video I put together of the ride will be posted later today (hopefully) - I've got quite a bit of editing to do.
  14. I stopped and said hi in Otsego. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. See whoever in the morning at 730am Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Of course. If for some reason not, we'll find a suitable group.
  17. Can I get an update to who to look for in Lodi? I know myself, whaler, and wolfman1
  18. Just out of curiousity, any specific reason you doing your own ride instead of the epic one?? Just curious. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Ok sounds good. Take the advice from these 2 and dress appropriately for the cooler conditions. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Rain? Cold? Wet roads? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. I'm sorry you 2! You guys made it the hardest to postpone cause I knew you guys couldn't make it tomorrow... Hopefully you guys can find some time to ride today.
  22. There is a dollar general next door. If we have to we can move there also. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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